= never again =

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Youngwon never wanted to join I-Land, knowing she will be the only female participant. She was practically forced and it was hard for her to fit in. People judged her, telling that she'll never be able to debut and it really did things to her self esteem.

So, she practiced like crazy. When everyone went to sleep early, she stayed back in the individual practice room to practice by herself. It was tiring for her. Super tiring but she's been training for almost four years. If she don't debut from this, she won't have another chance to debut. This is her last resort and she's desperate.


With all the intense training and practices, it's expected of her to get sick. But still, she decided to put her health on the side and focus on training. That time, she literally has less than three days before the next stage so she doesn't have time to waste. Every single second is super important to her. That's why, even though her body is burning with fever, she still continue practicing like it was what she ever know to do.

At that time, K saw how hard she's working and he's worried for her so since she's in the same group as he is for the next stage, he decided to ask her to meet him during the rest time that he let them have for a while. Obviously, she declined at first, saying she need to practice more because she felt like she was behind a lot. However, with some convincing, she finally went with K to talk in the individual practice room.

Her condition seems worse. Hoarse voice, runny nose, red face and it's obvious she's in pain by how she's moving. She sat down on the cold floor, drinking some water. "Are you going to keep being like this, Lily?"

"I don't have a choice, oppa. If I stop now just because I'm sick, I won't be able to debut. You have no idea how important this is to me. This is my last chance in this." She cried, desperately wanting him to understand her point of view. The thing is, he does understand her but it's not right to put your health behind you no matter what reason it is.

He knelt down, facing the crying girl. "You're still young, Lily. You still have a long way ahead of you. You shouldn't put your life on the line just because you're desperate for it. I know this is your dream. It's all of our dream here. That's why we joined this show but this is not right." He told her but nothing is getting to her head with the ringing and painful headache she's having.

Everything he's saying sounded like a long nag to her and she wanted it to stop. "Let's get you to rest for today. All you have to do is sleep and rest." He held her hand, "come on."

She really wants to decline his request but her head was in too much pain and all she wants to do is get a good sleep. So, she just lets him drag her back to her room, tucking her in bed and making sure she takes some medicine before she went to sleep. He also placed a cool patch on her forehead so that her body's temperature can decrease. "You deserves this. Don't think of anything and just sleep."

Lily nodded her head and closed her eyes as K switched off the lights and left the room. Not even a few minutes later and she's out like the light, making K smiles in relief. "She really needed that sleep. So, where are we at earlier?"


Her memories in I-Land all felt like a nightmare but there was one that especially made her skin crawl whenever she thinks back on it.

A little insight. Even though I-Land literally records everything the trainees does, they've been in there long enough to know some blind spot of the cameras and what time does the cameras stopped recording and that's when the real thing happened. The perfect facade dropped and it wasn't so bad since they're mostly just tired of smiling and acting like everything is fine but one of the trainee, she won't say who, is the devil himself.

She's grateful that she had never been teamed up with him in any stages since he's mostly been in Ground but that one time he was in I-Land, it was horror for her.

Obviously, knowing her, she would avoid people that she's not close with since that's her nature. She doesn't talk much but if someone else talks to her, she'll gladly continue the conversation but this wasn't the case with this one trainee. Let's call him G. G is a creep that would always follow Lily around. They're not even close so for him to actually do that really scares her.

There was this one time when everyone was busy washing up before dinner and Lily went to the pantry to get something to eat. G showed up suddenly behind Lily, blocking her way from leaving. She tried moving a few times but he moves the same way as her so that she isn't able to leave the pantry.

Lily could literally hear him smirking. "Why won't you look at me in the eyes, Lily? Are you really going to be like this with me?" He touched her hair and even going as far as caressing her lips while she stood there, not knowing what to do. She could scream, she really could but after having such a bad fever, there's barely any voice left in her and at the moment, she just don't dare to scream.

"You're such a beautiful girl. It's such a shame that you're still a minor." He chuckled, implying something that Lily wouldn't even dare to think about. Her whole body is trembling and all she want is to escape from this hell. "Aigoo. You're trembling a lot. Are you scared of me?"

Just as he's about to touch her even more, someone walked into the pantry, making G stepped back from the girl. She let out a sigh of relief at whoever that is and took it as her chance to leave and went to her bed. She didn't even bother washing up and went straight to bed, covering her whole body with the blanket as she cried herself to sleep.

Since Sunghoon is in the same room as Lily, he was weirded out by how odd she's acting. "Something's wrong but I don't know what." He gritted his teeth in frustration. "About what?" Jake butts in. "Lily."

And no one knows this story, not even the people in charge of I-Land because Lily was scared of what it will do to her reputation. It is still a secret, until now and not one member of Enhypen knows about this.

While she still loves the members with all that she can offer, it's clear that there's still a huge wall that she's placed in between them because of what happened. She trusts them but they're still man at the end of the day and because of that one person, it ruined her perspective on others. She really wished that she could forget about it but it's hard.

She will never forget it because it leaves a deep scar on her trust towards others.

ps: remember that this is only a fiction and nothing i write here reflects to the real people and situations. enjoy and do leave any comment on what you think about this chapter because someone requested this but i was hesitate to write it but I think this is the reality that most minor idols had to face. It's disgusting and I can't imagine what it does to someone. I hope no one will have to go through any of these.


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