= mood swings =

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As a healthy woman, Lily is obligated to experience the monthly subscription of menstruation where she turns into a moody lion where nothing is ever right in her eyes. At this time of the month, she refuses to do anything if she have the ability to do so but being a busy person doesn't give her that much of a luxury.

And her mood swings were like the roller coasters ride. Sometimes they're high up but most of the times, they're down low. Those people who had to live with her during that time of the month had to live their life at the edge as if they did something that was just slightly out of Lily's favor, she would not talk to them at all for the whole time she's menstruating to avoid saying mean stuffs to them.

However, they don't mind it so much because Lily is cute whenever she sulks when she feels like things aren't going her way. But it's not cute when she is acting like a brat about it.

This morning, Lily woke up with a bad cramp on her lower abdomen due to it being the time of the time which caused her to be grumpy the first thing in the morning. Usually, she would greet the others with a smile but today, she's frowning as she makes her way to the kitchen to fix herself some hot drink that could maybe help with the pain. Niki looked up from his cup at the grumpy woman.

"Morning, nuna."

"Morning." That's all she said. Niki's eyes widened in surprise. Often, she would shower him with compliments and kisses that he had to stop her so he's actually surprised how simple her answer was. "Did something happened?" She sighed, "why? Does it looked like something happened, Niki? I'm just tired, okay? Give me a break."

She opened each of the cabinet to find the coffee pod so that she can insert to the machine but can't find it. "Oh my god. Where the heck is it?" Her voice is slightly raised due to annoyance. Jay entered the kitchen and reached towards the highest cabinet. He then handed the pods to her. She took it harshly from him, not even saying thank you. "Not even a thank you?"

Lily kept her silence as she prepared herself a cup of hot caramel macchiato while she is bend over the counter, a hand on her abdomen. Jake frowned and then he gets it. "She's on that time of the month. No wonder she's so cranky today." He told Niki who sat next to him. "Does that mean we're going to be stuck with cranky nuna for a week?"

Jake shrugged his shoulders, "it depends really. Her cycle usually lasted nine days but who knows? It could be shorter," he smirked, "or longer."

Just thinking about the mood swings that Lily will be having for the next few days already had Niki whining. The last time she was in those mood and he pulled a prank on her, he had to stand at a corner to reflect himself for a whole fifteen minutes. "Better not get on her bad side, ay Niki?"

"Shut up, hyung."

Lily sat down on the couch in front of the television next to Jungwon. "Would you like to watch it, Lily?" She hummed softly and was about to take the remote from Jungwon when he shut the television closed with a teasing smirk. "You know what? I'm not even interested in watching the television anymore." She rolled her eyes at Jungwon and proceeded to scroll through her phone.

The girl's TikTok For You Page is always filled with cute babies and Lily usually loves that as she is a huge baby lover but when her hormones are unstable, her baby fever became worse that she started crying because of how cute the baby is. "What's wrong, princess? Are you hurt anywhere?" Asked Sunghoon who came out from the kitchen upon hearing her crying.

"Why are babies so cute? Like," she paused, trying to find the right word to describe what she felt but when she can't do it, she continue to cry, "I don't even know what I wanted to say. I'm such a fool."

Jake handed a Hersheys Cookie n Cream chocolate bar to Sunghoon who then made his way towards Lily. He sat next to her. "It's okay. Sometimes we does that too. Here." She immediately stopped crying upon seeing the chocolate. Instead of tears, she's now smiling happily like she didn't just cry. Hormones sure is a weird thing to understand.

"That's so sweet. Aww~" she awed at Sunghoon but then, she cried once again. Not because she's sad but because she's touched. Sunghoon frown, "what's wrong? I thought you like it?"

She nodded her head, "I do. I really do like it. I'm just so happy that I got it." Sunghoon's heart literally melts. Lily could be a lot to handle when she's in this state but she's so precious. "But I'll get bloated and ugly and," she started to wail once again as she looked down at her stomach that is coming out from between her crop top and shorts, "no one will like me anymore. Uwaa~"

Niki had to look away to stop himself from laughing out loud. Only if he could tease her. But he learnt his lessons from what happened before. Sunghoon smiled and wiped away Lily's tears using his thumbs. "No, you won't, princess. We'll still like you regardless. And look at your little tummy, it's cute. Don't you think so?"

Lily frowned as she slapped Sunghoon's hands away from her face. "Are you calling me fat right now, oppa?"

"No, I'm not—"

She got up from the couch as she stomps her feet. "Heeseung oppa! Sunghoon oppa called me fat!"

"I did not! Yah!"

While that happened, Niki took a sip of his apple juice, enjoying the drama. As long as it doesn't involve him, he's happy to watch it. I mean, it only happen for once in every month so why not savor it while it lasted.



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