Author's Note

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There will not be a sequel to this book.
I'm sorry if this upsets you guys but it's my decision. I could not continue the book any further, I felt the story was complete when I finished. This is in reply to all the comments I get asking about a sequel 😂 ily all x


Well, this is it.

An entire year of my life spent writing this. When you put it like that it seems absolutely ridiculous, mostly because I have never spent so much time dedicated to one thing (unless you count school). So many nights I have spent tapping away on my phone, just writing and writing. So many hours of me developing these characters and making them do things I could only dream of. I don't regret any of the time I spent on this story, because somehow it feels like it's real. It feels like Joe is actually in love with Eila, and when he gets a real girlfriend I'll still believe that.

Firstly I want to thank each and every person that read this story. I put my heart and soul into this stupid little fan fiction, and the fact that you are reading brings me so much happiness. Thank you for every vote, comment, follow, or even just a single read. Words can't begin to describe how grateful I am. I wish I could mention all of you individually, but I don't want to miss anyone out. You know who you are xox

Thank you Wattpad, for existing. Without you this wouldn't have happened and to be honest I can't imagine my life without writing.

Thank you Joe Sugg for being my first real obsession. Although you'll probably never know who I am or what I have done, it doesn't stop me from loving you unconditionally. Goddamn you are one hot piece of ass though.

Thank you prongsiepie for not only bugging me to update every day but inspiring me to create the best character in this book (obviously Sophie ;) ). Also you read my smut and still managed to treat me normally irl, i appreciate that hahaha. You too, laura_ashh ... Even though it probably grossed you out. Love you guys heaps x

This was my first fanfiction... Well actually I'm going to call it a book because it's freaking huge now. There are a lot of things in here that I am proud of, but an equal amount of things I regret. I'm sorry for the cliche's, the lack of meaningful dialogue, the weird sturcture and the fast moving pace at the beginning. I've learnt so much about my writing through this book, and it's only gotten better. Thank for coming on this journey with me.

I'm pretty much crying right now but I'll swallow it down to do one last bit of shameless self advertising.

Head over to my Wattpad profile and hit the follow button - to celebrate the end of IAAY I am following back straight away :)

Comment like mad on the last chapter, because I want to see all of you. You guys mean so much to me, more than you will ever know <3 in fact, IT'S ALL ABOUT YOU....

Heh. Heh.

I also just published my new Joe Sugg AU, it's called 'Shutter'. Go check it out on my profile lovlies <3

Anyway, I'll see you next week for another Sugg Sunday special!

*cries actual tears*

It's All About You ⌘ Joe Sugg ✓Where stories live. Discover now