Chapter 37

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I tried not to let my mind linger on Professo- Ted for too long, the prospect wasn't sitting too well with me. That last thing I needed was something like this to complicate my very last week of commerce. I only had one more week of this class - then I would be free of everything it entailed.

As I aimlessly wander out of the lecture hall, I try to convince myself that I am reading into his actions too much - he is just being friendly. I breifly wander what Joe would make of that encounter, and images of him punching Zach in the jaw flash back to me. Perhaps it would be best to just let this one slide rather than telling him...

When I reach the open courtyard of the campus which is surrounded by leafy green trees, I take a seat on the wooden benches provided. I pull out my laptop lazily, intending to plug in my headphones and lose myself in the internet until media club in an hours time. Almost immediately when I boot up my Macbook, thousands of notifications flood in - a combination of twitter, facebook and youtube. The constant hate I was recieving had slipped my mind in the events of this morning, and almost like a tidal wave the pressure came crashing into me once more.

I attempt to trap the building tears of fustration behind my eyes, self conscious with the crowds of students in the courtyard. Instead of dwelling on the ridiculous insults and death threats, I focus on the videos stats - my cover video has almost half a million views due to Joe and Caspars advertising, and it has almost 100k likes which is incredible. Joe's video has almost the same amount of views, however almost half the likes. I gulp down hard - I am still unable to comprehend why people are being so horrible about this entire thing.

One thing that does boost my self confidence is my subscriber count - shockingly it has risen by over 100k since our videos were uploaded. That means I am dangerously close to 500k, which is mindblowing to me.

Although the hate is still getting under my skin, a genuine smile rests on my face at that number. It's something I never dreamed would happen.

"Excuse me? Aren't you Eila... Joe Sugg's girlfriend?" I look up from my laptop screen in complete and utter confusion - my heart is beating in my chest at how surreal this moment is. Two girls around my age are standing in front of me, bedazzled iPhones in hand and tumblr bracelets crowding their wrists. The pair look like they could be teeny boppers at a high school, however they appear to also be clutching a wealth of textbooks to their chests.

The one who spoke has platinum blonde hair which fades out at the roots, and her painted red lips are stretched into a bright smile. I have to literally force myself to function like a normal human being in response to their question - slowly I nod at them both, a small smile on my face.

The brunette who is standing quietly next to the other girl looks like she is about to squeal. "We ship Jeila so hard it's ridiculous. You two are incredible singers!" I almost laugh out loud at how fangirly these girls are. Even though they appear to be in their 20's they really are acting like thirteen year olds. Not that I should judge, I myself am guilty of acting like a crazed teenager in regards to 'famous' people.

"I'm glad you think so!" I say, meaning every word. Amongst all the harsh words it isn't often that I see supportive sugglets, and to hear firsthand from these girls that they support us is such a relief. Even having this one ounce of solid acceptance from two girls out of millions is enough to set my mind at ease for the time being.

"Could we get a selfie please?" They both ask almost in unison, and then break out into a symphony of giggles. I can't help but grin at the antics of these girls, and I gladly agree to the selfie. The feeling is so strange - to be taking pictures with random people I don't even know, when two weeks ago that would never of happened in a million years.

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