= too much =

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Same old story. It's once again a packed schedule for Enhypen. They're now on a world tour and the pressure is truly amazing. They just did a few locations. A lot of the fans who went to the concerts were overjoyed to see Enhypen singing live and the members were thrilled to perform too but a few of them decided to point out a few flaws of the concerts.

The members could take it if it's a constructive criticism so that they could improve their performances but it's not. During their short break before the tour, Lily had gained quite a few pounds from binge eating. Her thighs are bigger than they used to be and her cheeks are chubbier than it was before. She knows that binge eating is unhealthy so she is slowly getting the help she needed and succeeded to lose a few pounds before the tour.

She thought it was fine since she is in the process of losing weight but others were not fine with it. Upon seeing her up front, they commented on how big her cheeks were, exaggerating it in ways that had Lily insecure of herself. They told her she's lazy to lose weight since she thinks that everyone loves her. What they said truly angered the members of Enhypen but Lily said nothing.

Upon being asked, Lily told everyone that those comments didn't even dent her confidence but the truth is, she felt like crying. After gaining weight, she had trouble looking herself in the mirror without feeling like cutting off her skin so that they would look skinny. She hated her body so much that she refused to look into mirrors for weeks. And what they said made it even worse than it already is.

So, with what happened, she promised herself to lose weight before the next concert which is only five days away from that time. She refused to eat anything, except for having one protein bar each day and four liters of water. The members were obviously worried about how she's skipping meals, knowing it's unhealthy, considering how active she is during the day, dancing and all.

One evening, while they're all practicing, Lily felt lightheaded and dizzy but said nothing. She has been feeling like that for quite some time so it was normal for her so she thought nothing of it. Apparently, she was close to fainting for the past few days but no one knows because she mostly hide it by sitting down and drinking water to get rid of the dizziness. Usually, that trick would work but now, it doesn't.

Her head is spinning like crazy and she felt like banging her head to the wall just so that the pain would subside. Jungwon who has been watching Lily's every move is frowning when Lily's steps started to sway. "Lily? Are you okay?"

Lily hummed but her face is pale when everyone turned to look at her. "I just don't feel too good." Right after she said that, she fainted. Thankfully for her, Jake managed to catch her on time as he is standing next to her. "She's burning. Can anyone get the medic team please?" Asked Jake calmly. This isn't the first time she has fainted before so it is expected but that doesn't mean they're not worried. They just got better at hiding it.

Jake carried her up bridal style to lay her down on the couch before fanning her with a hand fan. The medic team arrived a few minutes later and they immediately started the first aid with what they can. In the end, Lily was warded due to overworking that leads to over exhaustion. It doesn't help that she's having malnutrition too.

During her stay in the hospital, Sunoo and Heeseung were the ones who took care of her. She wasn't waking up even after nine hours of being warded so they were worried but the worries soon disappeared when she finally opened her eyes. "Oppa.." her voice is hoarsed and she feels apologetic. Heeseung and Sunoo are smiling towards her. They're just glad Lily is awake now. "You're awake, baby. How are you feeling? Need me to get the doctor for you?"

Lily shook her head. "I feel horrible," she sighed heavily, "I'm sorry you guys had to deal with me. I didn't mean for this to happen. I thought that I was fine." Sunoo hummed, "and you thought wrong. You weren't fine and that's okay too. You're human, sunshine. Not a robot."

Heeseung nodded his head, agreeing with Sunoo. Sometimes they all forgot they're human because of they wanted to fulfill people's expectations on them. That's the downside of being a K-Pop idol. People's words effects you too much that you sometimes forget that you're your own person and you don't have to listen to others if you don't want to. Heeseung held Lily's hands and wiped away the tears that escaped her eyes without her realizing it.

"Starving yourself like this is not worth it, baby. Look at you now. You're in pain and you don't like it. We all also hate to see you like this." He smiled sadly. "But if I gain weight, no one will like me. It's already hard for me to fit in. If I don't make myself fit into the beauty standard they created for me, I won't feel like I belong. I'm no one then." That's what Lily fears most. To be no one. She worked hard to get to where she is now and she won't let a little problem get in the way to go further.

But being an artist isn't an easy task. Especially when you're a girl in a group full of boys. Ever since her debut, people has been belittling her and her skills, saying she is no one compared to the boys which made her work harder, practicing day and night just to show people that her skills are the same as the boys. Then, when her skills improved, they picked on her looks. As a growing teenager, Lily often found herself dealing with lots of break outs that causes big acnes all over her face.

People criticize her for having acnes so she went to the best dermatologist in town and spend lots of money just to get people to shut up about her face. Then, when they couldn't pick on her anymore, they tried looking high and low for her soft spot, looking for her vulnerability so that they can attack her for it. When she finally gained weight, those who has been waiting for her downfall immediately attacked without thinking too much of it.

Poor girl only wanted to live her dream yet there's so many people trying to discourage her and bringing her down. Sunoo understands Lily. He's been there before and it wasn't fun. "You're already so beautiful, sunshine. Look at you. Your eyes," he stares into her beautiful eyes, melting into them, "they're shining so beautifully. Whoever looked into them will fall for you in no time. Your nose, those cute little button nose is just so cute that people wishes to boop them. Your lips, your amazingly luscious lips just curved up into the most beautiful smile we have ever laid our eyes on."

Lily stopped crying as she looked into Sunoo's eyes. They're full of sincerity as he compliments her. "You're so damn beautiful. Inside and out. Why can't you see it, sunshine? A bit of weight won't change the fact that there are thousands of people out there who wishes they could be you. You're so beautiful and it makes me sad that you can't see it."

Heeseung nodded his head. "You're the prettiest in our eyes, baby. Whoever may come to defeat you but they can't. You'll forever be our dearest so don't starve yourself anymore, okay? Dieting is fine but do it the right way, hmm?" Lily finally chuckled and nodded her head. It's such a blessing to have people who understands her on a whole different level. It's truly is a blessing and she wouldn't want it any othet way.


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