Chapter 19

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On the car ride back I mull over a few things in my mind. It still shocks me how accepting Eila was about this whole kissing another girl thing - her situation was so much more innocent than my own.

I glance over at her - she's leaning back in the seat, ray bans perched on her nose and wind blowing her wet hair. She is glowing in this soft light, and I have to remind myself to keep my eyes on the road.

For a while she fiddles with the stereo and finally plugs in her phone. Soon the entire car is filled with soft stumming and a heavenly voice - of course it's Ed Sheeran. I raise my eyebrows at her.

"He's my absolute favourite, allright?" She is grinning and nodding her head to the music, the wind still whistling through her damp strands, her hand out the window catching the bursts of air in her palm.

I nod, trying to stop myself from staring at her while I'm meant to be focusing on the road. "I think you may have converted me to him as well..." I say, trying to sound regretful when in reality I think he is amazing.

She winks and pokes her tongue out. For the rest of the time we are quiet, listening to Ed's beautiful voice while I drive, the sun sinking below the jagged skyline. I could not have asked for a better afternoon.

Eila's POV

We're standing outside my door, breathless after having a race up the ridiculously long flight of stairs. When I'm with him I feel like a little girl - wanting to do things for the thrill, have fun and laugh until my stomach hurts. This afternoon has been incredible, and I feel revitilised beyond belief. I thought the date would be tainted after our earlier issues, however it turned out to be perfect.

I'm about to say goodbye and turn to open the door of my apartment when unexpectedly Joe grabs me and pulls me into him. Without complaint, I sink into him and mould my lips with his - I can't believe how amazing it feels to fit my body with his, interlocked in a feverish embrace. We are so lost in the moment that neither of us notices Dion exiting the lift into our hall.

"Hey, hey, hey, cut it out. None of that in my hallway thanks!" Dion shouts teasingly, and I pull away from Joe in complete humiliation.

"Oh god..." I rub my neck in embarrasment and glance at Joe - he looks lost for words.

"Well... I'll be going then..." Joe says, flashing me a small smile as he turns to walk away. I laugh as he flips Dion off on his way back to his own flat.

I roll my eyes and give Dion a little wave. He's carrying a bunch of keys so I'm assuming he's checking some of the unoccupied apartments for some new tenants.

I open my door and quickly enter my apartment before I have to fend off countless stupid remarks from Dion.

I'm still on a high from an amazing afternoon so I'm too spaced out and elated to do anything. I should be making a start on my next assignment but all I want to do is stare into space and daydream.

The remainder of the evening passes uneventfully - Throughout the hours I tried and failed to start my assigment many times, texted Joe for a while and finally ate some leftovers on the couch.

Not lazy at all. The time finally rolls around for me to get some sleep - I'm kind of warn out from all the stress of this entire week, and not to mention all the swimming Joe and I did this afternoon.

My bed is spacious and comfortable - in barely any time I start to drift off, my mind lingering on Joe like always.


My familiar alarm sounds bright and early - I resist the urge to reach over and whack it off the bedside table.

I rush around the apartment and get ready for the day ahead, which I'm predicting WON'T be good. I'm going to have to face Zach...

It's All About You ⌘ Joe Sugg ✓Where stories live. Discover now