= memory lane =

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I-Land is a memory that none of the members of Enhypen wanted to reminisce, considering it felt like hell in there. However, despite the challenges that they had to face to come that far, they gained beautiful memories and made new friends along the way.

As the only girl in I-Land, Lily had gained herself quite a large amount of interest from the others trainee. They all treats her very well, except for that one person who sees her as someone lower than her but we don't want to talk about that.


Although Lily has a happy-go-lucky personality, it's actually really hard to amuse her and make her laugh until her stomach hurts. The only person who succeed in making her roll on the floor as she laughs in no other than Taki. She had always find the younger guy interesting, especially when he are not shy to do funny faces in front of the camera. He's truly a charmer with how carefree and happy he is.

The members of Enhypen have tried countless time to make her laugh as loud as she did with Taki but no matter what, they never succeed.

That time, Lily is sitting in the practice room after practicing like crazy for the upcoming test. Her face is contorted with concentration and stress, making her appear scary. Taki saw her so he approached her, not seeing how stressed she looked. However, the second her eyes locked with Taki's, she smiled warmly at him.

"You're here early today, nuna." Lily hummed, "I had to. I'm not as good as everyone else, Taki."

They both sat down and talked. Just then, Taki realized how tired she sounded. It isn't like the usual her. The upbeat and cheerful her so he decided to do something to cheer her up, even if it lifted her spirit by 0.01 percent. The two talked about something when Taki suddenly told Lily about a funny story.

At first, she was confused since he's speaking in a weird tone but the longer she listens to it, the funnier it gets. She bursted out laughing at the way Taki is speaking and also his choice of words. "And so Nicholas hyung said that Rain sunbaenim smells so good. He was literally so excited."

The whole practice room was filled with her laughter that little tears escaped from her eyes without her noticing. Her voice is loud and everyone else heard it so they went to see what was it all about that made Lily laugh so hard and there they saw it. It's Taki.

Geonu pursed his lips together, in a poor attempt to hide his jealousy. "She never laugh that loud with me," he complained and Heeseung heard it, making him scoff. "She never laugh that loud with anyone except for Taki. Just accept that."


Being in I-Land is a total roller coaster of emotions because whenever someone gets eliminated, tears will appear. It usually doesn't really hurt Lily when someone is eliminated but when it happened to the person she had wished wouldn't be eliminated, it hurt her for a while. Lily and K got closer during I-Land and often spend time together. K sees Lily as a younger sister who he really adores and he took really good care of her though they also fight from time to time.

Lily was so sure that K will debut with her soon, and she was super thrilled about it that she can't stop talking about it to K who listened to her without saying anything. Just smiling. He is skeptical about debuting since the final ten people are really talented. Some of them never even entered Ground and Lily was one of them.

He already expected the ending but Lily didn't think about that. After the live broadcast, she searched for K, crying. As soon as she found him, the guy grinned at her sadly as he opened his arms. She went into his arms, weeping as she did. "You—"

"It's okay, Lily. Not everything will go as planned. But hey, you made it to the debut lineup, kid."

She shook her head, "but you won't be there." She cried into his chest, wetting his clothe but he don't care. He's just too happy that Lily cared for him a lot. Nothing else seems to matter, except for the jealous glares by the others, mainly Heeseung and Jake.

K chuckled and cupped her face, wiping her tears with his thumbs. Her eyes are easily swollen so even if she just cried for less than 10 minutes, her eyes had already turned red and swollen. "I will be there. Trust me. We might be in the same group but I'll make sure I make my way into Hybe and find you. I promise you."

"I'll find you myself if you don't come back." Warned Lily, all the while hiccuping. "I mean it. Really!"

K laughed a little at how cute Lily is being. "Of course, Lily. I'll surely come back."


Lily remembered adoring one of the youngest trainee in I-Land, which is Daniel. He's two years younger than Lily and that instantly activates her sisterly instinct. She truly adores the younger guy that sometimes she lose control over herself whenever she sees him. Lily is always a sucker for cute and cuddly things and weirdly enough, Daniel fits in those two criteria.

Of course, she doesn't show it as she don't want to scare him off. The last thing she wants is for him to fear her like she is some kind of psychopath.

Still, she always welcome him whenever he needed someone for comfort. And she truly adore the young man, even though she might not say it. Whenever he's happy, she will be smiling, happy for him too. They rarely talk to each other but once they does, it's clear that they're comfortable with each other.

Just like right now. Daniel is laying on the bed next to Lily, watching a movie on the iPad with her. But he was so tired. He tried staying up for the duration of the movie but not even ten minutes in, he had already fallen asleep. Lily couldn't hear anything from Daniel so she's not surprised when she sees him sleeping with his head laying comfortably on her shoulder.

Her heart melts at the sight and she almost squealed if it wasn't the fact that she's literally so close to her. Obviously, his sleep is far more important than her so she decided to just continue watching the movie until she eventually falls asleep herself.


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