= a little too much =

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It's not wrong for Lily to drink alcohol as she had just turned legal in 2023 but it still felt like she's committing a crime. She never had any alcohol since she doesn't like the smell of it from the members whenever they would come back to the dorm smelling like one.

But you know what they say about curiosity kills the cat, right? She was so young and she just wanted to know what it tasted like so she started out with something light, which is a red wine. Hesitation became her best friend as she sits in the kitchen by herself at 3 in the morning with a glass of red wine in her hand. "Oh, just do it, Lily. Don't be such a pussy."

She chugged down the whole content of the glass with a wide eyes. It tasted nice. Not too strong and nothing that she can't handle. It's sweeter than she had expected. Surely, it is such a great surprise that she can't help but to fill her glass up once again with the wine. This time, she drinks it slowly to savor the taste.

"Jay oppa have such great taste in wine. What brand is this anyway?" The wine is a gift from Jay last week when he went grocery shopping or some sort. She thought this day wouldn't come but she's grateful that she didn't decline his kindness and just accept his gift. "This is good but I think I need something stronger."

She went to search for soju in the fridge and found a few. A lot, to be exact. There are various flavors of it too but she chose the peach flavored one since peach is her favorite fruit. "Just one shot and that's it. I'm not trying to get drunk. I just want to taste it. That's all."

Lily tried to convince herself but the alcohol is slowly making its way into her system as she feels hazy. A little tipsy, you'd say. A shot glass is sitting on the table so she went to wash it and pour the soju into the shot glass. "Here goes nothing." Once the alcohol hits her throat, she made a noise, somewhat like gurgling and grunting. The alcohol is burning her throat but she likes the taste and sensation of it.

One turned into two shots and by the time she had stopped drinking, she had already finished two bottles of soju. She sat on the ground, barely conscious all the while hiccuping. A chuckle escape from her as she find herself funny for whatever reason it might be. Now that she's drunk, it's clear than she wasn't just trying the alcohol. She was truly enjoying it.

And her asian flush is so bad that her skin is glowing red. Sunghoon woke up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet but then he found Lily on the floor, talking to god knows who as she mumbled in some weird, unknown language. "Lily?"

He approached her and immediately, the strong scent of alcohol hits his nostrils. "God. Are you drunk, Lily? What the heck? I thought you hate alcohol?" She raised her head up tiredly. "You're talking so much. Who are you, even?" Sunghoon shook his head in disbelief. His wish to go to the toilet long forgotten as he tried to get Lily back into her bed.

She refuses to let Sunghoon help her and she cried like he was kidnapping her or something. "Don't kidnap me, uwahhh~ I have three kids that I have to feed or they'll starve without me~" by three kids, she meant her plushies. "I'm not kidnapping you. Oh my god. God, give me the strength to deal with her right now."

Tears escaped her eyes easily as she leaned against the side of the table's leg before hugging it. Sunghoon couldn't believe his eyes. It seems amusing, funny even. "People always say that but they're all liars. If you kidnap me, I'll get my oppa! He's scary, do you know that?!" She shouted at Sunghoon and he tried his hardest to not make her shout so that no one else would wake up but it was too late because Niki woke up due to her shouting.

"Hyung? Nuna? What happened?"

Sunghoon looked up at the sleepy guy. "It's nothing. Just go back to sleep." Niki rubs his eyes with the sleeve of his shirt so that he could see clearer. That's when he sees Lily hugging the leg of the table. "What is nuna doing?"

"She's drunk. And I'm trying to get her back into her bed but she thinks that I'm going to kidnap her." Niki scoffed at what Sunghoon said. He found the situation rather interesting and funny. "You could just pick her up, hyung. By the look of it, it seems like she's a second away from passing out." And Niki is right because the next second, she began snoring, even though she never snored before. Niki shrugged his shoulders. "Good luck, hyung. I'm going back to bed."

He couldn't believe the maknae is just going to leave him to deal with Lily alone. Lily is then picked up by Sunghoon with a little difficulty as her limbs are practically around the leg of the table. Once he got her, he doesn't think much and brought her back into her bed. He tucks her in and hoping that she won't have a hell of hangover the next morning.


The next morning came and while everyone had already woken up, even Heeseung, Lily is still deep in her sleep. Sunghoon told them about what happened last night, which gained a few laughs from the others.

Just then, Lily rushed out from her room into the bathroom just to puke. Jay sighed, "I'll make the hangover soup."

"I'll help," said Jungwon while the others just stare at each other. "The first hangover always feel like shit. I'll be with her, to tell her everything she needs to know about it." Heeseung took his final sip of drink before waiting in front of the toilet. "You okay in there, baby?"

"No. This is shit. Why did I even drink that much last night?" There's regret in her voice but it's probably too late for that. She should've stopped at the red wine but that wouldn't be enough. Heeseung had to muffle himself so that he won't offend the girl. "Tough luck, baby girl. Let's not drink too much next time."

"You aren't helping, oppa."

"I know. Just wanted to tease you."


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