= deadly mistake =

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Lily has always been deadly allergic to tomatoes since she was a kid. Her face gets swollen and her throat is too that she almost suffocates to death if it wasn't for her parents' quick decision making. Now, she has to admit that it's hard to find food to fit in her dietary requirements but she's willing to go the far length to ensure that she'll not die due to allergy.

This is the first fact that the members found out when they knew Lily. That's why they rarely have tomato based foods to avoid cross contamination and causing Lily to fall ill. They've been great at it too, until when a new staff under the catering team joined the company.

They were on their tour and is currently rehearsing for the concert tomorrow. As usual, food will be prepared for them so that they won't have to go outside and find food. Usually, since Lily is allergic to tomatoes, foods with tomatoes are strictly prohibited and the members are fine with that. They've never had an issue regarding that and they'd like to make it stay that way.

That day, the catering team is in a rush since the food that they had ordered cancelled on them last minute, causing them a serious problem. The staffs had to go out by themselves and bought a bunch of food for the members of Enhypen and also the other staffs too. And unfortunately, the new staff named Juhyun didn't know about Lily's allergy, so he went to a restaurant that sells pastas and bought every single thing on the menu.

There should have been a thorough check from the catering team's side but they were in too much chaos to check everything one by one with what little time they have. So, after loading the food in the van, they had back to the concert venue and had to get some help to deliver the food.

"I'm so hungry~" Lily pouted and looked over at Jay who's playing a game on his phone. "Of course, peach. You didn't eat anything this morning because you woke up late. What's with that?"

Lily frowned, "what?"

Jake sat next to Lily on the couch to join the conversation. "He meant by you waking up late. You never does that, angel." The girl shrugged her shoulders. She was super tired from nonstop dancing the day before that she had forgotten to set her alarms and ended up being the last to wake up.

"The food is here!" Lily and Niki are the first ones to rush to the food since they're practically starving. Heeseung approached the table where the food is at and frowned. "Is this pastas?"

Juhyun nodded his head. "The other restaurants refused to make us food for such a short time due to limited time so we ended up with this. Hope you guys are fine with it." Just as Lily was about to take her food, Heeseung stopped her. "But I thought pastas were off-limit due to Lily's allergies?"

The guy's face literally turned white when Heeseung said that. His mouth opened to say something but he's at a loss for words. "Oppa. He's new here. Don't scare him off," scolded Lily who then looked at Juhyun with a warm smile, "I'm pretty sure you have something that isn't tomato based, right?"

He quickly nodded his head. "Yeah! I also bought aglio olio."

"But they have tomato too," said Heeseung.

"Urm. What about carbonara?"

"Sure, that should be fine." Juhyun handed the food to Lily who thanked him despite his carelessness. She walked away happily, ready to eat her food but Heeseung was not having it. Lily already has a bad medical record with allergies back then and he just doesn't want anything bad to happen to her. As she sat down and was about to eat her food, Heeseung stops her. Once again.

Lily rolled her eyes in annoyance. Her stomach is already grumbling in anger and if she doesn't eat anything by now, she'd literally burst in anger. "Here. Eat this as a snack first. I'll order something else for you." What he said had the girl whining. "It's carbonara, oppa. There's no tomato in it."

"I know there's no tomato but you're deadly allergic to them and cross contamination still exist, baby. Even the slightest bit of tomato essence can cause you harm. Have this instead. Your food will arrive soon." Heeseung is stern whenever the issue that he's dealing with involves a really huge consequence. And Lily is a brat for most of the time but this time, she had to listen to Heeseung because she doesn't want to get sick and ended up in the hospital again.

She took the gummies from Heeseung who then ruffles her hair lovingly. "That's my girl. And you guys." The other members looked up at the eldest with wide eyes. "Do not give Lily any of what you're eating. Doesn't matter if it contains tomato or not."

They all nodded their head, making Lily huffed. Juhyun and the catering crews felt bad for their carelessness. Another crew should've went with Juhyun to buy the food so that this could be avoided but they were too busy. Juhyun approached Lily who's sulking due to not being able to eat just yet. "I'm so sorry, Lily. I didn't know you have a allergy to tomatoes. If I had known, I wouldn't have bought pastas. I'm so sorry."

Lily smiled, "it's fine. I'm not mad at you and Heeseung oppa sure is not too. He's just worried about me, that's all. Don't take his actions to heart, he's usually a more happy go lucky kind of person. I'm pretty sure you didn't mean to do it." Juhyun nodded his head, agreeing with Lily. He was just accepted into the job and he would be damned to be fired because of this mistake he did.

"And don't worry. I know you're new here. Mistakes get made sometimes so you'll get another chance. Just don't blow it up again." Juhyun felt at ease after hearing what Lily said. It's true that she was an angel sent from above with how she treats everyone.

"Your food is here, baby!"

"I'll get going first then. Bye~" She waved at Juhyun and excitedly make her way to the table. "I'm coming, oppa!"

ps: I have read all of the comments on the chapter before this and I have to say it's pretty amusing to read through them HAHAHAHAH. Everyone was talking about how petty they will be if they're in Lily's position and that got me thinking, what if I write a chapter where Lily is actually being her petty self and getting back at them?

Would you guys like that?

Let me know if you do!


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