= petty party =

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Lily is a pure soul, there's no doubt about it and she is often taken to advantage by others. The members does it too sometimes and Lily has never once actually get back at them. This time when they all ignored her for no apparent reason, she decided that being nice won't cut it anymore so she resulted to pettiness.

She's never had this crazy drive to go full on petty but they're all testing their limits so she wants them to have a taste of their own medicine.

That particular day, they decided to go out together to strengthen their bond together as a group even though they're barely speaking at the moment so Lily had an idea planned to get back at them. It was a last minute plan and she didn't even say that she agreed to go with them. Which is why she doesn't feel half as bad about what she's about to do.

She had pretended to forgot their day out together and invited Ricky and Gyuvin over for a little get together. Of course, she had told them about the plan so that they can annoyed the members more and more.

Lily knows for a fact that even though they all might not show it upfront, they're actually very jealous when any other person, especially men gets too close to Lily. It's still very obvious to her so she uses it to her benefit.

Just as they're all ready to leave, someone rang the door bell and before Sunoo could open the door, Lily made it there first. "Ricky! Gyuvin! You guys made it!" She hugged them both, already gaining some glares from the members, especially Jungwon and Niki. "Let me get my stuffs then we're ready to go." She walked into her room to get her stuffs. The stares she got from the members are truly exciting because they're so jealous yet their ego won't let them say it out loud.

She was just about to leave when Jake clears his throat. "Where do you think you're going, young lady?" Lily frowned, "what do you mean? I'm leaving with my friends. Can't you see?" She rolled her eyes in fake annoyance when on the inside, she's giggling happily. Jake's expression turns sour and a deep frown is etched on his forehead. "Lose the attitude, Lily. And no, you're not leaving with your friends. You're leaving with us. It's our day together."

Lily snorted, finding everything very amusing. "What are you even talking about? I don't remember agreeing to go with you guys. Besides, it's not like you guys care, right?" She said that so easily with a smile on her lips, knowing she got the upper hand in the situation. They were messing with the wrong person now.

No one said anything so Lily took that as her cue to leave. "Toodles, guys. See you tonight." She then left with the two friends of her as they laughed like crazy.

Gyuvin snorted, "you should've seen the way they look like they're about to kill us for hugging you, Lily. It was hilarious." Lily shrugged her shoulders, all the while grinning mischievously. "It was indeed hilarious. They're jealous yet they won't say it out loud and they've been ignoring me too. I just want them to get a taste of their own medicine."


While Lily is out having the best day of her life with her friends, the outing that the members of Enhypen had without Lily is pretty bland. They're mostly quiet with each other, only talking when needed. No one started a conversation as they're all wondering what Lily is doing. Sunghoon finally had enough and sighed, "is it just me but I really don't like how the two guys hugged Lily earlier?"

Niki hummed, "I don't like it too, hyung. It made me feel something weird and I hate it."

How oblivious are they? Lily has been really setting it straight so that they could see it all. Heeseung scoffed, "and she prefer to go out with some guy rather than us. Like they're any better than us." (Sorry Zeroses, don't attack me, I really love ZB1 and this is just a story T_T)


The boys couldn't enjoy their outing so after they had lunch, they went back to their dorm, prefer to just stay in and sleep or play games. Jungwon laid in bed with a heavy heart and he couldn't even take a nap no matter how much he tried. He knows something is wrong with Lily since she never act up like this before. That's when it hits. He got out of bed and rushed everyone into Heeseung's and Lily's shared room to have a meeting.

"I think I found out why Lily did what she did today," exclaimed Jungwon, proud of his ability to find the source of the problem. "What is it?"

Jungwon shook his head, disappointed in himself and also the others for being so blind about it. "Lily is mad at us for all the things we put her through. Especially that incident with Seoyeon nuna. She said she's not mad anymore but I don't think that's the case. I mean, we did trust someone else instead of her. And if I put myself in her position, I'd feel betrayed and sad too." Realization hits each one of them hard in the face. Now that they think about it, they've been pretty much treating Lily like garbage.

Everytime something happens, they blame it all on her and when they're having a tough day, they let all their stress out on her but she never said anything about that. She's always been so calm and accepting and forgiving that they forget to see the part of her that is slowly tumbling down because of them.

Jay sighed, he's at a loss for word. Now that they all think about it, they finally know how bad their behavior is and there's no way of fixing that. They don't even know how to make it up to her anymore.

"There's no fixing this anymore. What should we do now?"


After their little meeting, they decided on a few plans to make it up to Lily. Jake went first to take her on a shopping spree. He had hoped that she would spend as much as she wants even if it's a lot but she just bought an ice-cream for herself. The second is Sunghoon who helped her with doing the laundry even though it's her turn to do it. She of course, let him do it but it doesn't feel like anything special so Sunghoon felt like he failed.

Third is Jay who took her on a two day vacation to Busan that is fully paid by him. Even everything that she wanted was paid by Jay. She did thanked him but it doesn't feel quite right. Fourth is Heeseung. He bought her favorite flowers and gave it to her on the day they went out together to have lunch, which is paid by him, obviously. He then brought her to the park to relax and it somehow worked because Lily is looking radiant like she used to.

Then, Sunoo went on and massage her body every night before she goes to sleep. She had always have this body ache after an intense day so what's better than a massage every night? Free of charge, that is. Next is Jungwon. At this point, he's running out of idea to make it up to Lily but after some research, he found out that Lily loves to eat homemade food so he took a cooking class for two weeks before making Lily a full course home cooked meals. She was so happy to eat them and it was a plus that it tasted so delicious.

Last but not least, it's Niki's turn. Lily had always babied and take great care of him since the first day they met so he wanted to do it back to Lily. He takes note of Lily's favorite everything; food, activity, flowers, hobby, you name it; and decorate a picnic by the river with utmost care. He made sure that everything is perfect as he let Lily be herself and does the things she always wanted to do without saying anything.

After all that hard works, they could finally feel the air around them became warm again, like it used to be. Lily is happy that she's been taken care of so nicely by all of them. And although what they did broke her before, she knows that they regretted it a lot so she decided to fully forgive them. But also, she made them promise that if they ever did it again, she just won't be petty about it anymore but just leave the group.

It scared them so much that they cried the whole night after Lily accepted their apologies. They promised that it won't happen again. Ever.


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