Chapter 64

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Caspar's POV

The air is heavy with the anticipation of rain as I leave through the glass doors of LAX. The sky is quilted with a thick layer of dark clouds that make everything look grey.

I walk out of the airport with nothing but the clothes on my back and a heavy heart. My palms are sweating even now at the thought of what I'm about to do. I never thought I would have the courage to even come here.

But here I am. Standing on the sidewalk as taxis drive by, the humid wind blowing on the side of my face, taunting me with it's constant ebb and flow. Grasped in my hand is some American cash, just enough to pay for a taxi ride.

I wave down one of the taxis and climb inside the vehicle. The driver asks me where I want to go and I say the address without feeling, repeating the sequence of words out loud rather than in my head. She told me where she lived a week before she left - I thought nothing of it at the time, but for some reason I remembered exactly the location she told me.

We start driving and I peer out the window. Buildings, palm trees and an assortment of people fly past, everything blurring together to give one distorted image. I look up at the grey sky once again, sighing as I run my eyes over the threatening clouds.

"There's a storm coming." The driver comments as we turn onto a motorway. I have no idea how long the drive will be but I'm praying it doesn't exceed my capacity.

"Yeah..." I say, not bothering to make conversation with him. He takes the hint and falls back into silence, focusing his eyes on the stretch of tarmac before us.

During the drive I think about only one thing: Laura. How is she going to react when she sees me? Is she going to be cold and tell me to leave, or will she kiss me like I so desperately want to kiss her? My body is aching even now when I think about feeling her skin on mine again after so long. I am literally desperate for her, I don't care if I only get to see her for a minute. That's all I need.

The minutes tick by, and with each one my heart beats faster and my palms get sweatier. I have never been so nervous for anything in my life. Not when I had my first kiss; not when I got my final exams back; not even when I posted my first youtube video. All of that seems meagre and pathetic compared to how I'm feeling now.

"We're here. That'll be 50 dollars thank you." The driver says as we pull up outside a beautiful house shrouded in forest and palm trees. I pay him the money and climb outside, praying that my legs will support me. I stare at the pavement, wondering if I should turn around and leave right now.

I betrayed one of my closest friends and literally ignored my responsibilities to get here so I might as well go through with it.

The taxi speeds away, leaving me standing alone on the sidewalk. There are other large houses on this street however the road is empty. A strong breeze blows my jacket about and causes the towering palm trees to sway. I stare up into the dark grey sky, drawing in a deep breath as I do, trying to mentally prepare myself.

I finally move my feet forward, heading towards the front door of the house. The numbers on the front door taunt me as I come to a stop, and my finger hovers before the doorbell.

I press the button once, hearing the shrill bell ring out through the house. I hold my breath slightly as I listen for sounds of movement, but the only thing I can hear is the constant gusts of wind on the side of the house.

I bite my lip, nervous energy coursing through me. It takes everything in me not to slam my fist on the door, screaming at the top of my lungs for her to come out. The urge is so strong that I have to turn away and walk back out onto the path, beneath the threatening grey skies which look ready to burst. I press the palms of my hands into my eyes, causing a burst of white stars to flit before my eyes.

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