Chapter 63

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"So I hope you guys don't mind, Louise and Alfie are going to be at lunch too." Zoe says cheerily as we pull away from the curb in her sleek black car. The Brighton streets are bustling with people and the pavement is warmed slightly by the autumn sun. There is barely a cloud on this crisp day and it makes me smile.

"We don't mind at all! I would love to see Louise again." I say, but Joe says nothing as we drive through countless streets, weaving between cars and passing a multitude of shops. I glance over at him and it's not a surprise to me that he's staring out the window, his head resting on the glass. I reach out my hand and wrap my fingers around his, desperate for him to return to his cheerful self if not for a little while. My ring is slightly cold from the short walk we had a few minutes ago, and Joe looks to our intertwined hands. He smiles softly and looks at me, his thumb pressing onto the ring.

"We're almost there!" Zoe says after another 10 minutes of driving. I peer out the window and take in our surroundings - we're approaching the pier and Zoe is slowing down next to the curb of a street with many adorable cafes and boutiques.

"Here we are!" Zoe says after she has finally stopped the car. The three of us climb out and Zoe leads the way to a small japanese restaurant that's barely even noticeable amongst the other businesses. "This place is absolutely amazing but hardly anyone knows about it!" She says excitedly as we walk through the little front doors.

The interior decor is certainly amazing, with the countless house plants and paper lanterns scattering the room. It feels like we've stepped straight into the heart of Japan. The restaurant is a quaint size, but the smallness is a part of it's charm. Zoe tells a waitress that we're meeting others here and we are led to a larger table at the back of the room. A smile spreads over my face as I see Louise waving at us from her seat.

"Chummy!" Zoe says as soon as she sees Louise, and I chuckle at their adorable banter. Louise stands up from her chair to embrace us all in a hug one by one. I might be imagining it but it feels like she holds onto me for extra long.

"How's my little Joseph?" Louise says affectionately as she ruffles Joe's hair. Joe grins and shakes his head in attempt to move away from her touch.

"I'm just fine!" He says, sitting down in a chair next to me. Louise and Zoe take another two and now there is only one spot left for Alfie when he arrives.

"So where's baby glitter today?" I say, looking around for the curly haired bundle of cuteness.

"She's actually having some daddy time today, who knows what Matt and her are getting up to!" Louise says cheerily. Louise never fails to cheer me up with her constantly optimistic attitude. Sometimes I wish some if her brightness would rub off on me.

Alfie arrives a few minutes later, giving all of us one of his famously good hugs. I notice out of the corner of my eye that Joe is smiling more frequently as we make conversation, his entire demeanor just looks happier than it did when we arrived.

We all order our food from an extensive and impressive menu. I go for a simple but classic choice of chicken teriyaki rice, while Joe goes for a noodle soup of Zoe's recommendation.

"This better be good Zo." Joe warns after he tells the waiter his order. Zoe grins and nods vigorously, her eyebrows raised to emphasize her point further. She's probably telling the truth seeing as she ordered the same thing for herself.

We all make happy small talk, our conversations light and carefree. It's such a relief compared to the passionate shouting matches I've been witnessing lately, and it's nice to laugh weightlessly for a change. Our food is delicious, as promised, and I have to stop myself from physically inhaling the tender chicken and sticky rice.

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