Chapter 65

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Joe's POV

"Joe, stop staring at your phone. He'll ring when he's ready." Says Eila from the other side of the couch, her laptop perched on her lap. She looks at me from over the screen, her eyebrows raised after catching me in the act again. Even though I'm trying to distract myself, I always end up losing my resolve and staring at my phone in my hand.

I put my phone down and focus on the editing screen before me, attempting to make sense of the jumbled images and hundreds of tabs in my software. Nothing seems to make sense right now, seeing as my mind is in a whole other world. A world revolving around Caspar Lee.

"If he left yesterday that means he is definitely there right now... Why hasn't he called?" I say, slamming the lid of my laptop shut. There is no use trying to focus anyway.

"Give him some time, things are probably getting crazy over there." Eila says, her words laced concern aimed at both myself and Caspar.

"Yeah..." I say wistfully, imagining what Caspar is doing right now. Hopefully he is wrapped up in Laura, getting rid of all the pent up sadness inside him. Speaking of 'pent up' things, I've got a lot on my mind and usually going to the gym helps to clear the fog.

"I'm gonna go to the gym for an hour, okay babe?" I say as I stand up from the couch, stretching my tensed muscles in the process. She looks apprehensive but she nods all the same before standing up to press a kiss to my lips. I smile and pepper a few more kisses on her cheek.

"Be back soon." She says, sitting back down to resume her editing. I think it's a whisper challenge the two of us recently filmed. With all of the drama going on in our lives lately the internet has not been top priority, even though it is supposed to be my job. I know Eila had been approached about advertisements on her videos, meaning she can start getting an income from her content which is wonderful news.

I run downstairs and gather up my gym gear. I try to clear my mind as I shove some stuff into my bag, my thoughts spinning in pointless circles. I climb back upstairs and walk out the front door, calling goodbye to Eila as I leave.

We don't have a gym in our building however there is one conveniently placed 5 minutes down the road. I have a yearly membership there - Caspar and I tried to make a habit of going there twice a week, back in our lonely bachelor days. Everything is different now.

The place is nice enough - it's not exactly the best gym in the city but the equipment is safe to use and that's all that counts. When I arrive there I am greeted with the familiar smile of receptionist Sam, and a few head flicks from the regular gym users. I don't stop to make conversation with anybody - I just put my stuff in a changing room locker and head over to the treadmills to start my cardio.

Once I am on the machine, running at a constant rhythm, I slip into that mindless state that only exercise can bring. The only thing I focus on is the rhythmic heaviness of my breathing, or the constant thumping of my feet against the treadmill. The sweat begins to leak from my body, covering my skin in a shiny layer of moisture. I push my hair back from my face as I run, keeping up the constant pace I've been holding for 20 minutes now.

After half an hour of the steady jogging I stop the treadmill - my muscles are buzzing with energy, my lungs rapidly expanding as I breathe and warm beads of sweat trickle down my forehead. I take a few moments to recuperate before starting on my regular stomach workout.

My entire gym session proves to be an excellent distraction from Caspar. While I am pushing my body to it's very limit, my mind seems to transcend into this alternate universe where the present is all that matters. I don't think about the past, or the uncertain future - I only think about each agonizing second as it comes. The pain is different to emotional pain - it's still agonizing, however it's results are healthy for you and you know that you aren't damaged inside because of it.

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