Chapter 53

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Still Caspar's POV:

I don't know how long I wondered around the streets of London searching for a place to go, but the time seemed to drag by in a thick fog. The sky was becoming dark when I finally walked into a bar tucked away on a side street.

I am now sitting here on a rickety wooden barstool, my hand curled around a cold, tall glass of beer. I don't usually come to bars such as this one but now I couldn't care less. I lift the glass up to my lips and feel the frothing liquid slide down my throat like a sickening poison. I've lost count how many glasses I've had but all I know is that I feel numb. My vision is nowhere near as sharp as it used to be, and my thoughts are cloudy and disorganised. If I keep going for much longer I don't have any doubts that I won't be able to get home - strangely the thought doesn't phase me in the slightest.

My drink disappears quickly and I feel empty inside just like the tall glass. I thought maybe the fog of alcohol would fill up the abyss inside of me but it seems to have amplified it - the one thought my disorientated mind keeps coming back to is Laura, no matter how much alcohol I pour into myself.

"Another?" The bartender asks me, even though she is already filling up another glass of the same beer. I've been here long enough for her to know what my answer is going to be.

I grunt in approval and she slides another tall, frothing glass in my direction. I don't even want to think about how much money this is costing.

As I gulp down the beer at ridiculous speeds, my mind drifts to my phone tucked away in my pocket. After the beer is downed I clumsily pull out my phone and diall Laura's number, my brain not quite comprehending my actions. It rings and rings until the answer message plays - I get a flash of dejavu to a few hours ago when I tried the same thing, but sober.

The message tone beeps and suddenly slurred words are spilling from my mouth before I can stop them. "L-laura... Laura I love you... Why did you have to leave me? Why can't you just... Come back." I can't organize my thoughts enough to say anything else, however I hang up and slam the phone down on the bar top, my anger and sadness building. People nearby cast judge mental glances in my direction and shuffle in their seats slightly, but they can go fuck themselves for all I care.

I pay my tab reluctantly after shoving the glass back towards the bartender. I then stand up from the stool and almost lose my balance due to the alcohol coursing through my veins. After a few seconds of trying to balance myself, I walk with some stability the exit of this godforsaken bar. I hear old men muttering about me as I walk past them but their words literally bounce off me. I'm too heartbroken to give a shit right now.

When I get outside onto the street the icy cold wind hits me, the frigid temperature creeping into my coat and settling a chill over my bones. I blink a few times, trying to sharpen my vision - but to no avail. Everything remains blurry and unfocused, and I am putting a lot of energy into standing upright. This was a stupid idea right from the beginning.

I pull out my phone and call the only two people in the world who seem to care about me. Joe and Eila.

Eila's POV

"Joe, your phone is ringing!" I shout out as loud as I can. I hear the bathroom door open and a hasty scrambling to get upstairs. When he comes into view I can tell he hopped out the shower to get hear by the towel wrapped around his waist and water cascading from his hair. There is a devastatingly hopeful expression on his face and my breathe catches as I realise it may be Caspar.

He answers his phone and puts it on speaker. It's obviously Caspar judging by the relieved smile on his face. "Caspar! Where are you man?"

There is a short silence on the other end of the line, the only sound being the rushing of traffic and white noise. Until Caspar finally speaks, his tone obviously slurred by alcohol. "Joe... I need you to come and get me... Please."

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