Chapter 58

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Every fibre of my being is buzzing with excitement as I walk away from the panel of judges and up towards the exit of the theatre. They told me to head towards the Dean's office to collect my time table and finalize other details.

I have to stop myself from screaming aloud in the hushed theatre, that's how happy I am right now. The lit up exit sign approaches as I walk up the the steps.

I swing open the door and slip out into the airy corridor once again, back into the bright sunlight pooling in through the glass panes. I allow myself a small squeal and a quick victory dance, much to the amusement of a passing student. I blush and restrain myself once again before turning to walk back to the main entry - I'm sure directions to the Dean's office will be on the map.

"Eila!" I stop walking and turn around, not recognizing the voice of whoever is calling me. I lay my eyes on a very excitable short Asian girl with jet black hair. Nat.

"Oh my god! You were incredible in that performance, my friends and I were in there watching." She says breathlessly while pointing back at the door to B37. Her smile is wide and her eyes are glinting behind her cute geeky glasses. I have missed seeing this girl at Media Club with her always bubbly personality.

"Thank you! How are you Nat?" I say, grinning widely at her. I can finally let my excitement show and she won't judge me.

"I'm great! I had no idea you were enrolling for a music course! Are you still wanting to do Media Club this semester?" She says, a questioning look on her face. I swallow the lump forming in my throat - I knew she would mention this. The truth is, I didn't particularly want to keep going because Sophie would no longer be there. I liked the club itself, however Sophie made it more fun and enjoyable. Now I think I wouldn't get as much out of the club.

"Uh, I don't know Nat... Probably not." I say bluntly, not wanting to beat around the bush. Now that I thought about it I was a hundred percent sure I didn't want to keep going.

She nods, her lips puckering slightly. "I understand... I heard about Sophie..." She says cautiously, the brown eyes magnified in her glasses showing compassion.

"Yeah... It was the best thing for her." I say, smiling weakly at her. She smiles sympathetically and reaches out to squeeze my arm in attempt to comfort me.

"Well if you decide you want to come back to Media Club, let me know... I'm sure we'll see each other around campus." She says while gesturing around her at the beautiful building we're currently standing in. All the lingering sadness leaves me as I nod, a smile tugging at my face at the prospect of studying here.

Nat and I part ways after saying goodbye and I continue walking back down the hall. I'm so happy that she studies here too - at least I won't be totally alone, something which intensifies my feeling of excitement even more.

I get back into the main entry way and walk over to the map. It barely takes me a few seconds to locate the Deans office and I feel a fluttering of butterflies cascade in my stomach as I start making my way to the office. I walk down another hallway and round a few corners, absentmindedly looking at all of the posters and artwork covering the walls. This place is a different style to the old fashioned grandness of the Commerce Hall - I must say I love it here.

I finally reach the door which will lead me into the Deans office, and I steal a breath before knocking on the wood loudly.

"Come in!" I hear a woman's voice shouting from inside the room.

I open the door and walk into the office. My first thought is that I'm walking into a band-obsessed teenage girl's room - posters showing Pink Floyd, Arctic Monkeys, ACDC and more cover almost every inch of the walls. There is an expensive looking amp in the corner of the room with a gorgeous electric guitar propped up against it. I feel my jaw drop slightly as I take in the room, and I almost jump from the sound of the Dean clearing her throat loudly.

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