Chapter 12

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Joe's POV

Lunch is delicious - The pizzas are on point, just like I promised. With Eila beside me, the pizza tastes even better than usual.

"This... Is so good." She says, stringy cheese trailing from her mouth. I laugh, my own mouth full of pizza.

"I'm glad you like it!"

Darcy is next to us making a "pizza house" as she said it was. Whatever it is, she's getting tomato sauce and bits of ham everywhere. However, she's too adorable for me to get annoyed.

Lunch draws to a close, and we part ways with Zoe and Alfie and Louise n' co.

"Thanks so much for lunch and the party you lot. It was great fun." Louise says as she wheels Darcy out of the restaurant in her buggy.

"Glad you could come chummy!" Zoe says, hugging Louise goodbye.

Tyler and Troye decide to come back to our apartment and stay another night - they're leaving early tomorrow morning. "We've just gotta go back to our hotel and grab the rest of our things. We'll be at yours soon." Tyler explains. Both him and Troye take the tube to their hotel while Eila, Caspar and I take another taxi back.

"I actually can't believe that last night or today happened..." Eila says, her body pressed against mine in the back seat.

"I keep forgetting that you're not actually a youtuber... I still think you should make your own channel." Caspar remarks.

"I suppose I could... I just don't know what the hell I'd film." Eila says, her head resting in the palm of her hand.

"Well, to get you started we could do another singing video... And maybe a QnA. Then after that you can do heaps of collabs." I suggest.

"I've got school I need to focus on... Which reminds me, my first class istomorrow." Eila is now leaning back on my shoulder, eyes shut.

"Oh yeah... I forgot about that." I say, looking out the window and watching the buildings flash by. She actually has ambition in her life, something that I never really had.

When we arrive back at the apartment, Eila and Caspar are almost snoring - god, was I the only person that drank moderately last night? I shake them both, making Caspar jolt up suddenly and hit his head on the car ceiling.

"Asshole." He mutters, rubbing his head while he climbs out of the car.

I chuckle at his cursing, leaving the cool leather taxi for the muggy London heat. I'm so not used to this - since when was England this hot?

We head back up to the apartment where things still resemble a bomb sight. Plastic plates everywhere, about 10 bean bags strewn over the floor and mounds of empty bottles. I sigh an exasperated sigh.

"Would you mind cleaning up Cas?" I grin towards Caspar who is flipping me off.

"Joe, there is no way I'm cleaning this. Eila can do it." Caspar smirks cheekily, but it's soon wiped off his face when Eila stalks over to him and whacks him on the back of his head.

"Just because I'm the woman? Think again Caspar Lee." She is kindof hot when she's angry - even if she's being a raging feminist.

I laugh heartily at this exchange - especially because Caspar looks genuinely scared of Eila.

Each of us pitches in the help get rid of the mess - two rubbish bags later, the apartment is now cleared of almost all the clutter.

Caspar is grunting as he heaves the rubbish bags out the front door. "Tyler and Troye could've helped..."

"Tyler maybe, but Troye?! That boy's like a stick, not an ounce of meat on his bones" I say, heaving the other bag. We leave Eila in the apartment to keep cleaning.

When we return from the waste deposit, We find Eila slouching on the couch, her legs crossed over the armrest. The apartment looks pretty spotless. I flop down on the couch beside her, and she turns to face me. My heart still pounds slightly as we lean in for a kiss, despite Caspars protesting. I'll never get used to kissing her - each time is a thrill.

"You guys make me sick." Caspar says jokingly when we part from the kiss.

"Oh shut up Cas. When you get a girlfriend I'm going to give you so much shit." I tease him. "Actually... I don't think you will get a girlfriend anytime soon." I look at Caspar suspicously, his cheeks are bright pink.

"Caspar, do you have a crush on Zoe?" Eila asks, eyebrows raised.

"No, what makes you say that?" Caspar tries to retort, however it comes out sounding very forced.

"Pfft, you were staring at her all through lunch! I notice these things." Eila is smirking now, and I feel so proud of her for calling Caspar out. But also a little creeped out that he does fancy my sister.

"Whatever... It'll never happen, Zalfies too strong." Caspar looks slightly downcast.

"Don't worry Cas, you'll find a girl. Eventually." I tease him.

A short while later, Tyler and Troye arrive back at the apartment, lugging travel bags with them.

"Oh my god we ran into some veiwers on the way here. They held us up so much." Tyler complains as he flops down onto a nearby bean bag.

"Yeah, and they all wanted me to sing something..." Troye says, following Tylers lead and sitting on another bean bag.

"Did you give them a little tease Troye?" Eila asks, grinning.

"I just sang some of happy little pill -" Troye starts to say before being interrupted by Tyler.

"And I was in the back ground doing my QnSlay clap, rockin out."

I love these guys - they never fail to make me laugh.

Eila's POV

Looking at Tyler and Troye, I can't help but picture them together - they would honestly be perfect. Tyler the loud, outgoing one and Troye the shy and loving one. I take a moment to fangirl slightly, deciding that these two are my OTP.

I'm sitting next to Joe, who's body is close enough to mine that I can feel his warmth. It's slightly distracting, but feels very nice.

"Eila, girl, are you gonna make your own channel or what? And if you do we have to collab." Tyler looks at me expectantly, so does Troye. I feel Joe nudge me, so I glance at him. He's smiling and encouraging me with his eyes.

"I really want too... But I have no equipment, no planned genre, nothing. I really have no clue what I'm doing." I say.

"That's why I'm here to help you." Joe says. "And I'm sure all these Youtubers are willing to help with anything." I look around to see both Tyler and Troye nodding, and Caspar grinning encouragingly.

"Then maybe I will. Just not right now - I have my first class tomorrow..." I bite my nails, nervousness flooding through me.

Tyler groans. "I remember college... That's not somewhere you wanna be."

For the next few hours we all lounge around, watching videos on youtube - especially really old ones that make everyone cringe. Caspar shows us some of his private material. It's so bad that we can't help but laugh.

Joe is in fits of laughter over Caspar's hairstyle as a 17 year old - a kind of cross between a mohawk and a bowlcut. I laugh along with him and Caspar pokes his tongue out at us.

"Well, how about we change the video..." Caspar says in a very malicious tone. He then puts on another video that's mirrored onto the TV. I grin as I realise it's Joe reacting to cringy old profile photos.

"I've already seen this, multiple times." I say to Joe who has just facepalmed. He looks up, his cheeks burning crimson.

"It's so embarrassing..." He says, even though millions of other people have already seen it.

I glance over at Tyler and Troye, and I'm surprised to find they've scooted alot closer to eachother. Tyler is leaning into Troye, whispering something in his ear. Troye is keeping a huge grin on his face the entire time. They don't realise I'm looking at them - no doubt they think we all have our eyes glued to the TV.

Suddenly, unexplectedly, Tyler pecks Troye on the lips. I have to blink a few times in order to process what I just saw - is Troyler real?

Joe and Caspar have gotten into a bit of a tussel about 16 year old Joe's hairstyle, so they saw nothing. Feeling a bit nosy, I keep watching Tyler and Troye out of the corner of my eye. They're very close now, smiling at eachother lovingly.

Before I can look away, I realise that I've caught eye contact with Troye. He looks slightly panicked at first, but slowly he starts to smile. Tyler turns to face me also. He grins and winks, before placing his finger to his lips.

TROYLER IS REAL! I grin widely and fist pump the air in excitement. Joe and Caspar are rolling around on the floor, so they notice nothing. I get up from the couch and flop onto a bean bag next to Tyler and Troye.

"Listen Eila, the internet can't know. Neither can our friends - not even these two." Tyler gestures to Joe and Caspar.

"We're just not ready for everyone to know yet." Troye explains. "We feel like we can trust you."

I nod vigorously. "You can trust me - I would never tell anyone."

"Not even Joe, ok?" Tyler raises his eyebrows.

"Not even Joe." I reassure them.

Joe and Caspar finally stop wrestling around, after what feels like forever. I must say, Joe looks pretty hot - his hair messed up, muscles tensed. I feel slightly creepy, but then I realise he's mine.

"Whatcha looking at?" Joe has caught me staring at him.

"Uuumm..." I say, my cheeks turning fiery already.

"Leave the girl alone - it's obvious she's checking you out. I am!" Tyler says, waggling his eyebrows.

Joe chuckles and flings himself on me. I laugh as he circles his arms around me, the beanbag about to burst from our weight. His lips are only centimeters from mine as his body crushes me. Even though there are people around, I can't help it. We kiss eachother passionately, much to the displeasure of everyone - Caspar and Troye groaning, and Tyler pretending to cry.

I feel very flustered when we part from that kiss - our breathing in heaves. "Sorry about that everyone..." Joe apologises as he gets up, finally allowing me to breathe properly again.

"I really don't want to see that kind of R Rated thing happening in my house, thanks very much." Caspar says angrily.

"Pfft, shut up man. This is not your house." Joe retorts.

With that, they're into another tussel - this time shouting at eachother. I roll my eyes and start scrolling through tumblr, as ya do.

The afternoon wears on, most of it is spent chatting to Tyler and Troye about life before Youtube and other hobbies they have. I really get to know them in those few hours - I'm surprised to find how much I didn't know from watching their videos.

Eventually it's time for me to go - I can't exactly live at Joe and Caspars. I give Joe a quick hug and a kiss.

"I'll see you later." I whisper in his ear while we hug.

Caspar high fives me, and I give both Tyler and Troye huge hugs.

"We'll be back soon hun! I'll definitely have to have you in a video of mine sometime." Tyler says while Troye nods in agreement.

"It was amazing to meet you, Eila." Troye says.

When back in my own apartment, I get changed out of my party clothes and put on my favourite onsie. It's time to have a lazy night - probably the last one I'll have in a while. I'm going to university tomorrow and a new chapter of my life is starting.


Hello :D We're getting close to 500 reads, lets do this! 

Sorry this chapter was kindof bad and uneventful, it's just a bit of troyler action for yall.

School starts for Eila in the next chapter! Shits gon go down!

As always comment, vote, follow it helps IMMENSELY. Comments are the best, they really motivate me.

Love ya! xx

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