= goodbye =

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Lily loves doing what she does now, it's basically her dream job and everyone in her family supports her for it. But sometimes, very few of the times that she can't go back home during celebrations and family emergencies, she hates everything. Recently, she got a call from her mother regarding her sick grandfather who's in a critical state. Lily is very close to her grandfather, that's why she was so worried when she was told that he was unconscious.

Every day, before sleep, she would call her mother regarding her grandfather and it's the same every single day. If anything, it's getting worse. And Lily can't sleep at night so she stayed up, studying for the upcoming exam even if it's still far away. Lily is an academic achiever, that's no secret but she hates studying so when she study out of the blue, it's making the members wonder if something is bothering her.

Most of the time, Lily shares everything that's bothering her so they're not worried about that. But still, no one can truly read her and tell if anything's wrong because she's just unreadable. Jay decided to cut some fruits, particularly white peach, since it's her favorite and served it to her while she's studying. "Peach? I've cut up some fruits for you. Have some."

He placed the plate down on the table. "Thank you, oppa but I'm not hungry now. I'll eat it later." She smiled sweetly at him for a while before going back to her studying. That's weird. She never refuse fruits before. Rice or other meals? Yes. But fruits? That's the first. Jay sighed softly and sat down on Lily's bed. "How's your studying going, peach? Everything okay?"

"Yeah. Everything's fine."

"Anything else you want to tell me? Or maybe you want to rant about something else? I'm all ears for you." Lily shook her head, "I'm fine, oppa. Why are you acting as if I'm hiding a big secret from you? You do know that I'll share everything that bothers me, right?" She turned to Jay with a smile. Surely, Jay knows that but something inside him is telling him that Lily is indeed hiding something from them.

Jay sighed once again before leaving a peck on the crown of Lily's head. "Good luck studying, peach. If you need anything. A massage, maybe, just let me know, okay?"

"Will do, oppa! Thanks!"

He left the room and closed the door as he goes. Lily sighed softly and took her phone to call her mother to check on her grandfather's condition. "Oh, mummy. How is papa?" Papa is how Lily calls her grandfather as he is indeed Australian, unlike her mother, who's half Australian and half Korean. "He's not getting any better, Youngwon. Your sister is heading back to Australia right now."

"Eonni did? Why?"

"His condition is getting worse and the doctor told us to prepare for the worse. But it's okay, darling. You don't have to rush back here—" Her mother's voice was stopped by her screaming no repeatedly. "Mummy? What's happening over there? Mum?" She didn't get any answer. Instead her mother hanged up the call. It's making her anxious. There's no way she can make it to Australia. She have to live for tour the first thing in the morning tomorrow.

She closed her eyes, trying to calm herself but she can't. Lily kept looking at her phone, wishing that her mother would call her back to let her know what's happening over there. Five minutes later, she got a call from her mother which she quickly picks up. "Mummy—"

"Youngwon ah, he's gone."

Lily blinked her eyes a few time in disbelief. She chuckled nervously, tears threatening to escape from her eyes. "Please don't joke about this thing to me, mummy. That can't be. He can't be," she gulped, "gone."

The word felt unfamiliar on her tongue and using it in the same sentence as her grandfather is something that she never thought she would have to say. Her mother is crying on the side of the phone while Lily is speechless. She can't even cry. It was too much of a shock for her. Lily ended the call without saying anything to her mother and went straight to bed. She wants to think of it as a hallucination and everything is back to normal once she wakes up.


Lily didn't tell anyone about her grandfather's passing and she was not acting differently. She's just her happy and smiley self, almost like nothing is wrong. However, one night, before she went to sleep, Jake walks into the room and laid next to her. "Oppa? What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I just think you might need someone with you tonight. Go to sleep. I'll be here until you wake up again." She's been staying strong for a week now and it's getting really tiring. That's why she turned around so that she's facing Jake before hugging him tightly. Jake nodded his head. The truth is, all of them knew about her grandfather. Their manager got a call from her mother as she bear the news to them.

He could feel her body shook as she cries. Jake said nothing but his hands wrapped around her and delicately patted her back as a reminder that he's there for her. It's not Lily have a huge ego that she hates to let others see her cry but she doesn't want to be labelled as a crybaby. Lily have a really sensitive heart and she's easily offended that she's always teased by her "friends" when she was younger. People calls her a crybaby and she hated it.

Jake let her cry it all out and he doesn't even mind her wetting his shirt with her tears and probably snots too. She's already struggling enough. He surely doesn't want to add more to it. Lily cried for at least 45 minutes before she passed out from exhaustion. All the crying had her so exhausted that even in her sleep, she's still hiccuping.

Losing someone that meant a lot to you surely hurts like hell and Jake can't believe how Lily kept it all to herself like it was nothing when she was dying on the inside.

The man sighed before pecking Lily on her puffy eyes. "You'll be okay, angel. This too shall past."


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