= misunderstanding =

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Like any other group, it's expected for misunderstandings to happen in the group amongst the member. This time, it's between Jay and Sunghoon. Everyone knows that Jay have an anger issues and he got mad pretty easily. Sunghoon, on the other hand loves teasing Jay at all the wrong timing, teasing the older guy when his mood is literally in the worst.

Sunghoon doesn't know when to stop and on that particular day, Jay was feeling the worst. All he wanted to do is sleep it all out since he's so stressed out but Sunghoon decided to tease Jay. "Man up, dude. It was just a little stress. Don't be such a baby." Lily who's been sitting next on the couch alone as she munches on her snacks watches them with fear. She just know that this might turn sour if Sunghoon doesn't stop anytime soon. And it seems like he isn't going to.

"Shut up. You're talking as if you know better. Leave me the fuck alone." Sunghoon scoffed. As a person with an anger issue himself, he can't stand it when Jay talked like that to him. The thing is, HE IS THE ONE WHO STARTED IT! "Woah. Easy there, tiger. You're being mean with your words."

Sunghoon stood up to stand against Jay, trying to irk him even more. "Um, Sunghoon oppa. I think you should stop now. Jay oppa is not having it." Lily wanted them to not fight because this is surely not the first time this has happened and the last time, it ended in a physical fight. But Sunghoon is too stubborn for his own good.

Jay held onto the collar of Sunghoon's shirt while gritting his teeth. "Punch me if you're such a man. Or not. Whatever. You're such a pussy anyway," laughed Sunghoon as he made the guy even more mad. Not long after, Jay's fist came kissing Sunghoon's cheek as he punches him. "Jay oppa!"

The girl left her snack on the couch to check on Sunghoon who's on the floor, grunting as he wipes the side of his lips from the blood stain. "I've told you to stop, didn't I? What's wrong with you, seriously?" Scolded Lily as she tried to help Sunghoon get up. Just as she thought Sunghoon had enough, he said something to make Jay even more mad. "This is all you got? Pft. You're all bark and no bite."

He then spits at Jay's face, causing Jay to clench his teeth. "Oh? Is that it? You're so going to get it."

Jay is lurching towards Sunghoon to punch him again, this time targeting his stomach but Lily got in front of Sunghoon, protecting him. And instead of Sunghoon getting punched in the stomach, Lily gets it. Right at that moment, Heeseung walked out from his room, just right when Jay's fist landed on her stomach.

Lily doubled over in pain as she knelt to the ground, a hand on her stomach. It felt horrendous, almost like being kicked in the groin. "Jay! What are you doing?!" Shouted Heeseung as he rushed towards Lily. He had just woken up due to the commotion that he kept hearing to check out what's happening. He had expected any of the guys to be fighting but Jay hitting Lily? That was so unexpected.

Jay too, hasn't expected Lily to do that and he truly regrets it. Immediately, all his anger left his body and is replaced with guilt. "I didn't mean to hurt you, Lily. I'm so sorry, peach. Oh my god."

It's one thing that Jay is a guy and he have so many pent up stress, his strength intensifies so the impact is actually so big. Heeseung held Lily's face as her face is distorted due to the pain. "Do you think that you can walk, baby? I'm going to get our manager to bring you to the hospital, just to make sure." Lily shook her head, "I'm fine, oppa. This will go away on its own later. I'm fine."

But she's not, because the next second, she began throwing up blood. Not a lot by it is concerning enough that she is throwing up blood. Jay's and Sunghoon's eyes widened in horror. "Call the manager! What are you guys waiting for?!" Heeseung scolded them both while holding onto Lily who looks like she's trying hard to stay conscious. "It's okay, baby. Sleep if you're tired. You'll be all better when you wakes up, hmm?"


While waiting for a result from the doctor, the three waited outside the room with their manager who had just found out what truly happened. Sunghoon feel so guilty because it all started because of his stubbornness. "What if something real bad happens to Lily? Would you guys be responsible for it?" Their manager asked the two. "I am so disappointed in you both. Violence is never the answer to everything, Jay. And you, Sunghoon. Can you read the room and take the hint that someone is not in the mood for your teasing? God, you're both so childish."

Heeseung sighed, "if anything bad happens to Lily, you're both are done for." The eldest is known for his patience and he rarely talk like that to anyone but what they did was really out of line. Heeseung loves Lily more than anyone and it truly shows. Right then, the doctor walked out of Lily's room. They all stood up in sync, wanting to know how's Lily doing.

"She's fine. Thankfully, it's nothing too bad. Because she's been punched, there's a slight injury to her stomach that causes internal bleeding but it will heal pretty soon so don't worry too much. She can be discharged after a few hours because we still need to check on her condition to make sure she's really okay before letting her leave."

Everyone sighed in relief at the good news, especially Jay. He knows how strong he can get when he's mad so he's especially grateful that it was not too bad. Still, he is in a lot of guilt because of what he did. "You too can go home and make sure you guys apologize to Lily once she gets back." The two nodded their head shamefully. "Heeseung, take care of Lily for a while. I'm going to complete the procedure to get Lily to discharge."

Heeseung answered with a gentle yes and went into the room Lily is in. Thankfully, she don't look too bad herself as she could still smile when she sees Heeseung. "How are you feeling, baby?"

"My stomach hurts a bit but it's bearable." She looked over Heeseung's shoulder, looking for someone. "Where's Jay and Sunghoon oppa?"

"They're told to go back to the dorm. You will get to meet them later but just rest for now. And Lily?" She hummed upon being called by Heeseung. "I'm sorry that I didn't show up earlier. This all could've been avoided if I was just a second earlier. I'm so sorry, baby."

Lily laughed at how apologetic Heeseung looked when it wasn't even him who hurt her. But that's just how Heeseung is. He sees himself as someone who should be protecting Lily and when she got hurt, he feel like he had failed to do so. "It's not even your fault, oppa. I was the one who got in between them. I think I should've let them beat each other up like they're in WWE but meh. Things already happened and it was none of your fault. Besides, I'm okay now, am I not?"

The eldest was not convinced even by the slightest bit but he trusted Lily anyway. All he wants her is to be safe all the time. "Fine. But I'm giving them an earful when I get home. They seriously need to stop being so childish."

"Whatever you sees fit, oppa."


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