Chapter 84

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"You were so far ahead to begin with, I don't think you've missed anything too important... I hope you're doing okay." Trish says as she accompanies me to the music lecture room. It's a Friday afternoon and most of the students have cleared out, probably heading to back to their families for Christmas break. The weak winter sun filters into the hallway as we walk, and Trish's presence beside me is comforting in an inexplainable way.

"Yeah, I'm doing okay. Well, sort of." I say.

"I understand." She nods solemnly as we walk. I am relieved that she doesn't pry or tell me that 'he's in a better place'. I've heard that line too many times now and it's never helped me even once.

"You know you don't have to come with me Trish." I say as we get closer to the lecture room.

"Why wouldn't I?"

"It's Christmas break... Don't you have a place to be, a family to reunite with?" I ask.

"Of course I do, but they can wait. I'm not in any hurry, besides I've missed you. It's nice to hang out again." The words are so surprising coming from her mouth, with her pierced lip and bright pink hair. However I know that her outside appearance is completely misleading - she is in fact a lovely person.

I've spent the last few days recovering from jetlag and staying inside with Joe. I'm ashamed to say that we barely left the couch - we spent our time binge watching Netflix and pretending that there isn't an outside world.

Today I left the dark cave of our apartment to venture out into the chilly London air, because I needed to speak to Mr Shay about coursework I've missed. I just happened to run into Trish during my walk through the campus.

We suddenly reach the door of the lecture room and I swing it open, praying that Mr Shay is still sitting behind his desk. Thankfully he is, but he has sound cancelling headphones on his ears and a look of deep concentration on his face as he stares at the laptop screen.

I approach his desk tentatively, unsure of how to capture his attention. He doesn't even notice our arrival, that's how focused he is.

Trish rolls her eyes at me before yelling out his name. He blinks and looks up at us standing there.

"Ladies, ladies. I had no idea you were there, sorry about that!" He says while hastily pulling off his headphones and sending us a guilty grin.

"That's alright Mr Shay." I smile at his eccentric ways. He truly is unlike any lecturer at this university.

"Eila! How are you faring?" He says, his face transcending into a more serious expression. The brown eyes behind his glasses look genuinely concerned for me as he awaits my response.

"I'm doing okay, thanks." I say simply, hoping that he will get the message and drop the entire topic. He nods with understanding, before burying the moment with another bright smile.

"And I suppose your here to inquire about the coursework you missed?"

"Yeah I am, if that's alright?" I say sheepishly, wondering if I've caught him at a bad time. He waves me off casually while flipping through a bunch of papers on his desk. He eventually pulls out a document folder labelled 'Eila' that has a multitude of sheets tucked inside.

"Here's all the theory you missed - other than that, just carry on with your composition and you should be completely fine." He says after handing me the files.

"Thank you so much for doing this Mr Shay..." I say, trying to communicate my gratitude with my eyes.

"Of course Eila. I really do care for my students, even if I am abrupt with you lot sometimes." He winks at both me and Trish. I laugh, because I am reminded of the creepiness of my ex professor, Ted - except with Mr Shay I feel nothing but warmth.

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