= unusual =

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For the whole time that they're together, Sunoo never once got mad at Lily, no matter what the reason may be. However, recently, Sunoo have been so mad at Lily over something that some people might see as simple and not worth fighting over but to him, it is serious. It's actually the way Lily kept pushing him to do something he doesn't feel comfortable in doing.

He tried to talk it out with her but she refuses to take no as an answer, preferring to sulk instead of talking about it. And Sunoo is a human, he too, can get fed up when someone is being too selfish. That someone just happened to be Lily. Their fight went on for almost a week and Lily realized that she was in the wrong but even when she tried apologizing, Sunoo wouldn't even bat an eye at her.

It all happened during the Fate concert and obviously, Lily is uneasy and not focusing, which caused her to mess up the choreography. Sunoo tried calming down but seeing her mess up not one but two choreos had him fuming. After the concert, Lily sat on the couch, hugging her knees, crying as she felt like the worst after messing up.

Sunoo walked into the waiting room and saw Lily. He scoffed, "funny how you messed up twice and still have the audacity to cry about it. Grow up, Youngwon."

She wanted to just let it go, let him insult her as much as he wants because she was being mean to him back then but it's been a week and she can't hold it back anymore. Lily stood up, "you're all talk, Sunoo! I tried apologizing and you wouldn't accept it. I know I was at fault and I'm willing to do everything for you to just forgive me but you just won't listen to me! This wouldn't have happened if you just let down your ego and forgive me!"

Sunoo snorted, not believing Lily is playing victim after what happened. She started it all and when things doesn't go her way, she blame everyone else but herself. "You're such a spoiled brat, you know that? Just because everyone doted on you like their most prized possessions, doesn't mean you can go around putting the blame on someone else when you aren't getting what you get. I can't believe I used to even like someone like you."

What he had said had hurt Lily very deeply. She knows for a fact that sometimes, she could come up as a spoiled brat and she's trying to change but hearing it coming from someone she truly loves and admires, cut her deep. Sunoo gnawed on his lower lip, knowing he took it too far. He knows Lily is suffering with really bad self-conflict, thinking that no one truly loves her and with him saying that just proves her point.

She began sobbing. "I'm truly sorry for what I did to you last week. I was wrong. I admit that I was wrong and I apologize for that," she confessed, "but you don't have to hurt me like this. I truly believed that you are someone who I could trust my life with but I was wrong. You're just the same like those people who hated me."

"Lily, no. I didn't mean what I said. I was just mad."

It made her realize how messed up it really is. "And you can put everything you just said under the pretext that you're just mad? Be for real, oppa. You won't say it if you never thought of it."

With that, she left the room to get dressed so that she could finally went back to the hotel. There's an after party that the members had been planning to do on Weverse live so she would at least make herself look more presentable. She showered and washed her face, making sure to massage her face to allow blood flow so that it won't look so swollen from crying so much.

She didn't forget to put makeup on, which will probably gain her looks from the other members but it's better than puffy and swollen eyes.


Lily went back to her hotel room that she shared with Jungwon, wanting to just sleep when suddenly, Sunoo walked in. He had freshen up since he wanted to talk with Lily after talking to the hyungs about his situation with her. They adviced him to apologize for what he just said since Lily had apologized too beforehand.

Sunoo sat on the edge of the bed that Lily is sleeping in. She's facing the other way since she doesn't want to see him. This made him sigh, knowing how badly he fucked up. "This is long overdue but I'm sorry, Lily. For everything that happened and everything that I said to you. It's hurtful, I know and I don't even know how to apologize after what I did. But I truly don't mean it. I really like you."

Lily pretended to fall asleep when she's really listening to him. "You're the most beautiful soul I've ever known, Lily. Everything about you is just so beautiful. And I don't know why I said what I said."

"I mean, you could be a spoiled brat, but even if you are one, you're my favorite brat. I'm so sorry for everything I said to you, sunshine. You don't deserve to be hurt like that and I still did it. What's wrong with me, really?" He sighed and palmed his own face, ashamed of what he did. Now that he think of it, Lily has been nothing but supportive throughout everything. When he feels like no one was there for him, she's always there.

And how bad it must have hurt her knowing her kindness is repaid with only pain. "You're mean, oppa." Lily sat up from her sleeping position. "But I understand you. I did a mistake and refuse to own up for it so I understand why you would call me a spoiled brat. But other than that, what you said really hurt me."

Sunoo engulfed Lily in a hug. "I'm so sorry, sunshine. I'm so sorry."

Lily wrapped an arm around Sunoo's arm, snuggling closer to him to find the warmth she needed. The assurance that Sunoo truly meant what he said just now. "I'm so sorry for acting like an entitled child. I won't do it again, oppa."

"It's okay, sunshine. I forgive you. I'd also like to apologize for what I said, hmm?" Lily nodded her head. A smile appeared on his lips as he landed a warm kiss on the crown of Lily's head. "I bet you're tired from crying so much. Go to sleep. I'll be right here with you."

Lily hummed. "Oppa?"


"I love you."

Sunoo's heart melt at the confession. "I love you too, sunshine."


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