Chapter 73

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Eila's POV

I wake up with a stiff neck and a disorientated mind - I suddenly feel extremely nauseous, even though we are coming to a complete stop outside of a large apartment building. We're in downtown Auckland where everyone is either student or business person.

"We're here baby. We just need to drop off our stuff then we're going straight to the hospital. Your parents are already there." Joe says as he strokes my hair softly. I still haven't sat up from his lap but perhaps it's better if I don't. I can feel my stomach churning and cooking up a storm.

"I think I'm going to be sick Joe." I say as I sit up from his lap, screwing my eyes shut as I struggle to clear up the fog in my mind. I fumble for his hand which he hastily interlocks with my own. I am usually fine with motion sickness, however something tells me that this nausea is spawning from nerves more than the plane ride. I am anything but prepared for what awaits me in the sterile halls of that hospital.

"Breathe deeply babe, you're fine." He says as he squeezes my hand tightly, placing his other hand on the small of my back in a calming manner. I tilt my head backwards, filling my lungs with the draft of air that enters the car through the open window. The nausea subsides, and I feel okay enough to climb out the car. The pavement feels solid beneath the soles of my shoes; it's firmness settles me slightly, it stops me from feeling like everything is floating away.

Sophie climbs out the drivers seat and walks around the front of the car to stand with me on the footpath. She pulls me into a tight embrace as Joe busies himself with quickly unloading the car. I feel that burning return to my eyelids, the ache in me rising so high that I almost let out the flood banks. Almost.

I swallow hard, instead focusing on the cars that whoosh past us, and the birds that fly over the streets between giant buildings that gleam in the sun. The world is so beautiful, but I see right through it's facade.

Sophie and I retract from our hug as Joe wheels both of our suitcases up to the sliding doors of the apartment building. It's a beautiful, stylish place that I would've loved to explore in any other situation. We trail behind Joe as he lugs the bags through the lobby and towards the lift which is a lot more functional than ours.

"This place is amazing Soph." I say softly, the first words I have spoken directly to her since we arrived.

She seems surprised but responds quickly by nodding, a warm smile on her face as she launches into a story about how she and Joey scored the place, for an extremely good price. She informs us that Joey is away on a work trip so the apartment will be quiet. I can tell already that I will prefer it that way. The last thing I want right now is to deal with people I don't know - it may be harsh, but I think I am allowed to be harsh at the current time.

Her apartment is only on the first floor above ground level, however the place is extremely nice for what it's worth. Joe inputs the appropriate nice comments about the decor of the place while I simply observe in silence, worried about my words failing me. She shows us our guest room, the place that we will be staying for an undetermined amount of time. We place our luggage down on the colourful bed spread as Sophie gives us the run down on bathrooms and other miscellaneous things. Joe responds to her but I just sit on the edge of the bed and stare out the small window giving a view of the street.

"So... Whenever you guys are ready to go, just give me a shout." She says somewhat awkwardly as she shuffles out of the room, her worried gaze still lingering on me. I appreciate her concern, I really do, but I don't have it in me to hide away my emotions more than I already am. She will just have to be worried.

Joe sighs deeply before moving to sit next to me on the bed. He opens his arms and I fall into them, so that I am leaning sideways into his chest as he wraps his arms around me. He pulls me closer than should even be possible as we both stare out the window.

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