= aussies (jake + lily) =

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Jake absolutely adore Lily and that's no secret. Even on their live where Lily mostly sits in between Jake's legs on the floor, he would play with her hair and cheeks once in a while. He calls her angel because to him, she's a literal angel. Also, with them both being Aussies, there's so many things that they have in common and it made Jake adore her even more.



Lily sat on the couch, munching on some snacks while she watches the new episode of Vincenzo. Jake is away to get something done and he had reminded Lily to wait for him so that they can watch it together. However, the reminder was thrown to the back of her head as she couldn't hold herself back from the curiosity of watching the new episode. She tried waiting for Jake, she really did but the temptation is much stronger than her will to wait for Jake.

As she is half an hour into the episode, the main door swings opened, revealing a happy Jake. He entered the living room and his smile disappeared. "Lilythe?" Lily gasped and turned off the television even though it's too late to do that. Jake looks like he had just gone through five stages of grief. "Oppa, I can explain. No. Please let me explain." He pouted. Lily felt bad. She should've waited for him for an extra half an hour and this won't happen. She tried to approach Jake but he steps backward.

"Oppa...." Jake had never back away from Lily so when he did that, she felt horrible. "You're so mean, Lilythe. You've promised that you'll wait for me to watch the new episode together. You- You broke your promise." Sunghoon who's watching the two sat down on the couch while munching on some popcorn. It's always fun to see the two of them argue or some sort because they're always so dramatic that it's better than any other dramas that he had ever watched. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. Let me make it up to you, oppa. I'll do anything you ask me to do for a week."

ps: italic is sentences spoken in English.

Jake's eyes light up with a sense of mischief. "Make it three weeks and we'll talk." Lily gasped in disbelief. She had offered that out of guilt but now that Jake is asking for more, she suddenly doesn't feel so guilty. It's not even that big of a deal to begin with. "No. One week. Take it or leave it." She's now crossing her arms against her chest. "Nope. Three weeks or I'll eat all your snacks. Your choice."

Lily scoffed, "no can do. I'm sorry that I watched the episode without you but is it worth three weeks of absolute nonsense? Nope." She emphasized the 'ope' sound in the nope. Though Jake always gives in to Lily, he wanted to test the water and take it up a notch just to see how she'll react. He smirked, "three weeks or I'll take all your snacks and sleep with Heeseung hyung for three weeks. Your choice. Take it or leave it, angel." The girl gasped. "You can't do that. Not—"

She was so upset with the fact that Jake is trying to take Heeseung away from her that she ran away, whining for Heeseung. "Heeseung oppa! Jake oppa threatened me again!" Jake chuckled and fist bumped Sunghoon who's laughing too. He sat on the couch and turned on the television. "It's always fun teasing her~"



Jake and Lily are always in a silent war of who's getting Heeseung's affection more. But sometimes, Jake wasn't doing it to gain Heeseung's love. It was just a trick that he does to tease the younger girl. Her reaction was the best so he kept doing it over and over again. What Lily doesn't know is that Jake adore her more than he adores Heeseung.

The two of them had went out to get something from the convenient store. Jake is holding onto Lily's hand, just as he was instructed to do by Heeseung. You see, the thing is, Lily loves to wander around and if he's not holding her hand, he might just lose her and would get the blame. He doesn't want to take the risk so he did as asked. "Are you going to hold my hand forever, oppa?"

He hummed, "the last time you went out of my sight, it was horrifying and I'm not going through that ever again so you're stuck with me." Lily sighed but didn't say anything more. They entered the convenient store and was greeted by the worker at the cashier. The first section that Lily pulled Jake to is the frozen food section. She was craving soup dumplings and there are one brand that made it best. Also, since she doesn't eat pork, that one brand had become her favourite because it's beef.

Jake shook his head. "Are you serious, angel? This is like the fourth time you bought this dumplings this month and it's only been two weeks into the month." Lily glared at him and placed the soup dumplings in the cart that he's holding. "Come on. There's a lot of stuffs that I want to buy. You can buy too. I'll pay for it since I'm feeling nice today." He scoffed but didn't say anything. Lily took her time to choose whatever she felt like buying. By the time she's done, the cart is filled to the brim with various kind of food and drinks.

"I'm done. Let's pay." They both headed to the cashier and Jake placed the cart on the counter. The worker scanned everything and the total came up to ₩130,000. Lily took her purse out of her bag to take her card out so that she could pay but Jake beat her to it. "Oppa, I've told you that I was going to pay," she tched, "you're just like Jay oppa. So annoying."

Jake paid for the items and handed the plastic bags to Lily. They did left the convenient store after a while but Lily was sour the whole time. Jake sighed, "I'm sorry, okay? I just wanted to do something for you. By the way," he smiled, "I'm feeling ice-cream right now."

Lily giggled, "then let's go get ice-cream but it's my treat this time." Jake nodded his head and ruffled her hair. How could he ever say no to such a cutie? "Let's go then."



Lily woke up at 3 in the morning after realising that Heeseung wasn't in the room. She just remembered that he had left for his hometown and the only ones staying back at the dorm is Jay, Jake, Niki and Lily herself. She made her way to Jay's and Jake's shared room though her eyes are still blurry. Jake felt the door opened and woke up. He sighed in relief when he realised that it's just Lily.

"Angel? Do you need anything?" Lily didn't say anything but throw herself on Jake. Jake fell back onto the mattress with a huff. "I'm lonely," she said with a sleepy voice. Jake chuckled and gently caresses her hair. He made sure that she's comfortable on the bed with him by using his arm as a pillow for her head. "Yeah, I guess it could be lonely alone in the room without a roommate. But you're all grown up, angel." She whined after hearing what Jake said. In her mind, she's still a kid and as long as she's not 20 yet, she still can do all those childish stuffs.

"Not grown up. You're mean," she whimpers but Jake didn't panic. It's usual for her to get real sensitive when she's super tired. "I'm sorry. People might see you as a grown up but in my eyes, you're still my little girl. Sleep well, angel." She hummed and went back to sleep. Staring at the sleeping girl, Jake knows that he's doom. He's far too attached with her and letting go would hurt. Though he wishes that he will always be there for her, his heart still ache, thinking about the possibilities.

He tugged Lily closer to him. "Good night, angel."


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