Part Fourty-Eight: Lull

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"What if it comes down to you and me?" Miguel asked. "Then I guess I'll have to rip that pretty little headband off your head," Gwen said, smiling.

"Nah, this headband's staying right where it is," he denied. "Uh-huh, sure."

The two heard leaves rustling behind them and turned to Mike walking behind them.

"Shit," Mike said. He walked towards Miguel to fight him, then thought since Gwen was a girl, fought her.

He kicked her which she defended with her knee and he tried hitting her head but dodged it, in the purpose of hitting his side, then kicking him to Miguel.

"He's all yours, babe," Gwen said. "No..."

The two went to combat, then Miguel grabbed his leg and arm. "Ladies first!"

He threw Mike back to Gwen, where she swept his leg, making Mike fall. She grabbed his headband.

"Any means necessary," Gwen said. "Win by any means!" Gwen said. The two let out a good laugh, though she knew Kreese's No Mercy shit got to Miguel. She had to try to get it out of him. She was determined.

Gwen watched from afar Hawk jump out of a onto Mitch, taking Mitch's black headband

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Gwen watched from afar Hawk jump out of a onto Mitch, taking Mitch's black headband. Tory slowly made her way behind Hawk. "What the hell, man!" Mitch said.

"Sorry, ass-face. Today, you're the enemy. That makes five kills," Hawk said, pulling out the headbands of his victims. Gwen was shocked, but kinda not what he did next. He pulled out the Medal of Honor.

"Guess I earned my Medal of Honor."

Gwen walked forward, pissed but Miguel grabbed her by the waist. "Let go of me!" She persuaded.

"Baby, it's only gonna make things worse! Out of all people, you should know that," Miguel warned.

Hawk and Tory walked away, ruining her plane. Gwen took a deep breath in, deep breath out. "I know you are right. I shouldn't have thought that. Its just, Mr. Miyagi's Medal, ever since he died has been close to me. Every time I'd walk near it, I could feel it, as if.... As if he was still here," she explained. Miguel only nodded.

"OK. C'mon, let's go win this thing. Nothing can stop us. 'LaRusso and Diaz,'" He teased. They did a boy's handshake, d-tapping.

They two walked along, hand-in-hand. And from afar, Johnny watched. His two best students, dating. They were good together.

They stood against a tree, waiting for Tory and Hawk, two out of the four left, to make their appearance. They soon did, crawling into the tree line. "Finally, some worthy opponent's," Hawk said, kinda happily. Tory looked at Gwen with a grim grin on her face. "So, you're the ones that trashed Miyagi-Do?" Miguel asked.

"They're the enemy. We had to put them in their place. You're the enemy," Tory said, looking straight at Gwen. "But that didn't mean you have to steal the Medal of Honor and trash our dojo!" Gwen and Miguel said at the same time. The two smiled at each other. "You want the Medal so bad? Come and take it!" Hawk said.


Gwen got into her stance.

Imma beat her ass again.

Gwen fought Tory and Miguel fought Hawk. She wanted revenge from Tory flirting with Miguel. Miguel wanted revenge from Hawk from him trashing the Miyagi dojo and stealing the Medal of Honor.

Tory went at Gwen, kicking and punching, but only hitting the air. Gwen went from defensive to offensive in seconds. She did a side kick, almost kicking Tory by inches. She kicked up high and spun, bringing the upbroad leg down and kicking her with the grounded leg.

Tory easily got up. Tory put her into an chokehold, but Gwen flipped Tory, landing her into a tree. Gwen as fast as she could grabbed Tory's red headband. She looked over at Miguel, who was still fighting Hawl.

Hawk threw him into a tree. "Mig!" Miguel yelled.

"That all you got!?!" Hawk yelled. Miguel unexpectedly kicked his side, making Hawk get thrown into a tree, hitting his spine on the roots. Miguel picked him up and threw him back down.

Gwen looked at the Cobra Kais, including Tory, looking at the two.

Miguel grabbed the Medal of Honor, while Gwen grabbed the headband. Gwen held up the two headbands, Hawk's and Tory's, showing Black's victory. "Finish him," Kreese whispered to Miguel and Miguel nodded. "Migue-"

It was too late. He already sent his leg back. Gwen was disappointed. "TEAM BLACK!" Miguel yelled.

Chubs jumped up from his disguise, which was under leaves. He unexpectedly grabbed Gwen's headband, then put Miguel in a chokehold. "Y'know, the thing about Stringray's is, they lie and wait for the perfect opportunity till its.. time to strike!" Chubs grabbed Miguel's headband, then threw him at the rest of team black.

"THE RED TEAM JUST WON!" Chubs said, screaming.

Johnny and Gwen walked over to Miguel. "What was that?" Johnny asked. "It's what Sensei Kreese taught us... This isn't a tournament. This is real life," Miguel said, pissed that he lost. "Is that how you really want to live your life?" Gwen asked, showing she was pissed at him.

"Get your act together," she said, grabbing her bag and walking back to her car with the rest of Cobra Kais.

During the ride home, Maggie, instead of Miguel sat in shotgun and Miguel took her place. He sat on his phone, looking at the pictures of the two.

He listened to Mason, messing around with Gwen and Maggie. "Two best friends in a room, they might kiss," Mason said.

"Yes, we will," Maggie said. "What," Gwen asked, playing along. "I said 'yes, we will,'" Maggie said.

Gwen went to kiss Maggie, but playing along, bit her lip and moved her face away.

Gwen Country Music turned on and she smiled. 'We Are Tonight! Billy Currington! Ohhhhh! Gwen, you know this one," Peter yelled.

"OK, fine."

"It's a Friday night. It's a small town girl! Everything is right and we own the world! Two twirls in the truck under night stars by the river bank singing yeaaah!" She sung.

"There's nooooowhere to hide, since you pushed my love assssideeee!" Peter and Mason yelled.

"Hopelesssly devoted to youuuuuuuuu!" Maggie and Gwen yelled. The two laughed and Maggie did her funny laugh.

Gwen sat there. She could see.

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