Chapter 4

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I finally wrap up the filming for my video, and I breathe a sigh of relief that I was able to produce something semi decent. I really hate it when I disappoint my viewers - I feel like I owe it to them to be on point every single time. Also, I hate it when I upload a video late - I mean, it's Friday and I was supposed to upload last sunday.

I pack away all my equipment and props used in the video. Through the wall I can hear the thump of a bass line and I know that Caspars blasting some music.

A part of me thinks that he may of been trying to aim that for my filming time, but I immediately dismiss it - there's no way he's that mean.

I walk out of my bedroom and begin to saunter into the lounge. Now that my videos out of the way there is only one thing on my mind. Eila.

In a flash I find myself standing in the hall, contemplating whether or not I should talk to her. I decide that I need to do it. If I don't I'll never forgive myself.

Once I'm at her apartment door I am faced with an interesting surprise. Her door is slightly ajar and from inside I can here Ed Sheerans new song 'Thinking out Loud' playing throughout the apartment. I decide to sneak inside, trying to make as little noise as possible.

Sneaking along the wall, I move forward towards the open lounge/kitchen area. The layout of her place is alot like mine and Caspars, I observe. Ed is still playing strong and I can hear a second voice singing along. If I strain my ear I can hear that the voice is Eilas, and I'm slightly taken aback by how good she is.

I sneak further along the wall and peek over the corner. It takes all my control not to burst out laughing - Eila is in the kitchen belting out the lyrics into a cucumber. I soon can't control myself anymore - I burst out laughing, clutching my sides as I come into her veiw.

"Joe!" She drops the cucumber and looks very startled, her cheeks quickly turning a shade of crimson red. "I'm awfully sorry you had to see that... I didn't even know you were there!" She starts to grin while bending down to retrieve the cucumber.

"Oh, its allright -" I manage to splutter out between fits of laughter, "Although I have to say, you were pretty damn good!"

"Haha, very funny" she retorts, attempting to keep back a chuckle. "I was just making some lunch, want some?"

I look up at her, standing in the kitchen with her eyes on me. I'd forgotten how truly mesmerising she is - Her hair is out, flowing in luscious waves. She's wearing a grey crop top that shows of her mid drift and a cute black skirt.

"Joe...?" She looks at me curiously.

Shit! I'd obviously zoned out while I was admiring her - how bloody embarrasing. "Yeah I'd love too - as long as it's delicious."

Eilas POV

Joe is grinning from ear to ear and I have to admit it looks gorgeous on him. He looks especially hot today - his hair immaculately styled, wearing a singlet that shows off his toned arms and a nice pair of summer shorts. I still have to virtually pinch myself, I just can't believe that this total hottie is in my apartment - the guy I made out with only yesterday!

"I can guarantee it's delicious, but I'm not going to tell you what it is!" I giggle as Joe pulls his mock sad face and plonks down onto one of my kitchen stools.

"I'm sure your a way better cook than Caspar at least. Do you need any help?" Always the gentleman, Joe eyes me expectantly.

"No way, you just sit there and look pretty!" Joe does his signature sexy chuckle and says "That should be your job, you are alot prettier than me."

I stare at him with my mouth open. "Why don't you ask your 2.5million subscribers whether or not your pretty, eh?"

Joe laughs and tells me to get on with cooking. I do as he says and start making my favourite light dish, a caesar salad with many added veges to make it more interesting. Joe goes quiet for a while and I feel his eyes on me as I work - it sends chills up and down my spine.

After a little while I hear Joe clear his throat. "Listen, about that kiss... And then me not wanting to tell Caspar... The truth is, I felt like it happened way too quickly. I wish we had taken it a bit slower, before letting physical attraction take over. You're an amazing girl - I want to actually get to know you." Joe smiles shyly as he confesses all of this to me. My heart melts in my chest at the pure sweetness of his explanation. I honestly can't believe how wonderful he is, inside and out.

"I understand you totally - I agree that the kiss was a little bit forward, but it shows what great chemistry we have, am I right?" I joke around.

"The kiss was amazing - you are amazing." Joe is smiling at me now and my heart can barely handle itself.

"Thank you very much Joe Sugg." I sound slightly breathless and I certainly feel it as I stare into Joe's gorgeous eyes. "Anyway, youre distracting me - I need to get on with lunch!"

"Sure, I'll shut up now." Joe chuckles and goes back to watching me prepare the meal.

A little while later the salad is complete, and I step back to admire it. Joe gets up from the stool and walks behind the counter.

"Looks pretty delicious if you ask me." He is standing close to me and I can almost feel an electric current passing between us. I don't think I've ever felt this attracted to someone.

I turn to face him, a smile curving my lips. "Well, we'll have to see about that."

I quickly grab two plates, one for me and one for Joe. The dining table is slightly cluttered, so I suggest we sit on the couch.

"What do you think of it?" I ask as we begin to tuck in.

"Flipping brilliant." He speaks in a slightly muffled voice because his mouth is packed with salad. I laugh at the way his cheeks are puffed out.

After lunch, Joe and I start talking about anything and everything - I tell him about my sleepy childhood in NZ, and how I'd always hoped to find bigger and better things out there. He tells me all about his life growing up in rural england with his fun loving sister.

"I'm a huge fan of Zoe as well - she helped me so much with my sense of style. Growing up on a farm in NZ didn't help." I laugh as I remember always wearing trackies and gumboots.

"If it weren't for your gumboots where would ya be..." Joe puts on a terrible kiwi accent.

"You'd be sitting in a hospital or infirmary!" I finish, barely able to contain my laughter. "Hey Joe, please do an impression for me?"

Joe chuckles and starts to do a very accurate impression of the joker. I'm utterly amazed at how talented he is.

"You're so bloody good!" I practically shout when he's finished, clapping to reward his performance.

"It's just something I like to do, no biggy." He's so modest and sweet, it makes my heart melt.

I'm so busy admiring his adorableness that I don't realise I've been staring at him for over 5 seconds.

"Eila?" I blink and see his cheeks turn fiery red, the same as mine.

"Oh, I'm really sorry... I just can't believe that your here, in my apartment. Do you know how long I've had a crush on you for?" I smile and keep my eyes on his.

He clears his throat. "Eila, you're beautiful, funny, smart, adorable - everything. I really want to take you out on a date." He looks at me with a shy expression on his face. As if he thinks I'm going to say no.

"I would love too." I flip my hair over my shoulder and give Joe a huge smile. I'm going on a date with Joe Sugg!


Edit: If you are enjoying this story, why not have a look on my profile at my other fanfictions? It would mean the world to me if you would consider checking them out. Happy reading xx

I'm sorry I disappeared for so long, and if you actually read this story and got to the end of chapter 3, I hope you enjoyed this one! I suppose it takes a while for stories like this to get out there, but I hope this one can get noticed a bit more soon :)

Joe is so adorable, I love him to bits. Totally shipping these two <3

Vote and comment please, it really helps :) xx

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