= lovely pt. 3 =

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Jake and Lily have the cutest dynamic amongst Enhypen. They're both so kind and cute to each other, it's sickening. Jake loves spoiling Lily with whatever he could. Gifts? Food? Stuffs? You name it. Whenever Lily mentions it, Jake will take note and buy it for her without her knowing and giving it to her as a gift.

Apart from that, Jake loves playing with Lily's hair. They are long most of the time so whenever he's stressed out, he would call out for Lily so that he could play with her hair, braid them up or something and it seriously did wonders to his stressed out state.


Lily smells good, that's a fact that everyone can agree on. She takes really great care of her hygiene and hates it if she feels sticky because to her, sticky equal to musty. And Jake just loves smelling Lily. There are tons of time where Jake is seen hugging or clinging to Lily on camera, especially during lives.

At first, people thought that he was just doing it for fun but during one of the episode of So So Fun, he admitted that he can't help being close to Lily all the time because she just smells so good. It's nothing over the top. To be honest, she smells like a walk in the garden, where the flowers are blooming and at its peak.

During an OT8 live that they did a few days ago, Lily arrived late to the live as she was showering. They had a concert before that so the members showered before going live and Lily is the last one to arrive. She's wearing one of Jake's hoodie and a pair of shorts. Upon arriving, everyone is already seated on the couch so there are no other place for her.

That's when Jake saw it. "Lily." She turned her attention to him who's patting on his laps, inviting her to sit on them as he wouldn't let her sit on the floor alone. She immediately rushed to him and plopped herself on top of him, making him huff. "Sorry, oppa~"

He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her back so that she's closer and god, she smells amazing. "You smell amazing, angel." He whispered as he rested his chin on her left shoulder. "Really? Thank god. I thought I would smell weird since I'm trying this new scent." She never change her scent but Jake is glad she did because she smells phenomenal.

Jake smiled to himself as he wonders how is this girl so cute all the time?


The two were watching some movie on the television after they got back from practice. It was truly a tough day and Jake hasn't said a word to anyone, even Lily. Even when they're watching the movie together, there's an awkward gap between them on the couch. "Oppa?" She called out, making Jake looked at her with his eyebrows furrowed.

"Can you braid my hair? It's been a while—"

"Sure. Bring out the pouch. I'll wait here." Without wasting anymore time, Lily rushed into her room to grab the pouch where all her hair accessories and products are in there. To be honest, Lily doesn't even want to get her hair braid but she knows it will help him in de-stress, even if it's just by a bit. She handed the pouch to Jake and sat on the floor in front of Jake.

He began his action by gently combing her hair. His lips began to pout in concentration and he is slowly losing the frown. Jake spent about fifteen minutes, braiding Lily's hair into beautiful pigtails braid. "There. All done." Lily thanked him and took her stuffs. Just as she's about to leave, Jake held her hand.

"You're the best, angel."

At first, she didn't get it but seeing him smile so big and being himself again made her realize. Still, she decided to play dumb. "What are you talking about? If anything, I should be the one saying that to you. You did an amazing job braiding my hair. Look." Lily twirled around, showing Jake how beautiful her hair is.

It truly made Jake happy that she loves it. He's also happy that she knows just what to do to make him de-stress. He have to admit he had a rough day at practice. He just keep messing up the choreography and nothing is working. Jake was so close to give up and just do whatever. He thought no one cared for him but he's totally wrong.

"Umm. Can you do me a favor, angel?" Lily hums. "Can we cuddle?"

"Sure. But let me shower first, then we'll cuddle."

Jake let Lily went and take a shower. After she did so, Jake went in next while Lily put skincare on and put on something comfortable. Afterwards, she took her beloved plushie and head towards Jake's and Jay's room. "Oh? Peach? You're sleeping here today?"

Lily smiled and nodded her head. "Yeah. Jake oppa wanted to cuddle so here I am." Jay looked at the door and when he sees no sight of Jake, he tackled Lily so that now he's the one cuddling the girl. "Oppa!" She scolded him because he took her by surprise. He smiled and began tickling Lily. Being the ticklish person she is, she began to laugh loudly.

"Stop. Oppa." Her breathing was shallow as she was busy laughing. That goes on for about more than two minutes before Jay got slapped on the butt by Jake. "How dare you steal my angel from me? She's mine today. Back off, dude." Jake scoops Lily up in his arms and brought her over to his bed. He doesn't forget to turn back to Jay to give him a childish little snicker.

Jay rolled his eyes as Jake laid Lily down on his bed before joining her. He took a deep breath, "you're seriously my angel. Smells so good everytime." Lily chuckled. Jake wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer to him as she snuggled into his chest. "Now that I have you here with me, I can finally sleep in peace. Goodnight, angel. I love you~"

"I love you too, oppa~"


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