Part Fourty-Six: Lessons

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Gwen, the next day chose to help Miyagi-Do clean up the mess Cobra Kai made, and go back to Cobra Kai in the process. Johnny said that he would figure out who did it.

Gwen started out the day being at Cobra Kai. She was going to help in the afternoon.

She stood at the front beside Kreese while the rest Cobra Kais were doing burpees. She didn't have to because Johnny knew that she wouldn't of been pissed when she walked in the day before. "This all could be over in an instant!" Johnny yelled, walking among the crowd. "The decision's yours! Who trashed the Miyagi dojo!?!"

"Y'all know I'm no fan of LaRusso's, but that sort of bullshit we don't teach in here, am I correct, Ms. LaRusso," he asked her, making his way in front.

"Yes, Sensei."

"At least not anymore."

He looked at Kreese. "So, I'm gonna ask you again. Who trashed Miyagi-Do?!"

Chubs stood up. "It was not me. I  would never disrespect another man's dojo--" Chubs said, sweating and wheezing from the push-ups. "Shut your cakehole, Chubs!" Johnny yelled.

"I'm not looking for excuses. I'm looking for answers!"

"Sensei, we really don't know who did it!" Miguel said. "Somebody knows something. The really question is...Who's going to crack," Gwen said, glaring at Hawk. Johnny's phone began ringing. "Keep going! We could do this all day!"

He went back to the phone.

"Sensei, we need a water break," Mitch asked. Gwen looked at all the gasping-for-air students.

"Two minute break!" Kreese yelled and everyone gasped in relievance. Gwen walked with Miguel to his bag, looking around the dojo for answers. After a few seconds, there was a slight hint of fear in her eyes.

"What if we never find the Medal of Honor? What if we never find to who did it," she told Miguel. "Babe, don't worry. We'll figure out who did and find the Medal of Honor, I promise," Miguel said, giving her a peck on lips.

She took a deep breath in and a deep breath out. She nodded her head. "Ms. LaRusso, come here a second!" Kreese instructed.


She walked towards him. "You are gonna participate."

"What, why? I didn't do anything!"

"Yes, but in Cobra Kai, when somebody strikes, everyone strikes. You're just as guilty as they are. Do you understand?"

"Yes," she glumly said. "Yes, who?"

"Yes, Mr. Kreese."

Gwen was doing the battle rope along with Aisha, Tory, Chubs, and Miguel

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Gwen was doing the battle rope along with Aisha, Tory, Chubs, and Miguel.

Gwen, even though she already started, she was panting. "Keep going!" Kreese instructed. "We have all day!"

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