Chapter 70

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I almost fall asleep there, lying on the bed with Joe beside me, the rhythm of his chest providing a lullaby better than any love song I have heard. Even though the room is filled with happy chatter between our friends, all of the background noise seems to fade away as the alcohol in me lays a blanket of serenity over my mind.

My eyelids feel heavy as I snuggle further into Joe's warm chest, feeling my consciousness slip away from me. I don't fight the heavenly pull of sleep, rather I let it gradually pull me under until I am neither asleep nor awake but in between.

"Tyler! Troye! What are you guys doing?" My drowsy state is diminished immediately as Caspar's loud voice registers in my ears. I feel my eyelids flutter open, before looking in the direction of Caspar's voice. He is staring pointedly at Tyler and Troye, who both have intense tinges of red covering their cheeks. I make eye contact with Troye, who stares at me for a few brief seconds before looking away.

"Nothing! We weren't doing anything!" Tyler says in a slightly defensive tone. I glance up at Joe who is watching the scene unfold with a glimmer of amusement in his eye. Something tells me he was still wide awake when Caspar saw the two boys doing whatever it was they were doing. I give Joe a puzzled look and he leans in closer to whisper in my ear.

"They were getting really close, and I think they were about to kiss. I guess they thought no one was watching." I feel a smirk curve onto my lips as I look back over at the two of them curled on the end of this massive bed. All of our other friends are on the floor playing a game of cards and drinking, so I can see why they thought they were safe from scrutiny. But Caspar Lee doesn't miss a thing.

"Bullshit, you two were getting a bit close there..." Caspar says, a suggestive lilt in his tone. Tyler's face is literally as red as a beetroot while Troye keeps his blue eyes locked on the carpet, as if it's the most interesting thing in the world.

"What's going on guys?" I say, smiling cheekily at them. They probably remember clearly the day I caught them kissing each other back in Caspar and Joe's apartment, and back then they told me that the cat would be out of the bag soon. Maybe now is the perfect time.

I honestly don't know why they are worried, it is painfully obvious how together they are, and not to mention the fact that we all ship them. Like a lot. Us and about 5 million other people in the world.

"Um, well. I mean, we were going to tell you guys. But... Like, the topic never came up. We're together." Troye says so awkwardly that it makes Joe chuckle slightly, and I can't help but allow a goofy smile to take over my face at the self conscious confession.

Tyler laughs nervously and waits patiently for the reaction of everyone in the room. Caspar is the first one to react, not surprisingly. "OH MY GOD TROYLER IS REAL, HOLY SHIT!" He screams so loudly that Zoe actually covers her ears while grimacing. I don't doubt that the people in the room below us are also hearing the extent of Caspar's excitement.

Following that, everybody actually starts clapping and I join in, even though I already knew long ago that Troyler was real. I actually sort of suspect that Zoe knows it too, because she seems to be giving Tyler plenty of knowing glances. Those two are quite close so it makes sense.

The clapping gets louder, forming a crescendo that's far too loud for such an indecent time of night. I haven't checked but I think it's around 2am - the jet lag isn't really helping and my entire body clock feels out of synch. Still I keep my heavy eyelids open as I watch Tyler and Troye grin at everyone, before clumsily swinging their arms around each other and squeezing tight. I glance around at everyone else, my heart warming even more when I notice Dan and Phil joined at the hands. I don't think I have ever been friends with a more accepting, considerate and down right caring group of people.

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