Chapter 5

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Joes POV

When she said yes my heart did a massive flip - I cant believe how lucky I am to have a girl like this in my life.

Everything about her attracts me, especially the way she can make me laugh so effortlessly. I need to take her out, the sooner the better.

The day wears on and I find myself still sitting on her couch, chatting away about everything. I look at my clock and see that the time is 5pm, and I came round at about 1!

"Eila, I'm really sorry but I should probably get back to our flat. No doubt Caspars probably wondering the bloody hell I got too." I apologise as I reluctantly get up from the couch.

"Yeah, you should head back to him. Are you going to tell him about our date?" Eila looks at me expectantly, her blue eyes wide in the soft light.

"Yes, of course. I don't want him thinking he can claim you now!" I crack a cheeky grin as she rolls her eyes.

"Well, if it helps I'm only interested in you..." She curves her lips slightly and looks at me from under her eyelashes. I resist the urge to pull her into me and kiss her passionately. Instead, I lean down slowly and gently place my lips on her own. It's a soft, tender moment that leaves me overflowing with happiness.

"I'm going to go now..." I whisper softly, my lips inches from her own. It takes all my stength to turn away and start walking to the front door.

"Joe, what time tomorrow for our date?" I hear Eila call from the lounge.

"I'll pick you up at 12:00? I have something planned." I call back, a smile playing on my face as I wait for her response.

"I can't wait!" She calls merrily. With that, I let myself out of the door and head back to our apartment.

I let myself in and hear Caspar talking crazily from downstairs. Either he's filming a video or talking to a mate so I decide not to bother him.

I grab my laptop and begin my post video internet session. Logging onto youtube brings a bombardment of notifications, likes, comments, tags, everything. I still find it hard to believe that all of this is for me - already my video has 300k veiws and 50k likes, and the reality of this hits me.

Scrolling through the comments, I see the usual "ilysm Joe xxx" and "you're so hot" comments - it may sound arrogant but I'm used to them by now. However, certain comments seem to be popping up about how 'distracted' I am and that I look a bit dazed. I suppose that's because of her - she was all I could think of.

I send out a tweet saying - "It's been a really really good day." It's true - this afternoon was really amazing. The favourites and retweets come pouring in as I smile and watch thousands of people respond positvely.

Sometimes I find it hard to believe that this is my job.

After a further half an hour of internet time I hear Caspar slowly trudging up the stairs.

"Hey mate, how was filming?" I call over my shoulder as he enters the room.

"All right, where the hell have you been Joe?" Caspar comes and sits next to me on the couch.

I gulp - somehow I knew this would be the first thing he'd ask.

"Uhh... I was over at Eilas. I had lunch there and hung out with her for a few hours." I say nervously as I look up from my screen.

"Joe, you're totally into her man. Why didn't you just tell me that before instead of snapping at me?" Caspar is smirking slightly.

"I don't know, I was just a bit confused - there's another thing you should know. Her and I, we kind of... Snogged on the couch yesterday."

Caspar bursts out laughing. "What, while I was on the call?"

I bite my lip and avert my eyes. "Yeah... It was pretty good - but it happened too soon."

"Wow man, who knew you had that much game." Caspar laughs heartily.

"Piss off, it wasn't like that." I reach over to sock him one in the arm. "Look, I'm taking her out tomorrow... But you can't tell the internet or any of our friends about this, alright?" He's my best friend so I know I can trust him.

"Sure thing buddy. You sure bagged a good one. I guess I'll just go back to crushing on Zoe." Caspar looks at me sidelong with a grin on his face.

I reach over and shove him again. "I swear to god sometimes I think you actually do fancy her."

Caspar laughs but I detect a hint of force in it that shouldn't be there... Odd.

"What should we have for dinner?" I ask, but somehow I know what he's going to say.

"PIZZA!!" His voice echos throughout the whole apartment. "I'll order some Dominoes, ok?"

"Sounds great." I respond lazily, going back to scrolling through tumblr.

As Caspar goes to order the pizza, a skype call rings out from my laptop. It's Zoe.

I answer and switch on my video camera. "Hey Zo, what's up?"

"Joe, you're not going to believe this but Tyler and Troye are in town! We have to have a party. It's been ages since vidcon and I miss everybody!" Zoe speaks in a rush, a grin spread from ear to ear. "Tyler never said anything on twitter because he wanted to surprise us!"

"Really? Sounds great, lets get all the gang together."

"I was thinking we could have it at yours, it's in London so nice and central, plus not everyones been to your apartment yet!"

"Yeah, I'll check with Caspar." I'm about to call him over but suddenly his head pops up from behind the couch.

"HIIII ZOOOEEE!" Caspar shouts enthusiastically.

"HEEEY CASPAR LEE!" Zoe shouts back, a grin on her face. "So, youtube party. Yours. This saturday. Troyler are gonna be there too!" Zoe looks at us expectantly.

"Hell yeah! Joe and I will be the best hosts. Make sure you invite everybody, ok?" Caspar is grinning back at the camera.

"Definitely! Allright you two, I'll leave you alone now. Alfie and I are going out!" She giggles and waves at the webcam before hanging up.

I look back at Caspar and see that he's still staring at the screen but his face has fallen. However he quickly snaps out of it.

"Yeeaaaah youtube party!" He shouts as he jumps up.

"It's gonna be awesome. Hey, do you reckon Eila would come along?" I look at Caspar casually.

"Sure man, invite her. Might be a bit awkward for her though." Caspar is now in the kitchen, checking the tracker for pizza delivery.

"She's not an awkward person at all - she'll be brilliant." I stare into the empty space, picturing her luscious brown hair.

"Man, I think you're hooked on this girl..." Caspar is now looking at me strangely.

"Shut up man. At least I don't have a crush on someone who's taken. "

"What the hell Joe, thats not true!" Caspar shouts it but his cheeks turn a shade of fiery red and I know I've hit a chord.

"Whatever man." I chuckle slightly and shake my head. The doorbell rings and Caspar whirls around on his toes.

"Pizza's here!" He's grinning like a schoolboy as he practically skips to the door. There's one thing I know for certain - Caspar Lee loves his pizza.

Also, I'll definitely be hitting the gym tomorrow morning.


Yay, youtube party coming up! Also, Jaspar cleared things up and are back to being best buddies.
However, Caspar might be hiding something from Joe now... Ooooh scandal!

Sorry this is a bit of a short chapter, the next one is alot bigger!

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