Chapter 59

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Joe's POV

She is so beautiful. It's literally a thought that crosses my mind every day but no matter how many times I think it I will never be able to comprehend it fully. She is the kind of beautiful that practically stuns you, leaving you breathless and reeling for air. She is the kind of beautiful that turns heads in a room, that everyone admires from afar. She is beautiful inside and out, as she has shown in so many ways by being there for me. Comforting me. Loving me. I could never have asked for anyone better, and she completes me in so many ways. It's only taken a few months to get this close with her and we just keep spiraling further into each other.

Looking at her now with the moon shining on her face and the lights of the city casting a glowing aura around her, she is the image of perfection. A beautiful grin is spread over her cheeks that sends my heart pounding, even though I have witnessed that smile many times. She just has that affect on me.

The two of us are cuddled up on the beanbag I laid out, sitting in comfortable silence - the faint noises of the city at night sounding below us, filling up the gap in conversation. Eila and I don't always feel the need to talk - it's enough to be in her presence, feeling her warmth radiate onto me.

I reach forward to open the gourmet pizza box and retrieve a piece for Eila and myself, the cheese trailing off the slice deliciously. She takes her piece gratefully and bites into it, a piece of cheese catching on her nose. I snort at her and she laughs, bits if pizza flying from her mouth. I deepen my laughter at her struggle to keep her food inside her mouth, and before long the two of us have tipped our heads back and are just laughing into the sky. Not for any particular reason, it's not like the cheese was hilarious - the two of us just laugh carelessly, for the joy of being together.

"Joe?" She says after finally taking a few breaths, her laughter subsiding into the occasional giggle.

"Yeah?" I say rather breathlessly, my stomach muscles tensed from too much laughing.

She looks around the roof, a small frown on her face. "Are you sure we're allowed up here?"

"Uh... Probably not." I don't know why but suddenly I lose it again, my laughter louder than before. I wouldn't be surprised if whoever is in the penthouse suite can hear me right now. Eila's frown disappears and she joins in with the laughing again, until the two of us are completely out of breath.

"Let's eat now..." I say, my stomach growling slightly. She snorts and pushes my arm lightly while nibbling on her original piece of pizza.

It's one of the most delicious pizza's I have ever tasted - the place was recommended to me by none other than Caspar Lee, the god of pizza. I smile at the memory of him telling me about this place, an excited grin on his face. I don't know if this happiness he is feeling is temporary, long term or a lie. I just know that it's amazing to have my friend back.

The small box containing a promise ring for Eila is tucked away in my pocket, it's presence constantly on my mind. I have no idea how she is going to react when I give this to her. I wanted to buy her a ring of some kind so she would always have a piece of me with her, no matter where she is.

I try my best to ignore the ring which seems to be singeing my skin through my jeans. We finish our pizza in comfortable silence and I burp loudly, a content grin on my face. Eila crinkles her nose but laughs all the same.

"So tell me what the performance was like." I say, leaning back on the bean bag with my arm draped over the side, creating a perfect spot for her to snuggle. She smiles softly and take my unspoken cue, her head nuzzling on my shoulder as I grab her waist and pull her as close as possible. It's rather breezy up here but I feel totally protected from the wind by her body heat.

It's All About You ⌘ Joe Sugg ✓Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt