Part Fourteen: Flipping da script

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"What happened?" Miguel questioned, half-smiling.

"I flipped the script," Eli said. "Wait- you the kid with the lip?" Johnny asked. "Nice cut, bro! You see that? Doesn't matter if you're a loser or a nerd, or a freak. All that matters is that you become badass. Hawk, fall in."

Hawk took of his shoes and got on the mat. "Fear does not exist in this dojo, does it?"

"No Sensei."

"Pain does not exist in this dojo, does it?"

"No Sensei," Gwen said, smiling.

"Defeat does not exist in this dojo, does it?"

"No Sensei."

"Class, are you ready to learn the way of the fist!?"


(Cut to 'All Valley' episode)

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(Cut to 'All Valley' episode)

"Junbi! Bow."

Everyone bowed. "Fighting positions," Johnny called out and Gwen, who stood next to Miguel, got into hers.

Johnny turned and a kid quickly flinched. "Did you just flinch, Virgin?" Johnny called out. He did it again and another person flinched. "Holy shit, we got a room full of flinchers," Johnny called out and the kid's mistook that as a question. "That was not a question!"

"Raise your hand if you've ever been punched in the face!"

Everyone except Miguel, Aisha, and Gwen raised their hands. "LaRusso, you've been punched in the face?"

"Yeah, cause I turned down a boy who wanted to date me, and my ex slapped me after I ended things," she answered, calmy. (Harry,harry!! did ya put your name in the 'oblet 'o fire) "Put your hands down."

"All your lives, you've been avoiding fights so you don't break and nose or lose a tooth. those concussion nonsense. So, there is only one solution, and that is before you leave this dojo, each and every one of you are going to take a punch, very hard, to the face," Johnny instructed.

"Ms. Robinson, Ms. LaRusso, line 'em up!"

"Yes Sensei!" The two girls answered. "Everyone 15 and up, over here with me!" Gwen instructed, she got the majority. "Rest, over there with Ms. Robinson!"

Gwen and Aisha began punching, with Gwen quietly appoligising each time. Meanwhile, Miguel had other shit to do.

"Hey, Sensei, I need to talk to you," Miguel said.

"First-aids under the sink, we got a bleeder?" Johnny asked. "No, well, yes, there is a lot of blood but this is for something else."

"What is it?"

"I'm dating this girl-"

"Heh, don't flatter me," Johnny said, chuckling. "I'm serious."

"OK, is she hot?"

"She's super smart-"


"Funny, Cool and Sweet-"


"Yes, she's hot. Super hot," Miguel said smiling and looked at Gwen through the doorway, who was still punching the kids.

"Nice," Johnny said. "She loves karate and I want to- no, I NEED to ask her out but I don't know how," Miguel said.

"Don't know? What's there to think about? She's hot and all those other things," Johnny explained.

"Well, yeah but what if she says no?" Miguel said.

"Bro, how long have you've been dating her?"

"About a week and a half."

"Dude, what the hell?" Johnny exclaimed. "What?!"

"She must be goddamn done with you if you haven't been on a date with her and you've been dating her a week and a half?!"

"Shit!" Miguel whispered. "Uh-huh. Now, you're a Cobra Kai, so ask her out, she's bound to say yes and if she says no, you're done with her."

Miguel looked down at the magazine Johnny was looking at which had a page about a karate tournament. "We joining this tournament?" Miguel asked. "I don't think we're ready yet."

They were interupted by Hawk falling on the floor, due to the punch Gwen gave him. "I'm fine, just a tooth."

Gwen helped him up.

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