= sassy duo (sunoo + lily) =

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Sunoo is probably the member that Lily trust most no matter what. Whenever she's with him, she feels safe and there's no need to be cautious with him. Maybe it's because Lily is attached to his feminine side but she felt like she could really be herself with him. Also, he's the only person that Lily shares all her secret with.



Lily entered the bathroom with a bad cramps. It was when she looked at the toilet floor that she realised she's menstruating. She sat on the toilet, one arm over her lower stomach to press onto the cramp so that it's hurt less. She doesn't know where she got that tip from but it's not doing anything. She was in pain and alone, not knowing who to call but then someone crossed her mind. "Niki! Nishimura Riki!" Niki rushed to the toilet after hearing Eva yelled for him. He knock on the toilet's door, "nuna? Are you okay? Do you need anything?"

"Yes. Call Sunoo oppa for me and tell him that I'm having code red. Now." Niki frowned, "code red? Nuna, what are you playing about?"

"Just go, Riki! I'm already dying in here so don't test me! Go now!" Niki was a bit confused but he went to find Sunoo in his room, studying. The maknae looked at Sunoo, "hyung. Nuna needed you. She said that she's having a code red or something? I don't know what it is but she said that." Sunoo took off his earphones and placed it down on his study table. "Right. Code red. It's been a while." Sunoo thanked Niki for letting him know and head towards Lily's and Heeseung's shared room. Heeseung was in it, playing video games but Sunoo head no mind to him.

Sunoo went to get something from Lily's closet and he also took one of Heeseung's hoodie and Lily's comfy shorts with him. He left the room and head to the toilet. "Sunshine?" there's groaning in the toilet and he just know that it's brutal in there. "I've got your stuffs here with me. Can you open the door by a bit so that I can give it to you?" She opened the door just by a little, enough to grab the stuffs before shutting it close. He chuckled, "do you need anything? I'm making a run to the convenience store."

Lily said something but it was unclear. "Say again?"

"Can you get me those pills? And some ice cream too?" Sunoo nodded his head before humming, "sure. I'll get those. Oh and just left your stained pants in there. I'll wash it later." He then took his mask and left for the convenience store. Like Lily asked, he did brought her the pills she wanted and mint chocolate chip ice cream. For extra, he also bought dark chocolates and lychee peach flavoured milk. Once he reached the dorm, he sees Lily in the laundry room, crying on the floor.

He placed the things he bought on the kitchen counter and went to Lily. "What's wrong? Why are you crying?" She hugged Sunoo while still crying. "Sunghoon oppa said that I looked grumpy today~" Sunoo really wanted to laugh but with Lilt's mood, it's most likely that she'd be offended by it. Those symptoms sure shouldn't be messed with. "That's so mean of him," he picked her up as if she weight nothing, all the while patting her back to calm her down.

"I've bought you ice-cream, favourite flavoured milk and also the chocolate you loves." Her ears perked up at the mention of ice-cream. "Mint chocolate?"

Sunoo chuckled and nodded his head, "obviously, sunshine. Only your favourite for you. So, let's have you all comfortable and watch some dramas together, hmm?" Lily feel her mood getting better and nodded her head. She gets off of Sunoo and head to Sunoo's room before laying down on his bed, waiting for him. Before joining her, Sunoo made sure that her clothes are in the washing machine. He poured the laundry detergent and get the machine started.

"Now. Let's try not to trigger her mood swings and get her to end this day happily."



The only person who's willing to listen to Lily talk nonstop is Sunoo and that's another reason why she adores him the most. Even now, when he's barely awake, he still hums to everything Lily said. With her back against his front, Lily babbled about how hard her day was at the HYBE building and what's not. Sunoo is sleepy since he had barely any sleep last night but he doesn't want to ignore Lily.

He snuck his arms around her waist, pulling her closed to him. "And so I said to the stylist that I don't want such a short skirt because it's too revealing and I hate it but she kept on making faces. It makes me so mad because it seems like she sees me as a burden." Lily huffed angrily but it lessen when she could feel Sunoo humming to her complaints. Now that she had been complaining and everything is off her chest, she suddenly feel sleepy.

"You know, oppa?" Sunoo hums. "Thank you for listening to me even though what I'm saying is literally useless. I know you aren't really listening but it's the thought that counts. Thank you for everything." She turned around to face the already sleeping Sunoo. She held his face and pushed out the bangs from his beautiful face. Sometimes Lily is jealous of Sunoo. He's just so beautiful. Even more beautiful than her that even she gets insecure whenever she's standing next to him.

But over the time, Lily learns that Sunoo is so much more than just a beautiful face. He's nice to everyone who deserves his kindness. He'd go out of his way to make someone feel better and Lily really loves that about him. It's because how she used to have really low self-esteem but Sunoo kept on complimenting her nonstop that she's now confident with herself. She just couldn't thank him enough even if she did.

"Thank you, oppa."



This two people are the sassiest members in Enhypen. They could literally do anything and it'd make them look so diva-ish and classy. Unlike the name of the duo, which is Mochiz, they're actually really sassy and savage when needed to. Recently, the two of them went live together and of course, the fans loves it.

"I've bought a new couple bracelet for me and Sunoo oppa. It's beautiful, isn't it?" She showed her bracelet to the camera and looked at Sunoo with pouting lips that are pointing to the camera so that he'd do the same. Sunoo patted his own hair before lifting his hand up and showing the beautiful bracelet that's identical to the one Lily had. Eva smiled in satisfaction and read the comments. "Sunoo oppa looks like he doesn't want to show it."

Lily whipped her head to Sunoo who had an offended expression on. "Who said that I doesn't want to show it? This is by far," he glared at the camera, "the most beautiful gift someone had ever gifted me. I'm in love with it. What are you talking about?" He then blinked his eyes slowly before rolling his eyes with sass. Lily is happy with his reaction so she couldn't smiling. "Ohh~ Sunoo oppa is so cool, guys~"

Sunoo tched and flipped his imaginary long hair. "Of course. What do you take me as, sunshine?" That made Lily laugh and Sunoo smiled. He would do it over and over again if it means he gets to hear those beautiful laugh again. That's how whipped he is for the girl.


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