= concert archive pt. 2 =

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Lily is clumsy, there's no telling otherwise and it shows when she performed on stage during a concert.


It was the Summer Sonic 2023 and it's Enhypen's first invitation to the concert. Obviously, since it's summer, the concert involved lots of water which the members will throw to the crowd. And Lily thought it long and hard, not knowing if it's the right thing to do. Still, while she was showering, she filled up an empty plastic bottle and spray it across the bathroom, practicing her wrist movement and all.

She thought she was going to be fine but the anxiety of the real thing is so much worse. Throughout the whole duration of the concert, she's holding a cold, fully filled plastic bottle. Lily is just waiting for the right time to strike and the plan is to not do it when the other members are doing it so that it won't be overdone.

At first, it was Heeseung. She watched attentively on how he did it. Then, it was Jake. She realized that he took a few sips from the bottle before spraying the remaining to the crowd. Next, it was Niki, followed up with Sunoo, Jay, Jungwon and Sunghoon, leaving her the only one who hasn't done it.

Gripping the bottle tightly, she began hyping up the crowd to jump with her. "This is it, Lily. It's now or never," she tells herself and there she goes. Lily swings the bottle around, spraying the content in the bottle successfully. Or at least she thought it was successful.

The bottle slips out of her grip and hit one of the person in the crowd. Lily gasped in shock and ran to look at the person. She got off the stage and apologized repeatedly at the girl who got hit in the head by the bottle. "Oh my god. I'm so sorry, angel. I'm so sorry. Did it hurt?"

Before the girl could answer, Lily answered herself. "Of course it hurt, idiot. You freaking hit her head." The girl chuckled at Lily's panic state as she kept saying that she's fine and it doesn't even hurt that bad because the bottle is empty. "Are you sure?" The girl nodded her head.

Lily still feel so bad so she took out her cute handkerchief from the back pocket of her skirt and handed it to the girl. "I don't know if this will make it up but here, have this. I'm so sorry once again." Lily held her hand one last time before she was ushered to go up the stage since the crowd is starting to go wild the longer she is down there. The girl screamed out happily when Lily touched her hand. "Oh my god! Lily touched my hand! I'm never washing them again! Oh god!"

Her voice was so loud that it caught the attention of the other members who chuckled at the reaction. Niki smiled, "nuna is truly something."


Concerts, to Lily, is her own little playground with lots of friends. She got so hyped whenever she's on stage and especially towards the end where she could run free and interact with the fans. That's why when the other members were asked to pick 5 years old Lily or 5 Lily, they would rather choose the first one as one Lily on its own is already a handful. Just imagine five of them.

On one of the concerts, Lily was running around with Niki on stage. She's trying to get away from the maknae who wanted to catch her. The stage was filled with so much laughter and happiness. "You can't catch me, Niki!" She stuck her tongue out at Niki as she hide behind Sunoo. Her fingers are gripping onto the sides of his shirt, playing somewhat like a peekaboo with Niki by using Sunoo as a wall.

Sunoo purses his lips into a thin line. "Be careful, sunshine."

Right then, Niki surged at the two and out of instinct, Lily backed away and fell on her butt. They all gasped collectively. "Are you okay?" Jungwon asked as he lended his hand to her. She took it and nodded her head, smiling from ear to ear. Heeseung and Jay both sighed in disbelief. "I'm fine, hehe." Her little awkward laugh is annoying because they were so worried about her but she made it look like she's fine.

Then, she went back to playing with Niki. Running freely across the stages. Heeseung smiled, "I'm glad she's enjoying all of these."


The girl loves clinging onto anyone she can find and lucky for Jake, this time she had chosen him. She hugged his arm as they both stride down the stage, waving at the fans as they go. And while Lily's eyes are focused on the crowd, Jake's eyes are focused on her.

He can't help but to adore the girl even more when she's all beautiful, smiling as she's enjoying every second of her life at the moment. "You're beautiful, angel." Jake said out of nowhere. Lily whipped her head towards him with a pout that she always did out of habit when she's confused. "So sudden?"

Jake shrugged his shoulders. "You're smiling a lot. You're happy. And happy you is the most beautiful you, don't you know that?" Lily blushed madly and waved her hands side to side, indicating a no to Jake. "Stop~ You're making me blush, oppa~"

The guy chuckled and ruffled Lily's hair as she pulls away from him to enjoy the crowd on her own. She was walking just fine, looking at the crowd of people that is in front of her with starry eyes when she fails to notice that the stage is coming to an end. Sunghoon saw it and rushed to Lily subtly. He grabbed her arm to pull her back gently.

She looked down beneath her feet before smiling sweetly at Sunghoon. "Oh, thank you."

Sunghoon nodded his head and walked away, not showing any emotion but the second he turns around, a smile decorated his lips. He's totally whipped for her.

I mean, don't they all?


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