Chapter 43

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Joe's POV

I look out over the massive crowd, which seems to have a life of it's own as it churns like a fluorescent sea. Hundreds of people are jumping, spinning and swaying to create one massive movement. Caspar and I are standing just to the side of the main stage, watching the DJ's up close - we weren't actually allowed to DJ seeing as neither of us have any experience.

I scan my eyes over the crowd of barely visible people, trying to find Eila's head - I'm probably being overly optimistic considering how many people are crammed into this space, but still I look for her.

"Joe we have to get off the stage now, they're signalling for us to leave." Caspar shouts above the blaring music. I nod and turn to follow him as he climbs off the raised platform. Marcus and Alfie are waiting down below, having already had their turn up on the stage.

"It's pretty sick up there aye bro?" Alfie says while grinning at me and patting my back roughly. I nod at him, grinning with the exhilaration of being up there in front of so many people. I just wish Eila could have come with me - it's her dream to sing to thousands of people after all, this would've given her a little taste.

The lads and I slowly migrate back to the our previous spot in the fringes of the crowd - we had chosen it because of how close it was to the drinks tent. As soon as we arrive I look around for Eila. I did tell her to stay here - I don't mind if she's wandered off but it makes me anxious not knowing where she is in a place like this.

"Have you seen Eila man?" I ask Marcus who just came back from the toilet block. He furrows his eyebrows and shakes his head. I don't want to say I am panicking, but an uneasy feeling is beginning to settle in my stomach. Niomi and Zoe left ages ago, and Laura is clutching Caspars side. None of the others would've seen her.

I glance around the crowd which is pressing in on me, eliminating any space I had left. I force myself to breathe in and out, trying to relax my mind. A million thoughts whirl around my head in the space of a few seconds, each of them ridiculous theories as to where Eila might be. I can't think clearly or process a coherent thought with all of these sweaty bodies closing in on me, so I force my way out of the crowd. As I walk a small distance away I shake my head to clear away the feeling of claustrophobia and the sinking feeling in my stomach that something is wrong.

I keep my eyes glued to the grass as I walk away into the less crowded area of the gigantic field. I'm not so far away from the crowd that my friends can't see me, however I don't hear them shouting out for me from behind. Just when I'm about to get out my phone and spam Eila with calls and messages, I stand on some unknown object lying on the grass.

I lift my foot up to see what the hell I'm standing on, and my eyes immediately widen when I realize what it is. A single flip flop, adorned with flowers and a little charm which Eila put on there to "bling them up". I feel all the air in my lungs leave me and suddenly the world feels weightless. Surely she wouldn't have left her flip flop just lying here on purpose...

I feel my hand raise to my mouth unconciously, and my breathing becomes erratic as I reach down to pick up her shoe. No. She definitely wouldn't leave this here on purpose.

I chuck the shoe on the grass, my heart literally pumping a million miles a minute. I can feel adrenaline rushing through my body already, and I run towards the shrouded areas of the field, where no one would think to go. I am fueled on by a crushing fear, a fear which I never knew I could feel.

I have absolutely no clue where to look, and that thought sends my fear into an all time high. I have no advantage in this situation. The girl I love could be anywhere - with anyone. I am still running, my feet thumping on the hard ground the only noise I can hear, despite the music still being loud. People are staring at me as I run past them, but I don't have the time or the frame of mind to do anything about it. The only thing I can think of right now is finding Eila.

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