Pt. One

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2011 🗓

It's a normal Wednesday morning in Mrs Carla's home for girls (located right on the outside of new York City).  I get out of bed same time as I always have for the past 10 years of my life.
I go down the large staircase in my pink pajamas and enter the kitchen. The tv is on and the news is playing. I pour cereal as I listen.

News anchor- "big news today Tony stark billionaire Genius is adopting a child! Weather it's a publicity stunt or an actual act from the heart this is certainly a strange occasion"

"Tony stark?" I say to myself
I start to eat my cereal as other girls come downstairs to eat.

"You've never heard of Tony stark??" An older girl named Georgia says

"Uhh no why?" I ask

"He's only like the most famous man ever and rumor is he's coming here" she smirks

"Oh cool" I shrug

"I'm going to make sure he adopts me" she smiles proudly

"How are you so sure?" I ask confused

"Because I'm 11 now and I'm mature enough to take care of myself so he won't have to watch me. And I'm the prettiest" she laughs sourly

"Shut up Georgia, I heard Mrs Clara saying the older the kids are the harder they are to get adopted" missy a girl my age says

Georgia scoffs and walks away.

"Sometimes she can be so annoying" missy says sitting next to me

"I can't believe one of us is gonna get adopted" I say

"I'm gonna be really honest y/n I think you have the best shot of getting out of here" missy smiles

"Really!? How?" I ask very confused now because I haven't been looked at by parents since I was like 5

"Mrs Clara is picking the most well behaved girls. And you have one of the best records" missy shrugs

"Girls!!!!" Mrs Clara yells

Everyone gathers in the kitchen

"So you may have heard rumors that a very important person is coming to adopt. And it's true! So girls everyone clean up! Get yourself dressed and ready! 

We start to hear crowds of people outside gathering to see this one man.
All the girls get dressed up in the nicest clothes they have. I do my hair up nicely and I put on a dress.

I look out the window and see crowds and crowds waiting behind gates put up by the police.

"Okk girls go to your rooms till I call for you." Mrs Carla says and we all run upstairs

We don't have much of a view from out window. I can only see a sleek black very nice car pull up.

I️ sit on my bed and imagine what tony might be like.

‼️ Tony's pov ‼️

"Are you really sure about this?" Happy asks me as he stops the car

"Pepper says-"

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