Part Twenty-Seven: And the Winner is...

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Gwen wasn't ready for this fight. So, she walked out into the hall, filling up her water bottle. She was startled when Miguel came up behind her and hugged her.

"Hey," she peeped out. "So, its you and me in the finals," Miguel said. "Mig, I wanna thank you for not fighting aggresive," she said. "Yeah, your welcome. I knew that you were pissed at me and I felt that if I didn't do it, you'd break up with me. I don't want that," he said.

"ALL FINALISTS, REPORT TO THE MAT IN THREE MINUTES," Daryl called. "OK, I'll see you out there," Gwen said. "Yeah, I'll see you too."

She walked to the mat with only 30 seconds to spare. "Finalists, on the mat," Daryl said. and behind her, Mason, Maggie and Peter were behind her with Johnny on the end of the mat with Miguel.

"There can be only one, true winner," Daryl said. "Will it be Miguel Diaz of Cobra Kai," he said, looking back at Miguel, "Or will it be Gwendolyn LaRusso, daughter of the former champ, Daniel LaRusso, of Cobra Kai" he said, pointing to her.

"Fighters, to your positions," the ref called out. Gwen did her handshake with her friends. She looked to Miguel, who was freaking out. "What's wrong?" Johnny asked him.

"Y'know, I'm not too thrilled to be fighting my girlfriend," Miguel whined.

"Finalists, to your positions," the ref repeated and Miguel walked, hesitantly. "Hey, don't hold back," Gwen reminded. "Ready?" The ref asked.

"And... fight!"

Gwen immediantly resorted to heel kicks, which Miguel blocked away from. She aimed for his chest, but he took the chance to punch her chest.

She felt a sharp pain where Miguel had punch. She hit the floor and got up. "Point, Diaz! 1-0."

He really isn't holding back. Neither should I.

"Ready? Fight!"

Gwen waited for him to attack. He began to throw punches. She blocked them for a counter. she hit his hand back, leaving his chest defenceless.

She did a flying heel kick to his chest, sending him back. "Point, LaRusso! 1-1!"

She helped Miguel up. She got to her position. "Ready, Fight!"

"Point, Diaz! 2-2!"

Gwen grunted in frustration. She looked at her dad, sitting beside Robby and the rest of her family. He took a deep breath in, showing that that was what he wanted her to do.

She stood on her knees and did that.

Breathe in, breath out, breath through.

She stood up. "Ready and... Fight!"

Gwen and Miguel immediantly started going at each other. "Aits!" The two of them shouted. She tried punching Miguel but he pushed it away.

Now it was his turn to fight. He threw multiple punches, plus a surprise kick, which missed Gwen's stomach by a couple inches. Gwen kicked it away. She tried doing a spin kick, but missed.

He tried kicking her, at the time she was still in the air. He missed, bringing his foot down. She tried striking him, but was blocked each time.

This is it, she thought. One of us today will be counted as a champion.

Gwen did a back handspring. Needing some room for this move. She took a running start, jumped in the air, twirling in a circle. She outed her leg, and her other. She aimed for his side, even thought she was above him.

Miguel, needing to defend himself, brought a hand out, as if he was going to karate chop her leg. And that's was he did as defence.

She felt a sharp pain hit her right tibia (your shin), and she could tell it was broken. Being in mid-air, she fell to the ground.

Moxies and Orendas (Miguel Diaz)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant