= staffs moment =

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Enhypen have an amazing relationship with the staffs and it's a normal occurrence when they're laughing with each other. Most of the time, the members of Enhypen were really fun to work with but when they're feeling a little bit playful, that's when the staffs thought that they weren't paid enough for what they had to go through.

Still, they really enjoy working with Enhypen. Despite the playfulness, they're actually a bunch of people with the purest souls. They care about the people around them and even take care of them when needed.


Lily is said to be staffs' favorite whenever they're asked about it. It isn't like the others are bad but they're too playful, compared to Lily who always cooperate when she got her makeup and hair done. However, there are days when she's feeling mischievous too.

Like that one day, she's getting her hair done before an award show by her favorite hairstylist. They have a beautiful bond since the hairstylist did have a daughter around Lily's age. She married when she was 18 and had her daughter at the age of 19 so there are actually not much of an age gap between them. The hairstylist's name is Eun Sohee and she truly adore Lily.

Sometimes, when Lily is too tired when she gets her hair done, she would told Lily to just sleep and not worry about anything. While the artist sleep, she would call in her assistant to hold Lily's head while she does her hair. Sohee is always seen smiling whenever she's working with Lily. "She's been working so hard lately. Look at her sleeping when she's usually so full of energy while getting her hair done," said Sohee.

Her assistant smiled. "Yeah. I heard from the protocol team that she almost passed out yesterday during rehearsal. Had to stop for a while because of it." Sohee sighed. She truly admire Lily for her work ethic but sometimes, the girl just doesn't know when to stop, causing her to overwork herself. "She won't listen even if we talk to her about it. She's just like that," said the hairstylist.

They both sighed. "She had been under an extreme diet for the past few days to keep her body in shape since it's the time for year end shows."

"She always does that." Right then, Lily stirs awake. The first thing she did when she sees Sohee is to smile cutely. "Did you have a good nap, our sleeping beauty?" She teased, the corner of her lips rising slightly. "Yeah, I did. Thank you for letting me sleep for a bit, eonni. That means a lot to me."

Sohee beamed happily. "It's the least I could do for our hardworking princess." Once she's done with Lily's hair, she sprayed it with some hair spray to make sure it won't move and becomes frizzy. "There you go. Do you like it, Lily? It's your first time rocking a short hair and I have to say it suits you very well."

The reflection of herself in the mirror caused her to grin excitedly. It's her first time having short hairs since she was a kid and it's exciting for her to actually see how she looks. "It's all because of your magic touches, eonni. I love how it turned out, thank you." The girl squealed in excitement as she walked away to boast her new hairstyle to others. Sohee looked at her from afar with a proud smile.

"Look at her all grown up. Miss it when she was younger. Aigoo. They grow up so fast, don't they?"


The practice room is dark and quiet as Lily hides herself in one of the cabinet to run away from her choreographer. "I know you're in here, Lily. If I find you myself, you'll be so done for." Footsteps of the choreographer gets closer and closer to where she's hiding. Her heart is literally beating like crazy and she had to cover her mouth so that no sound escaped her.

"Please go away. Please go away." That's what she's been chanting for the past few seconds but it doesn't seem like the choreographer is leaving anytime soon. You might ask how does Lily ended in this situation. Well, the two of them was practicing for Lily's solo part in one of the award show performance. She was actually doing well in the first few hours but soon enough, she gets really tired.

She could have just asked the choreographer for some rest and she would literally let her have it but Lily thought that there's no fun in it. So, she did what any normal people would do and lied to her choreographer saying that she need to use the toilet and never go back. That's how she ended where she is. It's a little game she's playing with the choreographer, Lee Yuna.

"I swear to god, Lily. When I find you, I'm gonna punish you for making me wait for an hour." Yuna huffed tiredly. That's when Lily had enough and decided to just show up herself. Slowly— Not quite slowly— Clumsily, she fell on the floor upon opening the door to the cabinet.

Yuna rushed to her side, looking worried. "Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere? Do you need medical assistance?" Lily shook her head and grinned sheepishly at Yuna as if she did nothing wrong at all. She sighed in disbelief. "You're seriously going to be the death of me, Lily. Come on, let's call it a day."

Immediately, she springs up energetically, shocking Yuna. "You're the best, saem! I'm buying you drinks because you've been so nice to me! Let's go!"

The choreographer couldn't believe her eyes. The girl who literally looked like she's a second away from dying from exhaustion a second ago is now full of energy as if she just had a power nap. Yuna scoffed, "how? You're literally like a robot. What are you actually?"

Lily shrugged her shoulders, gathering her stuffs, ready to leave. "Come on, saem. It's my treat."

"You're insufferable, Lily."

"I love you too, saem."


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