Chapter 6

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Chap 6

Eilas POV

I sleep a little bit later this morning, my dreams tainted with Joe. As I stretch in bed a little bit, i remember what's happening today... I'm going on a date!

The entire morning is spent getting ready for my date with Joe - I know that seems a bit excessive, but I really want to look my best for this dreamy, sexy guy.

After having a shower and other bathroom actives I decide to spend the next hour and a half deciding what to wear - a lengthly and difficult process.

Because it's summer here in London i decide to go with a nice floral skirt, with a clingy white singlet. Over that I throw on a light cardigan that matches the skirt. As for shoes, I go with simple straw coloured wedges. Hopefully it won't be cold today! The forecast did say sunny at 30C - positively tropical for London.

I decide to go for a natural makeup look and leaving my hair loose. I often find this is the best thing for me because makeup isn't my forte.

Before I know it, 12:00 rolls around and I'm buzzing with nervous energy. I have no clue what we'll be doing, however anything to do with him is amazing in every way.

I'm scrolling through twitter, and I notice that Joe has followed me - despite everything my heart still skips a beat. Who knew a simple follow could have this effect on me. Also, he followed me on instagram and liked all of my photos - hasn't he been busy! I suppress a laugh.

The door bell rings, and I look up from my phone suddenly. He's here! I make my way down the hall, my heart pouding and palms sweating.

I swing open the door and see Joe standing there looking absolutely adorable. He is wearing a patterned tee that's tight on his biceps. Under that he is wearing some plain summer shorts and nikes. As usual his hair looks flipping gorgeous, and to top it all off he's holding a bouqet of beautiful flowers.

"You look... Stunning." He is running his gaze over my whole body, and it gives me goose bumps - in a good way.

"Thank you." I say shyly, my cheeks burning. I point to the flowers and smile. "You didn't have to -"

"I wanted to." He interrupts, taking a step closer to me so we are only inches apart. My breathing quickens dramatically - I can't believe how much this boy affects me.

I grab the flowers. "I'll just put these inside - they're beautiful by the way."

He grins and waggles his eyebrows. "They remind me of you." He is so sweet. I run inside quickly and place them in an empty vase. I'm anxious to be near him again.

"So where exactly are we going?" I ask as we stroll down the corridor towards the lift, my apartment now behind us.

"Well, I figured since you haven't been around London very much I'd take you to do some sightseeing!" He's grinning from ear to ear as we enter the lift.

"Wow, you really are observant. About the only thing I've seen in London worth noting is the Big Ben..." I lean on the side of the lift, smirking.

"Prepare to be wowed!" Joe says.

The lift reaches ground floor and we enter the lobby. Dion is at reception, filling in some kind of paperwork. He looks up as we walk past and raises his eyebrows suggestively. Joe waves him off but keeps the smile on his face.

"First stop on the agenda - The London Eye." Joe grabs my hand and pulls me along, and it feels amazing to have my fingers intertwined with his.

"I've always wanted to go on that!" I say excitedly, practically jumping up and down.

It's All About You ⌘ Joe Sugg ✓Where stories live. Discover now