Chapter 29

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Joe's POV

I'm so stoked she's decided to do this - with her charisma and charm she will definitely be popular on youtube. She's been saying to me lately that her classes are dull and lack interest - maybe this will be perfect for her, a chance to escape the real world for a while.

"Hurry up!" Caspar says, his lip pouted. We've set up an entire filming area for Eila, one of the bare walls of our flat with a potted plant shoved next to her. Not ideal but it'll have to do for now.

She's touching up her makeup which is already very minimal - she doesn't need to, she is one of the few girls I know who looks stunning with or without it.

"Babe you don't need it." My tummy does a quick flip as she looks up at me, eyes full of life and tongue poking out. Just recently I've started calling her that - it's a foreign but exhilirating feeling. Everytime I say it butterflies cascade into my stomach and I usually become momentarily paralyzed with fear of rejection.

However she always flashes me a blinding smile that immediately eases my fear. She likes it, I'm sure of it.

"Seriously, hurry up." I tease her as she swirls powder over her nose.

"Yeah yeah alright I'm getting there." She grumbles while she puts away her products and takes a seat on the stool we set out for her.

"So... I pretty much just read the questions, and talk...?" She says, worry clouding her features.

"Yeah, just pretend like you're talking to me and Caspar. You'll be brilliant." I smile at her encouragingly and she breathes deeply. We decided to do a QnA for her first video - the questions werent submitted though, we just thought of some random ones for her to answer.

"Joe... Are we going to announce..." She trails of her sentence.

I bite my lip. She's already recieved enough hate - she always tells me that it doesn't worry her, but I can't help but notice the force behind her words when she says that.

"Don't worry about it just yet... I think we should wait for a while longer." This seems to make her happy because the look of nervousness evaporates and she smiles. I guess she was thinking about all the hate she'll inevitably recieve.

"Allright, lets just get on with this please..." says Caspar, mock boredom all over his face.

Eila rolls her eyes and clears her throat. She looks dead into the camera lens and plasters on her most dazzling smile.

I mouth at her, "Go girl!" Followed by a dramatic wink.

"Hey... My names Eila Morrison, and some of you guys may know me from ThatcherJoe's singing video. Well... He and Caspar convinced me to start a youtube channel so... Here I am?" She says, her words flowing so naturally from her mouth - she is nowhere near as awkward as I was. Both Caspar and I jump into the shot and wave while she laughs out loud.

"So today, for my very first video, I'm going to answer some questions for you guys..." She says, grinning as she picks up the list of questions we gave her.

Most of them are outrageous, and Eila makes an excellent job of being witty and hilarious in each one. Most of the time she is filming Caspar and I try desperately not to let our laughter escape by clamping our hands over our mouths.

She answers about 20 questions about herself and other ridiculous things until eventually she waves us into the shot to do an outro.

Caspar and I come into the shot and both drape our arms over her shoulders. She jokingly waves her hand in front of her nose and wrinkles her features. I roll my eyes for effect but my heart is pounding from her closeness.

It's All About You ⌘ Joe Sugg ✓Where stories live. Discover now