Chapter 24

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Eila's POV

I only recieved Joe's text a few minutes ago - and the minute I finished reading it I threw on some loose track pants and a crop top, a messy bun on my head. I didn't even look at myself in the mirror. Don't judge me, I'd only just woken up.

I'm now at their door once again, waiting to be let inside. They should just give me a key, honestly. Joe opens the door and smiles when he sees me. Before he does anything though, his eyes rake over my body - they look like their about to bulge out of his head.

"I know, I know, I look a right state. I just wanted to get here quickly." I'm starting to immediately regret my decision to do nothing as I watch Joe continue to gape at me.

When he hears me say this he frowns. "I'm not shocked at how bad you look - I'm shocked at how... Sexy you look." He's turned red, like he always does. He himself looks like sex... He had to answer the door in nothing but pajama bottoms.

I roll my eyes and push past him to get into the apartment. He isn't having any of it - he grabs me by the waist and spins me around to face him. After a breif kiss and a tight hug he lets me go into the lounge.

I nod at Caspar and give him a small reasurring smile. He grins back at me and to my surprise, comes over to give me a big hug. When he lets me down I notice Joe watching intently. There is nothing he needs to worry about - Caspar is and will only ever be a friend to me.

I go to sit down at the dining room table next to where Joe was sitting with his laptop. He sits back down next to me and claps his palms together.

"Lets get this show on the road."

I lean back in my chair and watch as Joe goes through the mechanics of uploading. Caspar and Joe have really fast internet In their apartment so a video of about 6 minutes takes about 30 minutes to upload.

While we wait Joe fills out the description box. "Do you want all your details on here?" He asks me, his hand poised over the keyboard.

"Just put my twitter and instagram please." I ask almost politely. Joe turns around and smirks at me.

"Well since you asked nicely..." He teases while I give him a playful whack on his toned arm. He is still shirtless and it's proving to be a very distracting thing to me.

About 10 minutes before the video is due to be up Joe sends out a tweet to his following. "New video in ten - you lot are going to love this one." Instantly favourites and retweets come pouring in, alot of them saying "SINGING VIDEO" in all caps.

"I think they're onto something." Caspar jokes, his own video uploading from his laptop.

Joe doesn't reply - he is too busy biting his nails and fidgeting in his seat. I reach over and drape my arm around his shoulder to calm him down.

Another agonizingly slow five minutes passes and the video is finally up. I can't help myself - I get up from my chair and squeal in excitement. I pull Joe up with me and even manage to get a grin out of him.

"It's up! People are watching you sing right now!" I say excitedly. I can't wait to see peoples reactions to this.


The internet is blowing up - literally. When Joe logs onto twitter an hour after the upload he is bombarded with tweets about our singing. So many people are saying incredible things about the video - "Joe, you're amazing and so is Eila. I loved it!" I read one out of the hundreds pouring in. I feel absolutely giddy with excitement.

"This is insane. I've never had this kind of response to a video before..." Joe says while he looks through the comments. There are so many people saying how beautiful his voice is and already the video has over 15 000 likes... In an hour!

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