Part Seventy-Four: Committee Meeting

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Gwen ran with Miguel as fast as the could to the meeting, hand in hand

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Gwen ran with Miguel as fast as the could to the meeting, hand in hand.

"Come on, we're gonna be late!" She cheered.

"We're already late!!"

Gwen looked inside the window, and she could hear Councilwoman Roberts scolding Kreese, her dad and Johnny. "It is clear that this karate tournament is causing division and rivalry in this community. You gentlemen... have made an excellent case today as to why this tournament should not continue."

Gwen walked inside, as fast as she could, Miguel following close behind. "Wait!" Miguel shouted.

"Who's that?" People murmured.

"It's the girl that fell."

"That's Gwen LaRusso..."

Her eyes scanned the crowd. She saw her mother, Sam, Mason and Peter, along with Maggie. Even Weston with his Dad, sitting there with crossed arms. She began walking down the stairs, and going to the podium. She and Miguel spoke into to microphone. "My name is Miguel Diaz."

"My name is Gwendolyn LaRusso," Gwen added. "We were both in the school fight. I was the one that got kicked off the second floor and ended up in a coma for two weeks. You know, uh... I thought I was gonna be paralyzed. I relearned how to stand. I, uhm, I relearned how to walk. And we both want the tournament to continue," Gwen proposed.

"We are very happy for you recovery, young lady. But I'm afraid you don't understand-"

"To hell she does," Mason said, standing up, bringing Peter and Sam with him. Maggie gave him a thumbs up, smiling. "We're the ones getting hurt. We're the ones fighting," Peter exclaimed, walking down the staircase.

"Our voices should matter the most," Mason added.

"And we want a place where we can compete, fairly and safely," Sam added, facing Mason. Gwen nudged Miguel, smiling.

"When I first moved here, I was bullied. And I realize there's no escaping it. There'll always be a kid who wants to steal your lunch money or give you a wedgie or give you a swirlie-"

"A swirlie?"

Johnny stood up behind the group of kids.

"When you dunk someone's head in the toilet and flush it. Pretty funny, actually," Johnny explained. "Blondie," Gwen scolded. She turned back around, taking a deep breath.

"Instead of burying your heads in the sand, pretending that bullying doesn't exist, or that you could just get rid of it, what you need to do is teach kids how to defend themselves. Physically and mentally," Gwen explained. "I know from myself and others that sometimes the scars you can't see... are the ones that can hurt the most," she added, thinking about her cancer days.

"Karate is about discipline. It's about inner strength. It's about confidence. Lessons that you can use for the rest of your life," Miguel added.

"Look, I don't know where I would be today... or who I would be today, if it wasn't for my Sensei." She turned around, looking at Johnny. "And my dad."

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