Chapter 15

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I leave Caspar and Joe's apartment positively glowing after an amazing afternoon with Joe. We didn't really do much - just talked idly about ridiculous things like "Why do they not make heated socks?" and the importance of eating chocolate regularly. I love that I can have an in depth conversation with him about stupid things that make no sense.

The rest of the time we spent watching Vampire Diaries. A few times while we were lounging on the couch I had insane urges to throw myself on him and crush his lips to mine - I decided that was the hormones speaking. When I said I wanted to take this slow I really meant it. Still, it was hard to restrain myself when his toned arm was squeezing me at the waist and he was in such close proximity.

When I'm back in my own apartment a little after 7:00 (I needed some dinner, allright?) I open up my backpack. At the lecture today we were given our first assignment - of course it had to be an essay, one of those 'open-ended' ones. The question was 'How does Commerce affect the world we live in?' The minimum requirement was 3000 words. Great. I guess I'm going to have to crack on if I want to get this done on time.

Joe's POV

"Joe, I feel like doing something tonight..." Caspar says as he slouches into the lounge, no doubt expecting some dinner.

I groan. My body is still tingling slightly from Eila and her closeness. God, it took all my control not to think about... things while she was here. I think this whole lustfulness has just come about with us - sure it was there in the beginning, but now it feels stronger.

"Sure mate, what do you want to do?" I ask.

"We haven't been out much lately, like clubbing." He says lazily as he raids the fridge.

"Cas we don't usually go clubbing on a Monday night. We could go see that movie?" I suggest. He is my best mate and no matter what we do together we always have a blast.

"Yeah, we could. I feel like a buzz though." When he says that I know he is talking about alcohol. We don't usually drink much, just enough to make things more fun. 

"Cas, cmon it's monday night. We can go clubbing this weekend with Eila." I say hurredly. I didn't realise I'd brought her into it until it was too late.

"Well yeah... But I thought we could have a lads night out." The way he says lad in a south african accent almost cracks me up. I'm glad he isn't suggesting we don't go out with Eila at all. Now that I think about it, it does feel like ages since I went out clubbing.

"Fine then, we'll go. But I am not getting shitfaced tonight. We're just gonna do a bit of dancing." I think about texting Eila to ask if she can come, but I know she has alot on her plate with the whole first day of uni situation.

Caspar and I get ready to go in less than an hour - the convinience of being a male. I went for my usual clubbing attire - A loose white tshirt and my go to skinny jeans. I was being serious when I said I didn't want to get wasted. If I see Eila tomorrow I don't want to have a hangover.

We catch the tube to the nearest club. Even though it's Monday night the place still looks packed out. From inside the bass is blasting as hundreds of people meld together in a sweaty mass of bodies. The line outside is decent, so we aren't waiting for too long. Thankfully nobody recognises us, which is understandable since most of my veiwers are teenagers.

When we get in everything hits me - the pulsating lights, the thumping bass that drowns out every coherent thought and the swirling mass of people grinding on one another. I enjoy clubbing - it's a way for me to drown out the world and focus only on the moment I'm in, losing myself in the music with hundreds of other around me.

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