Chapter 48

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Zoe chatters away as we drive through the Brighton streets, each of us slightly cramped due to lack of space in the car. Apparently we're going to meet Niomi, Marcus, Dan and Phil at a little restaurant in the town.

"You guys are going to love this place - they do the absolute best bacon and eggs." I hear Zoe's voice in the background, but I can't focus on what she's saying because of the waves of panic rushing through me. Dan and Phil are going to be there. I honestly don't know if I can bear seeing that sarcastic smirk and pale skin looking back at me. This morning with Joe I had pushed away the feeling of numbing sadness in me to distract myself for a while... With this news that sadness and anger is returning to me, stronger than before. There is no telling what will go down when I come face to face with that cheater... The man who played a part in convincing my best friend to move far away.

I bite my lip as I imagine her sitting on the plane, thousands of miles above me speeding across the ocean. It would be optimistic to say I will see her again - the crushing truth is that I have no plans to go home for a long time.

"Eila, babe, we're here..." Joe says into my ear softly while gripping my arm. I shake myself out of the daze I was in and take in the view outside of my window. Zoe has pulled up outside of a charming little cafe which looks as though it belongs on a cobbled street in italy. It looks so authentic that vines are even snaking off the roof, leaves shining in the early morning sun.

"This place looks amazing!" I say in Zoe's direction as we all walk through the entrance - upon entry my senses are bombarded with the delicious smell of freshly baked bread. I can't believe Zoe found such a treasure on the streets of Brighton.

A quick glance at the menu informs me that the food here is just as good as the rustic decor - Belgian waffles with freshly whipped cream and locally sourced berries catches my eye.

"Well the others should be here soon..." At those words my heart begins hammering in my chest again, and I shuffle closer to Joe for comfort. Soon I'm going to have to suck it up and come face to face with Dan, whether I want to or not.

For the meanwhile I distract myself by chatting away to Zoe (who is sat next to me) about the future of youtube and how our channels are going. It still seems slightly insane that I'm here talking to the girl who I used to watch avidly, inspired by her wonderful videos. Now here I am chatting to her like an old friend.

I haven't forgotten about my channel. Notifications are constantly flicking through my phone telling me of new tweets, follows, subs - everything is happening far too quickly for me to process. The last time I got the chance to check my subscriber count was crawling towards 600k. That was a few days ago, before all of that stuff happened which made me forget about everything else in my life.

Zoe is in the middle of explaining in detail the items in her next haul when her sentence trails off and an adorable grin spreads over her face. "They're here!"

I look to where she is waving her arms and sure enough everyone is walking through the door, their faces in awe over the loveliness of this place. Joe is sitting on the other side of me and I feel him stiffen slightly as he watches Dan take a seat opposite him. I can barely look him in the eye but I do notice Phil awkwardly take a seat next to Dan, his blue eyes flicking anywhere but me.

I finally look at Dan properly and am surprised to see his chocolate gaze settled on me, a crease in his pale forehead making it obvious he wants to say something. I look away, almost sickened by the sight of him.

"Eila! I'm so glad your okay!" Niomis sweet voice floods my ears as she bends down to give me a hug. Marcus follows suit and I must say it's nice to have everyone making a fuss over me. After that the noise level out our large table simmers down and suddenly Dan's voice rings out over the chatter.

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