121: Another self

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Chapter 121 When the other self

left the dangerous place, Airi immediately opened her eyes.

"I'm awake!" She looked at her husband with bright eyes: "Hound, you told me that it is an official organization. Am I a civil servant in this world?"

Civil servants, iron rice bowls! She is so amazing in this world, and she has found such a great job!

The leader, Dazai Osamu, immediately followed his wife's thoughts and made up a character on the spot: "Yes, the love of this world should be civil servants. Most civil servants hate evil very much. We should not disturb her."

Finally, He smiled reluctantly, looking a little sad.

Yes, her husband is a mafia and is definitely a key target for civil servants.

Feeling unable to lift her head in front of her other self, Airi lowered her head and stared at the floor for a while, and soon found something comforting again.

If she were a civil servant, she would definitely have very upright views and be very popular in the dating market, and would not be deceived into cheating by some philandering scumbag.

Feeling a little relieved, but not particularly relieved, Airi came up with a good idea.

"Since meeting is not good, how about we send her an anonymous letter?"

She kissed her husband's cheek excitedly: "Remind her to be dedicated to her relationship and never cheat on her!"

Regarding her wife's thoughts, the leader Osamu Dazai said He has always agreed without thinking: "Airi is right, you can find your partner based on your appearance, but you must not cheat based on your appearance."

If you send such a letter, the person who receives it will definitely think it is a warning, right?

Detective Dazai Osamu was a little speechless and sarcastically said: "What you know about yourself is that you only choose people based on their looks? I feel really sad for your husband."

The leader Osamu Dazai had a different opinion: "I am very glad that I am in line with love. Reasonable aesthetics. Besides, when two people don’t understand each other, what else can they look at except their faces? “

After the relationship is good, you can still rely on your abs and chest muscles to seduce your wife, but he can’t be naked every day. So the face is really an important part.

Airi also agreed with her husband's idea: "Yes, if I hadn't also been in line with Zhi's aesthetics, it's hard to say whether I would have been able to pursue him."

To be honest, her husband just liked her big breasts and agreed to date her because of her. Her breast-burying attack was irresistible.

So appearance advantage is super important!

The sweet couple is teaching live, and the single detective is not very happy.

It seems that he knows some of his little hobbies, but there is no surprise at all. He only feels that his personality is even more precarious. The desire to retaliate against the emotional liar is even stronger. Detective Dazai Osamu sincerely suggested: "Go back and play in captivity quickly

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