Chapter 10

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Joe's POV

The party is banging - all of my best friends are here and it seems everyones having a blast. I'm also feeling overwhelmingly happy - All my friends know about Eila and I.

The more I think about it, I realise how little time it took for us to get together - hell, on the first day we met we even snogged!

I look at Eila who's chatting away with Dan and Phil. She looks absolutely gorgeous tonight - Alfie and Marcus both told me how fit Eila is and that I better not lose her. I hope with all my heart that doesn't happen any time soon.

The night wears on and people are beginning to see the affects of alcohol - Tyler's stumbling around singing one direction, Zoe and Louise keep singing 'Let it Go" at the top of their lungs and Caspar is attempting to break dance.

Throughout the night I've tried to drink moderately - there is no way I want to be drunk in front of Eila. Plus I want to announce the singing video to all of my friends fairly soon.

Eila is dancing crazily with Caspar, Jim and Alfie. I can tell that she's had a few too many but I'm glad that she's having fun tonight. I take a sip of my drink and jump slightly when Zoe comes up behind me suddenly.

"Hey hey Joe! So, you finally got a girlfriend!" Zoe is slightly tipsy, however she's grinning and looks genuinely happy.

"Zoe, you're drunk." I laugh at her, knowing that she's probably only had one or two drinks. That's all it takes for her tiny body.

"So what? I haven't had this much fun in forever!" Zoe then casually leans in and talks quietly. "Are you going to tell theses guys about you singing?" She already knew because I pretty much tell her everything as it happens.

"Yeah, yeah give me a chance. Gonna make an announcement soon." I take another sip of my drink. Eila has now stopped "breakdancing" and is singing along to Happy Little Pill with Troye. Zoe's eyes perk up when she hears the song playing.

"My happy little pill, take me away!" Zoe sings loudly as she runs over to Eila and Troye to join in. Before I know it everyone has circled around Troye and is shouting out the lyrics. To my surprise I see Troyes entire body get lifted up above all the heads with cheers and hoots.

I realize this is a perfect snapchat moment so I film it and add it to my story. Veiws come pouring in, I hope Troye won't get annoyed at me. Oh well, he deserves all this attention - his song is amazing.

I decide that now would be as good a time as any to speak up about our song. I saunter around the mass of cheering bodies and Troyes skinny form jolting up and down.

Now at the front of the room near the TV, I wait for about 30 seconds as the song draws to a close. When it's over everyone carefully lets Troye down, still shouting incoherent praise at him.

"EVERYONE, I HAVE ANOTHER ANNOUNCEMENT!" I shout loudly so my voice carries over the din of chatter and bass from the next song.

Surprisingly, most people stop what their doing, some even trailing off mid sentence. I suppose that's the drink coming through.

"So, you all know Eila?" The response is a deafening chorus of "Yes of course!" and "she's your girlfriend!". Glancing around I see smiles covering everyones faces.

"Well, today she and I filmed an actual, legit singing video. And I want you guys to be the first to see it." I glance over at Eila who looks like she's about to explode from excitement. A breif scan of the rest of the room shows looks of utter surprise and uncontainable excitement also.

"My boy Joe you're finally doing a singing video! Yuuuus!" Troye is fist pumping the air, looking genuinely overjoyed at my announcement.

"I knew you'd be happy Troye. This ones for you!" I grin as I begin to set everything up. After plugging in my Laptop to the TV, everything is ready. The chatter in the room has died down, and everyone seems to be eagerly anticipating this video.

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