Chapter 7

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Joe's POV

Holy shit. I honestly think I'm falling for this girl - after one date we became so connected, it was almost effortless.

I was telling her the truth when I said I had never sung like that in front of anyone. She just made me feel so open and comfortable, I just let it go. No 'Frozen' pun intended.

Although she's said in the past that she's a total fangirl, she never acts like it. Always so cool and collected, yet crazy and fun.

I open our apartment door and for some reason have an insane urge to do the classic 'flop on the couch and sigh' moment. But if Caspar saw he'd never let me live it down.

"JOOOOOOOEEEE!" Caspars south african voice rings out from downstairs, making me chuckle.

"CAAAAAAAAAASSSS!" I call back enthusiastically. "WHAT ARE YA DOOOIINNNGG"

"COMING UP NOW!" Caspars voice seems to be getting closer and suddenly he emerges from the stairway.

"Hey buddy, hows it going?" I say as he gives me a handshake and slap on the back.

"Good - but I wanna know about you're date! How was it, eh?" He's waggling his eyebrows so much that I'm afraid his face muscles will cramp.

"Bloody brilliant, in the words of Ron Weasley himself." I joke, putting on a decent Ron accent.

"For god sakes Joe, I can't even ask you a question without you doing something fricking talented." Caspar says in a tone of mock admiration.

"Nah, seriously mate it was amazing. Like, I'm talking best date of my life." I try not to make myself sound dazed and sappy - however I know I'm failing.

"VOMIT!" Caspar jokes as I shove him in the chest.

"I've got to edit some gaming videos, that's gonna take me hours. So it's don't-disturb-joe time, right mate?" I look him in the eyes to make sure it sinks in.

"Yeah, yeah I know. I'm just watching some Zoella." He winks cheekily and I make a huge point of rolling my eyes at him.

"Go on, piss off and get back to fancying my sister. That's the real VOMIT." I start towards the stairs and make my way to my room. Time to do some serious editing.

Four hours later and I've edited a whole series of videos. My eyes are blurry, hands cramping and neck incredibly stiff. It's the only downfall of my job - which is otherwise my favorite thing in the world. The sufferings of youtubers may seem tiny and it's probably true that they are, however they take a big toll on me. The time is midnight and I got so caught up in editing that I didn't really have a proper dinner.

After shoveling some left over stir fry in my mouth, I stumble back to my room and flop onto my soft bed spread.

"Goodnight Cas!" I call out.

"Night Joe..." Caspars already in bed and his voice sounds muffled. As I drift into nothingness, Eilas face is in the backdrop of my mind. It truly was an incredible day  today - hopefully tomorrow can be just as great.

Opening my eyes groggily, I wake up to a steady stream of sun shining in my face. I bloody love summer in England. After stretching and putting off leaving bed for a while, I finally swing my legs over and stand up.

To my surprise I've woken up at a fairly decent time - 9:00. This will give me some time to upload some videos and other things.

Checking my phone, I suddenly realise what today is - Saturday! All the youtubers are gonna be here tonight, Tyler and Troye included!

I feel a buzz of excitement and anticipation for the party. It's not often that we get together but when we do, shit goes down.

I can already hear Caspar upstairs banging away in the kitchen. I trudge up the stairs and enter the lounge to the smell of pancakes.

"Aw thanks man, just what I felt like!" There's a plate on the counter piled high with steaming pancakes.

"Oh, that's all for me." Caspar puts on a serious face, even though he looks too tired for it to work.

"Oh yeah right." I grab a plate and pile some on. There's also an array for toppings laid out on the counter such as: maple syrup, strawberries, whipped cream, blue berries, ice cream and banana. I pile it all on and I have to say, my stack looks delicious.

"You're making breakfast tomorrow!" Caspar says almost incoherently, his mouth stuffed with pancake.

"Yeah, yeah I know the drill." I go to sit down at the table where my laptop is. As I eat I go through all my social media and I see some tweets from the crew. Marcus says: "Party tonight at Joe and Caspars. Can't wait!!" Alfie and Jim both say something similar and a grin spreads across my face as I read tylers tweet. "Party with the brits - fuck yeah!" followed by 10 different emojis. Tonights gonna be awesome.

"Hey Cas, you know what tonight is?" I say as Caspar sits down on the opposite end of the table.

"Youtube party!" He says, honey dribbling down his chin.

I roll my eyes. "We needa make this place comfortable - more bean bags, lots and lots of food, alcohol, and make sure the wifi password is off. It's a good thing we have unlimited internet this month..."

"Sure thing. You know they're only coming at 7?" Caspar says.

"Yeah I know, so I have to get some stuff done before they come. Did I tell you I'm filming a video with Eila?" I say hesitantly, looking up from my pancakes.

"Aw man, I was gonna ask her. What are you gonna do? Whispers? Innuendo Bingo? QnA?"

"You still can. No, we're actually going to... Do a singing video. Like a proper, actual singing video." I gulp slightly - it makes it more real saying it out loud.

Caspar swallows his mouthful and drops his jaw. "Joe Sugg, I never thought I'd see the day. Are you kidding? No way..." Caspar looks shocked.

"Why not? People always say I'm good, and yesterday Eila and I just started singing together and it souded amazing."

"I'm not surprised, but it's just that you've never ever considered doing a singing video." Caspar still looks incredulous.

"I know, I know. I think she just... Brought it out of me. And... I think I'm going to put it on my main channel." I fiddle with my fork and stab a piece of pancake repeatedly.

"Joe you're viewers are going to go INSANE." Caspar looks quite excited now. "You need to let me help you do this."

I feel relief wash over me as I was hoping that Caspar would offer. "You can auto tune if it ends up sounding crap!" I smile, reaching over to pat him on the back.

"Count me in!" Caspars finished his pancakes and has stood up from the table. "Are you gonna ask her to come round soon?"

I ruffle my hair and look down at my clothes. I'm shirtless and wearing some grey trackpants - my pajamas. "I better brush myself up a bit first." I say jokingly as I push my chair out and walk to the kitchen, plate in hand.

"Typical!" Caspar scoffs cheekily, and I ignore him as I make my way to the bathroom.

About an hour later I'm fit for the human eye to see - I've had a shower, spent ages styling my hair and changed into some decent clothes. I open snapchat and search for Eilas name. Pulling a stupid face, I take a quick snap and write - Come over?

Soon enough she replies and it's her laying in bed, eyes closed and covers ruffled up. She looks gorgeous like that - no makeup and still. In the caption she writes: Sure, I'll be there soon ;)

I chuckle and head over to Caspar, who's gaming on the couch. He joins me for a crazy selfie and I write: Can't wait!

Even though I'm itching to see her and can't sit still, I join Caspar for a game of Fifa. As usual, we get really competitive and he almost beats me, however I'm the best and end up coming on top. "The mighty Joe Sugg strikes again!" I shout triumphantly as the final goal is scored. Caspar is pouting with his arms crossed - he looks like a schoolboy.

Before he can insult me and possibly tackle me on the sofa, the doorbell rings out. I look at my phone and realise half an hour has passed since I snapped Eila - she must be here!


A bit more Jaspar action! And Joe is doing a singing video, I wish this would happen in real life ;_;

The parties coming up and shits gon go down! 

Look out for the next chapter, it's a good'un (as Joe would say)

As always, vote comment follow it helps a million! xx

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