= love a miracle, a beautiful creation =

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Heavily inspired by the song Beautiful sung by Bazzi.

Jay loves Lily like how he would love a little sister and Lily is so thankful for that. Being the only child in his family, Jay grew up not knowing how to care for a younger sibling as he didn't have one so he wasn't sure if what he's doing is right but Lily ensures him that he's doing well, despite his lack of experience. I mean, there's always the first time for everything, right?

And one thing about Jay is that, he loves bringing Lily back to his parents house as they seem to love Lily more than they love him at this point but he's not complaining. Lily is very lovable so he totally understands it.

As they had the day to themselves, Jay decided to cook a delicious meal for his mother and had Lily join her. "Are we going to see eomma?" Eomma is what Lily called Jay's mother as his mother insisted on Lily calling her that. "Yeah. She said she was craving my cooking and also, she misses you." That made the girl squeal happily. She can't wait to meet her again because the last time they met was like a long time ago.

Jay had his own car and though no one knows it, he has a driving license and is a great driver. So, they head to their first destination of the day, which is the market so that he can buy the ingredients since he's the one cooking. Lily had been sniffling since they entered the car. The truth is, she is feeling a bit under the weather and could feel a fever coming. "Are you sure you're okay? You can just wait in the car and rest. I'll buy all the ingredients by myself and I'll be quick."

She quickly shook her head. "I'm fine, oppa. Besides," she sighed, "I'm hungry." Jay chuckled at the sudden cuteness in her tone. They just had breakfast but Jay wouldn't blame her. They only had cereal. That really wasn't filling. "Alright. But if you're feeling tired, just let me know, okay?"

As they arrived at the market, Jay parked the car and rushed to open the door for Lily. He took her hand in his and lead her into the market. "Your hands are cold. Let's buy you some medicine later." To be holding Jay's hand feels so good as it is warm. The weather is cold and she truly needed that. Jay bought a lot of stuffs and they also made lots of stops because Lily wanted to try a lot of the food.

"Oppa. I want that tteokbokki." She pointed at a stall selling a really delicious looking tteokbokki. Without thinking much, Jay leads Lily to the stall. "One portion of tteokbokki please. Two shrimp tempuras and also, some soup." The girl next to him is excited as the owner of the stall prepares their order. "How much is it?"

The owner told him the price and he paid for it all while Lily is enjoying the tteokbokki. The rice cake is huge, which made Lily's cheeks seem like a hamster. "Oppa, you need to try this. It's really good."

"Why don't you sit down first and eat it slowly? We don't have to rush things or you'll get indigestion." Even though she's pouting, she still sat down on a chair and sips on the hot soup. Jay sat next to her while facing her. "Eat slowly. Here." He picked up one of the fried tempura and feed it to Lily who gladly opened her mouth to accept the food. She did her little wiggly dance, a sign that she enjoyed the food. Jay can't help but to smile widely in adoration for the girl.

Her cheeks are rosy. It's either from the cold weather or her feeling unwell, he can't tell but he mentally reminded himself to stop at a pharmacy to get her some medicine before going to his parents' house. "I'm done! Let's go and meet eomma!"


The second they arrived at his parents' house, his mother rushed outside to greet Lily first. She engulfed the girl in a tight hug. "Aigoo, you're eating well. But —"

"She's having a fever, eomma. Been having it on and off since yesterday. But she's stubborn and won't just rest at the dorm." Jay playfully rolled his eyes while his mother is worriedly looking at Lily. "Poor baby. Come on in. It's cold out here. I made soup earlier so let's have that and you can rest, okay?"

Lily looked at the woman then at Jay who just smiled. "But Jay oppa— I need to help him cook." The woman frowned and shook her head, "he can do it by himself. You just need to rest."

"Listen to eomma, peach. I'll be fine by myself."

Without having a say in it, she is dragged into the house where she is served with a hot soup and his mother even prepared the medicine for her as she sits next to Lily to make sure she eats it all. Jay is busy in the kitchen, preparing to cook but his eyes can't seem to leave Lily because it looks like she's really sick. Her skin is getting paler than before.

"Eomma, is Lily okay?"

His mother gently pry away the glass that Lily's holding and placed the back of her hand on the girl's forehead. "Aigoo, you're practically burning. Jongseong ah, I will cook instead. Take care of Lily for me, will you?"

"But eomma—"

"It's okay, dear. Just rest, hmm?"

Jay let his mothet take over the cooking while he laid Lily down in his bedroom. "I'm fine, oppa. I can't just lay down and do nothing. I need to help eomma." The guy already had a frown on his face. "You heard eomma, right? Just rest." He pushed her hair back to expose her forehead before placing a cooling gel pad on it. "Sleep and get better. I'll wake you up once dinner is ready."

Lily wanted to cry so bad because she feels horrible for not being able to do anything. Jay sighed and wiped away her tears using his thumb before smiling at her. "I know you feel bad but eomma wants you to feel better. She's super worried about you right now. Just rest, alright?" She finally gives in and nodded her head but before she closes her eyes, she extended her hand to Jay who then places his hand in hers.

"Rest well and get well soon, peach." He landed a kiss on the crown of her head. "I love you, oppa."

"Love you too, peach."


author's note: hi guys.. just wanted to get on here and give you guys a little sad news..

I know how much you guys wanted Lily to date Jungwon but I think I wouldn't do that for the time being for some reasons. I'm so sorry to disappoint but I feel like it's better if Lily doesn't date anyone in the group for the time being but with time, maybe I will reconsider. However, for now, Lily will not be dating anyone from the group. I hope that clarifies everything.

I'm so sorry to disappoint you guys 😭. I know how much you guys love the Lily and Jungwon duo but for the time being, they won't be dating each other. Hope you guys can understand this .

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