Part Sixty-One: A Visitor

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(guys I'm gonna skip the fight at the chop shop with johnny and Daniel. Since we all knows what happens.)

Gwen, neck-braceless, sat at her cot, doing her biblical studies. Out of anger, she threw her marker in between the creese of the book. Miguel, who had went to the restroom, was on his way back.

But Gwen's head turned whem she saw the familiar blonde. "Johnny..." She mumbled.

"Hey," he said. "My mom told you that you were working with my dad to find Robby. Did you find him?!" Gwen asked.

"I wish."

Gwen's face saddened. "I... Uh... keep having to sneak in here." He looked to his arm band. "I kept it from the last time I was here," he said, showing her.

Gwen looked at his bruises upon his face, forgetting how many she still had on hers. "What happened to your face?"

"I got into a fight with a paper towel dispenser. And a couple goons at a chop shop," he said.

"Because of me," Gwen mumbled. "Johnny, I'm sorry. You never should've met me. I don't want you to have another failed child relationship, so please, go back to living your life. Please," she said.

"And since you listen to your fists instead of you head, you should. I only brought pain amongst every one's lives. Miguel, Maggie, YOU, even Weston, people might as well leave me alone. I'd hate to be the needle in the shot, not the medicine. The doctor said I might not walk again. I might not ride, do karate. Feel the feeling of the air go upon my face from the speed🏃‍♀️. Even scraping my leg and feel the fucking stinging sensation."

"They don't know how strong you are," Johnny said.

"Lawrence, I have a question." Johnny shook his head.


"Miguel shows Mercy, so why does this happen to me. Why did I live my life acting like a pussy, while when he becomes a pussy, this happens," she said pointing to her legs.

"I ruined everyone's life. I should've never talked to Miguel that day at the cafeteria. This war never would've happened if it weren't for me," her eyes began filling with tears. "So, why did this happen to me?"

"...I don't know."

"You don't know... I trusted you. My dad was right about you. I never should've trusted Cobra Kai. The Strike First, Strike Hard, No Mercy bullshit! I did everything you told me, and this happened."

"Gwen... I-" Johnny said, looking at the floor.


Johnny was surprised by the tone of her voice. It was no longer soft and scared. It was struggling and painful. "Get out of here..."

"Gwen, you can-"

"I said get out! Have you wondered why Miguel's been ignoring you... Just leave me alone!!" Johnny left the room and Gwen sat there in tears.

Miguel soon entered and his face flushed as he saw Gwen's face that didn't see him. She held entwined fingers at her forehead. She was praying.

"Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive of our debts as we forgive our debtor's..."

She turned her head to see Miguel, who walked to her. "He came," she repeated. "Who?"


He held her head at his chest. "It's OK."

"But it isn't. I treated him like shit. I was angry. Very. I couldn't control it. Usually I can. But I couldn't," she tried explaining. Miguel looked at her face and put his hand on her cheek. "I understand," he said.

"But it was like a different type of anger. One that I couldn't understand. I could only understand the pain. The pain from when I had cancer that I bottled up and wouldn't let out," she said. "I think I should apologise," she said, trying to get out of her bed, struggling. "Gwen, you can't walk."

"I'll drag myself," she said, trying to move her weight to the end of the bed. She even chuckled, and she realized her tears were mostly gone. "I know you would. But it's crowded with nurses and doctors out there," Miguel said. "Don't worry, I called an Uber," she said.

Mason soon came through the door. She had texted him before Johnny came and she wanted to go on a walk. Well, more like a stroll. Maggie came in after in her Gymnastics Leotard.


"It was rather Gymnastics or Ballet," Maggie shuddered. She didn't like ballet but only cause she didn't want to become a prima ballerina that Gwen was.

Maggie hugged her. "How you doin' babe," she asked, (am I the only one that calls my friends babe?) "Fine. For now," Gwen said. "Well, let's get you out of here. We have a plan for the rest of the day."

"OK..." Gwen said.

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