Part Thirty Five: Robby Keene

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"Let's lean more into Fourth of July. More red, white and blue. More fireworks. Valley Fest will be even more bigger this year, so we really want to stand out. All right?" Amanda instructed a worker.

The woman walked away and another person entered. "I brought lunch for my favorite CEO!" Daniel said.

Amanda ignored him, knowing what he did. "Come on, you can't stay mad forever," he complained.

"Why would I be mad? Just because my husband spent half our Q3 marketing budget on a commercial for his karate gym," Amanda told.

"You know it's called a dojo," Daniel said.

"Look. The dealership is gonna get all the publicity it needs from Valley Fest. For Miyagi-Do, this commercial will be a big game changer," Daniel said.

"Look, Daniel. I watched the commercial. 'Snake in the grass,' I know you're talking about Cobra Kai. In case you haven't noticed, our oldest child is in Cobra Kai and if she sees that commercial, you might lose a student. Then you'd be down to two," Amanda said.

"Look. I'm sorry, I should've told you about the commercial and asked you first."

"But Daniel, it's not just our budget. I don't want you going to war with our daughter just because she's in another dojo. She found something she likes, it's better then playing the card game, what's it called... Spit! All day like she used to," Amanda said.

"I know, and I'll talk to her."

Amanda gave him a look.

"I promise I won't do it again," Daniel said, placing his hands on his wife's arms. "I just need to amp things up now that John Kreese is back. You know, Johnny Lawrence is one thing, but Kreese? That guy's dangerous!" He said. "Amanda, this man faked his own death, literally. Twice, apparently!"

"I know it sounds nuts but that's what we're dealing with here," Daniel announced.

"I kinda miss the simple days with dicks on billboards."


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"So, I did a deep dive online, and you guys were right. Sensei is definitely Keene's father," Hawk explained while they stretched.

"I just don't understand d why he didn't tell us," Miguel said.

"That explains why he is giving us shit for kicking Keene's ass at the tournament," Hawk said. Gwen didn't agree, but she didn't say anything.

"Show No Mercy, unless it's his son," Hawk said. "Then we gotta be pussies."

Aisha came up behind them.

"You guys, have you seen the commercial? Your dad," she pointed at Gwen, "started his own dojo and he disses Cobra Kai," Aisha says, handing her phone to Miguel.

Gwen swallowed, hoping her Miyagi-Do ye rez didn't come out.

"Because at Miyagi-Do, it's not about money. It's about the karate," Daniel said through the speaker of the phone. Gwen immediantly got her phone out and walked away.

"Hey, kid? Karate hasn't started yet?" Daniel answered.

"Considered Karate at Miyagi-Do today, off. I saw the commercial," she said, then ended the call. She walked back to her friends.

"Who were you trying to call?" Hawk asked.

"Oh, just Christina Yerwud. She's my boss at Quebek," she lied.

"There's been talk in the Valley about free karate

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"There's been talk in the Valley about free karate. But everyone knows that in life, you get what you pay for. You really want to kick the competition," Johnny kicked a bonsai tree out of the kid's hand, getting the dirt in his face. "Then you need to get your ass over to Cobra Kai. Screw that lame meditation bullshut. What you need is bone-crunching face smashing, good old American karate. Enough about self-defense, learn self-offence. Don't be a pussy. Join Cobra Kai, and let me teach you the way of the fist."

"And... Cut!" Aisha instructed. "All right. We get it?" Johnny asked.

"I think so," answered Camerawoman Aisha.

"All right, great. Just make sure the Cobra Kai snake comes in at the end. I want it to really pop. Make it chrome. And throw 'Thunderstruck' under it," Johnny instructed.

"The rights for the song will cost too much."

"No, I already own it. Cassette's in the car. Oh! And put one of those hashbrowns at the end. You know, like, 'hashbrown, team Cobra Kai.' And then send it to the internet!" Johnny yelled, walking back to the back room.

Miguel, Hawk and Gwen slowly walked back to the back, about to confront Johnny. "Sensei, can we talk to you about something," Gwen asked, politely. "If its about the infomercial, I know," Johnny said.

"It isn't about the commercial. It's about Robby Keene," Hawk said.

"What about him?"

"We saw your picture in your fridge. I wasn't snooping but.. We know he's your son," Miguel explained.

"That's why you were giving us shit about the tournament," Hawk said.

After a long pause, Johnny spoke. "Yeah, Robby's my son. But that does not intermatch about how I run my dojo, do you understand?"

"Yes, Sensei."

"Yeah, but.. But," Hawk said.

"But.. but. Get out of here. You three clean the mats for the rest of the week."

Gwen turned and walked out, Kreese standing on the doorframe.

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