= Q&A with Lily =

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Lily has been invited by Vogue to be the face of the magazine cover and she gladly accepted it. It's always her dream to be on Vogue one day and it's surely a huge honor for her.

The girl sat down in the middle of the white room, opposite from the interviewer which is a beautiful woman that's in her late 20s, Lily would guess. Lily smiled at her sweetly like the angel she is and waited for the questions to be asked.

"Good morning, Lily. It's an honor to have you here with us on Vogue. How are you today, Lily?" The girl smiled widely, "Good morning to you too. First of all, it's my honor to be here since I've always wanted to be the cover of Vogue so thank you for making it a reality. And I'm good. Thank you for asking." The interviewer gently nodded her head. It's a blessing that Lily is such a good mannered person, unlike a few artists that acts like they're it.

"Alright then. If you don't mind, I'll start with my questions. This is the questions that we picked from our emails that is sent by your fans to you. I hope you can answer them all honestly but if say, a question is too personal to you or you don't want to answer it, it's totally fine. Just let us know." Lily hummed and so the interview session started.

Q: Who's the member you're closest with?

Lily hisses as she tilted her head, "truly, I can't choose one because I enjoy all of their companionship the same. However, I think I'm the closest with Jungwon because we're the same age. Our humor is kind of the same and people usually call us the double trouble so I think that proves something." She then nodded her head, ending her answer.

Q: If you were to debut solo, what kind of music would you make?

"Oh, actually, I've been thinking a lot about it. My personal preference of music is kind of different from what I portray when I'm in Enhypen. I actually really like cutesy stuffs and would like to actually try to make music that people just simply fall in love with because they're just so cute. That's the music I want to make."

Q: Are the members overprotective when it comes to you?

She chuckled and nodded her head, "they're the true epitome of the word overprotective itself. Even our maknae, Ni-ki who's younger than me is super overprotective of me. I'm actually really grateful for that but sometimes it's a bit too much. Still, I'm really thankful to have them in my life."

Q: Are you close with other idols?

Lily frowned as she thinks. "I don't have much friends in the industry but I do have a few that I'm super close to. Like, Karina from aespa. She's the person that truly feels like an older sister to me. We hang out pretty often but due to our packed schedule now, we barely meet each other anymore but we do still contact each other from time to time."

Q: In your opinion, who's the most boyfriend material among the members?

This had her truly wondering because they're all just as good. "I don't think I can choose, oh my god. Wait." She stops to think for a while. Then, she remembered something. "I think it would be Jay oppa? Surprisingly, he's really boyfriend material. I mean, he's more like the caring father type but in a good way. He's not that clingy and doesn't like pda but he would make the only exception for you. I mean," she stared at the camera with a huge smile, "isn't that so cute?"

Q: Which member makes you laugh the most?

"Simple. It's Sunoo. I really like his way of telling jokes. Also, I find him super cute when telling them. He's just so fun to be around." Lily sighed in content,  "he is the only person who doesn't tease me as much and I just feel so happy when I'm with him. Besides, he has this positive vibe around him that I totally need."

Q: What are the members like off camera?

"A bunch of teenagers? Basically, they're really normal. You'd be surprised how normal they are." Lily pursed her lips into a thin, straight line. "Like, I think people want to think that our personality is exactly like how we show on camera. I mean, it's kind of true but also, we're actually much calmer than what we portray on camera."

Q: Were you a good student with good grades when you're a student?

"Yeah," she beamed excitedly, "I'd like to think of myself as an academic achiever since I was very young. I did great academic wise but not so good in sport as I have no talents for them. I've never broken any rules and people might think of me as a goody two shoes or even a hypocrite but I just simply like following the rules. That's just it."

Q: Are you still friends with your friends that you had before joining Enhypen?

"Absolutely. I have a few friends from the show that I joined, which is I-Land and we are all still in contact. A few of them are Daniel, K oppa, Taki and a few others."

Q: What was your biggest injury?

"Hmm, I think my biggest injury was in 2022? I actually broke my left leg because I accidentally fell off a stage. It was really painful because at first, I thought nothing of it. However, it started swelling and all so I was rushed to the emergency room and got my leg in a cast for quite a long time. Never again, I swear."

Q: Is it hard to be the only female in a whole male idol group?

"I can't deny it and say it isn't hard because it is. For instance, their stamina is actually better than me in some aspect and I truly can't compete so I often got overwhelmed by their energy that I overworked myself without even noticing. It's surely tiring for all of them but the exhaustion is tenfold on me because there are some things I can't keep up with. Biological and stuff, I don't even know."

Q: Are there times you wanted to quit being an idol?

Lily nodded her head regretfully. "A lot of times, really. Maybe it's because I'm too weak but often, I feel like everything is just too hard on me, especially when it comes to people's negative view on me. Obviously, I can just ignore them all but it's hard because sometimes it's all I can think about. There's just no escape from it."

Q: What's your opinion on Mathematics?

"I hate them," she frowns, "like, I'm fine with simple calculations but calculus, algebra and more is just not my thing. I'm pretty sure they're useful in different fields but I don't think everyone should be forced to learn it if what they want to pursue doesn't require them. Why make life hard when it could be easy, right?"

Q: How can you describe each of the members in one word?

"This is interesting." She straightened up her posture. "For Heeseung oppa, it would be favorite because he's my favorite. Jay oppa is cool because he is indeed cool. Jake oppa is duality? Because he's totally different on stage and off stage. Sunghoon oppa would be prince. I don't think that would need an explanation. Sunoo oppa would be handsome. Very very handsome, I may add. Jungwon is friend. We're the same age so we're really close to each other and Ni-ki is star because he shines the most."

Q: How did you saved the members' contact in your phone?

"I'm actually pretty creative with how I save my contacts because I usually associate each person with a corresponding object that I really like. For example, I saved Ni-ki as 'My Favorite Star'. Well, it's because he is a star but not just any star, my favorite. Then, we have Sunoo, which I saved as 'Foxy Oppa'. If you guys noticed, Sunoo oppa have this really strong features that resemble a fox and that's truly something that is stuck with me whenever I look at him."

She then scrolled through her phone to show their contacts name. "Jay oppa is saved as 'Black Cat Appa'. Sunghoon oppa is 'Ice Prince' while Jake oppa is 'My Fav Golden Retriever'. Then, Jungwon is 'Charismatic Meow' and lastly, Heeseung oppa is 'My Cuddle Buddy'. It's pretty self-explanatory, I think."

Finally, the interview ended. Lily was so happy that she managed to answer all of them without any problems. "We're glad to have you here with us today, Lily. We'll let you know about the release date of behind the scene and all, okay? Good job for today."

"Thank you for having me here."


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