Chapter 31

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Eila's POV

I'm a youtuber. I have officially joined the ranks of all my favourite people, and it feels amazing. To have all these people watching my video, liking and commenting, it gives me such a buzz.

The fact that Joe and Caspar sorted out their problems is also contributing to this home made high of mine, and I almost feel like I'm in a trance. The lights in the apartment are fading together into one big glowing mass and everything looks soft and beautiful.

I'm back in my apartment now as both Joe and Caspar decided to go to the gym - definitely not my thing. I'm supposed to be studying and completing my assignments, however the constant notifications I am receiving are far too distracting. Every time someone subscribes to me I squeal a little.

I sigh and turn of my notifications for the time being. It's the only way I will be able to focus. As I stare at the words on my notepages they seem to blurr together - I'm not overly tired, nor is my mind not focused, this content just bores me so much. There's no spark of interest in it for me anymore, and I predict there never will be again.

I log on to the university site - only 2 weeks to go till the end of the semester, I arrived late. Only two more weeks of the dullness, and then I'll be free. Free doing the thing I truly love; singing.

I check on the course requirements for music and creative arts - it is a highly demanded course that needs an entry exam (most likely a performance of some kind) for entry. It also says prior experience with instruments is useful - my piano skills will come into play here I guess.

I think I will be able to crack this exam - I'll just show them what I've got, hopefully I'll even be good enough to get a scholarship. My mind is telling me to stick with commerce, but my heart is telling me to do music - as cliche as that sounds.

I flick back to my notes and screw my eyes shut in fustration. If I'm going to leave commerce, I might as well finish with a bang - I want to get a good mark in this.

Mum and Dad probably wouldn't approve of what I'm doing, however it's my life. I need to do this for me.


Another week of commerce classes drags on - however in each class I strain my ears to listen and actively take notes, as much as it all bores me. The big exam is soon, so I've decided to crack on. Joe has been wonderful - giving me little surprises like flowers and small dinner dates that help me take my mind of studying. The affection I feel for Joe is undeniable.

Throughout this week Caspars been out the house alot - well at least all the times I've been at theres, which wasn't very often. He never says where he goes, but I think we all know that he's with Laura - the thought brings me a strong burst of happiness. He's finally found someone.

It's a friday afternoon and I'm just about to go to media club. I'm actually feeling super excited about seeing the group again - especially Sophie. Her and I have been keeping in contact over social media a lot lately.

As I stroll through the campus which is becoming less busy at this time of day, I aimlessly look at the passing faces all around me. I'm not looking for anyone in particular, just looking at each person and trying to guess their story.

A tall guy with dreadlocks passes by, a camera clenched in his hand. His face looks slightly familiar, however I can't place where I've seen it before. He looks like the kind of person who has seen the world, been on adventures - I want to be like that one day.

I look at the next few people passing by and none of them look nearly as interesting as the guy before - all of them look bored and tired, probably a bit like me.

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